Invited Lecturers in Rheumatology at UCSD and LJI (2014-mid-2017):

1. UCSD Zvaifler Lectureship and Visiting Professorship:

Fifth Annual Nathan J. Zvaifler Rheumatology Lecture - 2014
Arthur Weiss, MD, PhD
Ephraim P. Engleman Distinguished Professor
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UC San Francisco

Title of talk: “Normal and pathologic T cell antigen receptor signaling in humans and mice”

Sixth Annual Nathan J. Zvaifler Rheumatology Lecture - 2015
Lindsey A. Criswell, MD, MPH
Chief, Division of Rheumatology
UC San Francisco

Title of talk: Refining genotype-phenotype associations in systemic lupus erythematosus".

Seventh Annual Nathan J. Zvaifler Rheumatology Lecture – May 2017
Mary K. Crow, MD.
Chair, Department of Medicine
Benjamin M. Rosen Chair in Immunology and Inflammation Research
Hospital for Special Surgery

Title of talk: Interferon and SLE, found in translation

Eighth Annual Nathan J. Zvaifler Rheumatology Lecture – 2018 (date to be determined)

Marianna J Kapla, MD

Chief of the Systemic Autoimmunity Branch



2014-17 Other visiting lecturers and professorships to UCSD and LJI Rheumatology and Immunology:

Jorg Goronzy, Stanford 1/15/14 Immune senescence and RA

Shuman Fu, U VA 10/14 Frontiers of autoimmunity

Erik Peterson, U Minnesota 12/14 Molecular foundation of autoimmunity

Jim O’Dell, U Nebraska 5/15 New perspectives on DMARD and biologic therapy for RA

Christopher Buckley, U of Birmingham, UK 10/15 The role of stromal cells in chronic inflammation

Tony Merriman, U of Otago, New Zealand 11/15 Unique gene-environment interactions in rheumatic diseases

Gregg Silverman, NYU 7/16 The microbiome in SLE

Jane Buckner, Benaroya Institute UW 4/16 How autoreactive T and B cells escape regulation

Bill Robinson, Stanford 9/16 Array technologies for RA

Soumya Raychaudhuri, Harvard 12/16 Bioinformatics in autoimmune disease