CEG 795: Water Resources Modeling and GIS

Spring 2006


As described in the class syllabus, your final assessment in this course will be based on a design project presented the last week of class. The report is due on the day of the final (See below for deadlines).

The topic of the project is open ended; however, it should relate to topics we have covered in the course. More specifically, you will need to select a topic that fits in with any of the GIS topics/models we have been using in the class. You will need to obtain relevant GIS data for the project, identify the overall goals, and perform the necessary analysis to accomplish the goals. Examples could include (be not limited to):

  • Utilizing ArcGIS features (e.g., raster calculator) to conduct a water resources study such as a water balance or other calculations for a particular area.
  • Development of a HydroNetwork using ArcHydroTools for a specific situation (e.g., development of a watershed study, development of a water distribution model).
  • Obtaining detailed topographic data and utilizing the data for hydraulic modeling using HEC GEO-RAS and HEC-RAS (ArcView)
  • Utilizing GIS data in AGWA (or from other sources) to perform hydrologic studies assessing changes in land surface.
  • Utilizing advanced features that we did not get a chance to use in any of the models that we have work with in class and homework.
  • Others…..


The final report should include all of the relevant information you would include in a technical report such as, appropriate citations, discussion of scientific literature, discussion of relevant methodologies, calculations, and figures/drawings. The report should have approximately 7-10 pages of text (1 ½ spacing) plus additional figures, etc..


The presentation should be made in PowerPoint and should be approximately 15 minutes long. You are responsible for given sufficient background. Please be prepared to answer questions on the technical aspects of the study. The response “I am not sure how that was done” is not acceptable.


  1. March 29, 2006: A one paragraph description of the study that you have selected for your project. Please be prepared to discuss the progress you have made on your project at this time.
  2. May 1 and 3: Project presentation using PowerPoint

(5% of total course grade)

May 8, 2006: Final Report (25% of total course grade)