Mrs. Benson
English IV, AP Literature
Goal: The purpose of 12th grade English is to prepare students for college whether each student’s personal plans include that path or not. Therefore, all requirements will be set at a college preparatory level. Be aware that all tests, daily sheets, essays, etc. will be graded for accuracy as well as grammatical and punctuation errors. A dictionary and thesaurus are encouraged for optimal success in this class. A class syllabus will be provided for novel readings. Be prepared when you come to class each day with your text and/or novel.
In addition to a regular English curriculum, AP Literature requires additional expectations in order for optimal scoring on the AP test as well as advanced college preparation. Please adhere to the following additional expectations: complete all assigned reading and writing by due dates, participate in an intellectually engaging approach to material while seeking a better understanding, fully participate in class discussions as both an active listener and active speaker, respect a variety of viewpoints with literary interpretations, continually strive to improve skills in reading demanding literature and analyzing literature in both timed and out of class essays, participate in various AP practice exams throughout the semester, and take the AP Literature and Composition exam in May 2014. **Students who do not take the AP Literature exam will not get the AP weight; this is board policy.
Supply List
1. 3 ring binder with dividers. Dividers will separate your DOL’s, grammar sheets, and handouts.
2. highlighters
3. novels – see book list
4. blue or black (only) pens or pencils (No formal papers/assignments will be accepted in pencil.)
5. 4x6 note cards
6. jump drive for saving papers/Dropbox account
7. composition book
Novel/Supplemental Reading List
Regular English IV
Frankenstein Mary Shelley
A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen
1984 George Orwell
The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka
AP Literature
Frankenstein Mary Shelley
A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen
The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka
The Stranger Albert Camus
Hamlet William Shakespeare
1984 George Orwell
All papers or essays will follow the MLA format, therefore each will be typed and double spaced and will contain the following heading. You never have to ask; follow these guidelines for any paper. Only handouts and daily work will be accepted handwritten. All formal papers will be typed in college; therefore, you need to become accustomed to that this year.
Top left hand side of paper…
Your name (First Last)
My name (Mrs. Benson)
Class/Assignment (English IV/Macbeth Character Analysis)
Date (18 October 2015)
*Deviation from this format will not be given full credit.
**I generally do not accept papers through email. Too many programs will not open on my computer.
Be sure to complete your assignments in enough time to turn in a hard copy.
Grades for English IV and AP Literature will be calculated using the following scale. This scale is a department wide scale and is not an individually set up grading system.
English IV AP Literature
Tests 40% Tests/Writing/Projects 60%
Homework/Quizzes 15% Homework/Classwork/Quizzes 10%
Projects/Writing 25% Reflective Writing/Journals 10%
Exam (9weeks) 20% Exam (9weeks) 20%
(All students will take the 1st 9 weeks exam. Exemptions will only apply to the final 9 weeks exam.)
Also, the grading scale for the 2013-14 school year and will be as follows:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 65-69
F below 65
Make-Up Work
Students are allowed as many days missed to make up any work missed due to an absence, i.e. one day missed, one day to make up work up to 5 days unless extenuating circumstances exist and are granted special extensions. However, any absence during a long term assignment, i.e. syllabus assignments, group project, paper, etc., without a doctor’s note is still subject to late deductions, i.e. 10 points per day late up to 3 days late, as well as the student being expected to take any syllabus assigned test or turn in the syllabus assignment on the first day of returning from an absence. After the allotted days, no make-up work will be accepted including unit tests/papers/projects and bellringer grades. Also note: if you miss a test review day and/or the test day you will be expected to take the test on the day that you return to school. Should additional time to prepare for the test be requested and approved, a make up test will be given in place of the original test. Additional questions are referred to the DCHS handbook and the posted make up policy.
Progress Reports
All of my students will receive a progress report half way through each 9 weeks period. I ask that each progress report be returned to me signed by a parent (10 points extra credit added to a test grade). Any D or F progress report that is not returned signed will result in a call home to the parent.
“Office” Hours
Because my class is college preparatory I offer privileges that mirror those on a college campus. My office hours will be 7:30 – 4:00 (every day except Monday and Fridays) for the convenience of my students. Since my workday will not end until 4:00 pm, no assignment will be considered late until after that time. The hours of 2:45 – 4:00 may also be used for additional instruction time and/or one on one conferencing. The extended hours privilege is simply that – a privilege, not a right. Do not rely on the extended time for assignment turn- in as emergencies do occur. Be sure to come to class prepared with assignments when due. Assignments will be accepted up to 3 days late with a 10 point deduction per day; beyond the 3rd day, the assignment will receive a O.
Taking and scoring well on the ACT is a vital part of a student’s 11th and 12th grade year in high school. I encourage all students to take any study sessions available to help with this test as well as offering help with studying, registering, and practice testing within my class. The following ACT list gives all testing dates as well as the registration deadlines. All students are encouraged to take the ACT at least 3 times in order for optimal scoring potential. Scholarship money is awarded for high ACT scores. GET REGISTERED AND TAKE THE ACT ASAP! If you have not taken the ACT at all, please see me ASAP. Also, a copy of your admission ticket or your score sheet will result in one extra credit assignment grade of 100 for each time you take the ACT up to 2 grades maximum per 9 weeks.
Test Date / RegistrationDeadline / (Late Fee Required)September 9, 2017 August 4, 2017 August 5-18, 2017
October 28, 2017 September 22, 2017 September 23-October 6, 2017
December 9, 2017 November 3, 2017 November 4-17, 2017
February 10, 2018* January 12, 2018 January 13-19, 2018
April 14, 2018 March 9, 2018 March 10-23, 2018
June 9, 2018 May 4, 2018 May 5-18, 2018
**Keep in mind that most scholarship money is awarded by April 15. Do not wait until the last minute to register and take the ACT.
***If there is a financial reason for not taking the ACT, please make an appointment to come see me!
Extra Credit
Extra credit in English IV/AP Literature may be earned in several ways. Article summary assignments may be completed as well as ACT participation. The information sheets are posted in the room along with the requirements and due dates. Students may also earn extra credit for getting papers signed as well as for random assignments and other activities as deemed appropriate by the teacher.
Parent Information
DeSoto Central High School used Parent Connect in the past to help parents keep up to date on their child’s progress at a faster rate. However, this year we have made a switch to Parent Portal. This is a web based program that will allow parents better, more in depth access to their child/children’s grades, absences, and discipline records. (Parents may pick up a password for program access during Open House on August 14th. Just like Parent Connect, parents must show a photo id to receive a password.) Grades, discipline, and attendance can be viewed immediately upon a parent’s signing in with Parent Portal, as well as signing up for emailed progress reports. Daily student information will post immediately, but each class may differ in posting time due to grading time required. While most course grades can be posted in Parent Portal within a week of the due date, English is the exception in some cases. Due to the high volume of papers and essay question tests, posting some grades may take up to 14 days. Also, research papers will take approximately 6 weeks to grade and post. Make up work will be graded and posted only twice during a 9 weeks period – one week prior to progress report time and one week prior to 9 weeks testing time. Please note that all due dates and assignments posted on Parent Portal are “target” dates and assignments. All dates and assignments are subject to change in order to meet the needs of my students. If at anytime you have a question about anything please feel free to call me at 662-536-3612, ext 311 or email me at . (I check my email daily and can respond to your emails quite promptly. I also check my voice mail daily; however, I will return phone calls on Tuesdays and Fridays only during the hours of 2:30 – 4:00 unless a situation requires otherwise.) My job is to make your child have the most successful semester possible in 12th grade English. My door is always open to the students as well as the parents. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.
Contact Information
Amy Benson
2911 Central Parkway, Southaven, MS 38672
662-536-3612, ext. 311