Taylor Hill, Cawthorne

Barnsley, South Yorkshire

S75 4HB

Cawthorne Children’s Centre

Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

The safety of young children and adults is of paramount importance at all times. Through our day to day practices we promotehealthy lifestyles and maintain a high standard of safety, cleanliness and hygiene.

All staff are aware of their responsibilities with regard to Health and Safety, they ensure that they take reasonable care of their own and other peoples Health and Safety. They must adhere at all times to the centres Policies and Procedures and any guidance given that informs them of how to keep themselves and the children safe.

Sarah Baker, the Childcare Manager and Carol Hill, the Business Manager take lead responsibility for Health and Safety issues.

In order to ensure the safety of children, their families, staff, students, volunteers and visitors theteam will ensure the following:

The Environment

In the foyer,our Health and Safety board and other areas of the centre display relevant Health and Safety information relating to the general running of the centre. This includes:-

  • The General Risk Assessment for the centre.
  • The Health and Safety Law Poster-(What you need to Know).
  • Current First Aiders.
  • Health Protection Unit contact details.
  • Information relating to infectious diseases.
  • Employers Liability Insurance.
  • Safety checks are undertaken on the premises, both outdoors and indoors. The toys, equipment, furniture, resources and any items in which a child comes into contact with are subject to daily checks prior to, during and at the end of each session.
  • Risk Assessments are in place for each room/area of the service, outdoors, trips/events and for the general hazards that children, adults and staff may come into contact with when on the premises. All risk assessments are shared with staff and they are updated at least annually or sooner if any changes occur or the need arises. Current Risk Assessments are in each room in their Health and Safety file and copies are also kept in the main office in the whole centres Health and Safety file.
  • Children’s individual risk assessments will be carried out for specific health or behavioural needs.
  • Daily Checks are made in the garden area to check for hazards such as animal faeces, sharps, glass and poisonous/dangerous plants etc. Any standing, collected water is removed of and the area disinfected with anti bacterial agent.
  • Public space used for outdoor play/activities will be checked for hazards, prior to children having access.
  • Equipment will be checked regularly (daily visual checks) and any dangerous, unsuitable or broken itemsare removed from use and items are either fully repaired/discarded.
  • Large equipment will be erected with care, following the manufacturers’ instructions.
  • Equipment offered to children will be developmentally appropriate, recognising that materials suitable for an older child may pose a risk to younger/less mature children.
  • During the daily sessions staff are aware of the need to keep the learning environment safe and free from hazards in order to minimise slips trips and falls, for example water from the water tray is mopped regularly and sand is swept up.
  • Weather - In the icy or snowy weather we endeavour to keep the walk ways free by the use of grit. In the summer/warmer months we ensure that children are not exposed to sunlight for too long and are kept shaded and are well protected by appropriate sun cream. (See Sun Protection Policy)
  • All dangerous materials, including medicines and cleaning materials, will be stored out of reach of children, either in the locked utility room, kitchen or in the non-portable medicine cabinet. (See risk assessments and managing medicines policy).
  • No hot drinks are allowed in the nursery rooms or outdoors where children are present.

Reporting hazards

All staff are aware of their responsibilities in relation to reporting any hazards or faulty equipment in and around the centre. They are encouraged to report any hazards or potential hazards to the management team immediately. These responsibilities are discussed with them during the induction period and through team meetings as Health and Safety is a standing agenda item.


  • There are adequate systems and equipment for the detection and control of fire (See Fire Risk Assessment, Fire Log book and Fire evacuation Policy/Procedures).
  • The fire alarm sounders are checked weekly by the centre’s fire officers to ensure they are in good working order and on an annual basis byan approved fire safety company.
  • Fire doors will never be obstructed, fire exits will be easily identifiable and exit walkways are kept free from obstructions. These areas are checked on a weekly basis by the centre’s fire safety officers and the fire doors are checked on an annual basis by an approved fire safety company.
  • Fire extinguishers are checked on a monthly basis by the centres fire officers and on an annual basis by an approved fire safety company.
  • The emergency lighting is checked by the centre’s fire safety officers on a monthly basis and bi-annually byan approved fire safety company.
  • Records will be kept of any checks by the Fire Safety Officer and also of fire drills and servicing of fire safety equipment. Any recommendations by the Fire Officer will be carried out.
  • Regular practice fire drills will be carried out with all the children approximately every 8 weeks. We aim to initiate fire drills at different times and days to ensure that we include all the children within our care.
  • Staff sign in and out of the building and this information is taken with the management during a fire drill/alarm.
  • Children are signed in and out of the building and the registers with this information on are taken out with the staff as part of the Fire drill/alarm procedures.
  • Emergency contact sheets are kept up to date and taken outside with each room during a fire drill/alarm.
  • An emergency evacuation box is taken outside during a fire drill/alarm. This includes first aid provision, blankets, emergency shelter arrangements, mobile phone, nappies and toys.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are carried out by the Childcare manager who holds a level 3 award for Risk Assessments-principles and practice, all are written in consultation with staff. Any potential hazards posing risks to children and adults are assessed and controls are put in place to minimise the dangers and prevent harm. Risk assessments are carried out for all areas of the centre, any specific activities and for all potential hazards children and adults may come into contact with, including toys, equipment, natural materials, furniture, chemicals, kitchen appliances, electricity etc. Risk assessments are also carried out for any trips, events or outings as necessary. These are done in conjunction where possible with the venues own risk assessments and through prior visits to look at and assess the potential hazards.

All risk assessments are carried out in consultation with staff and the final risk assessment is shared with staff, the room risk assessments are then kept in the rooms and they are used to inform good practice and daily Health and Safety checks. Risk Assessments are updated at least annually or sooner if any changes occur or the need arises.

COSHH (The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations)

Chemicals are widely used for a variety of processes in office work and cleaning, and some are extremely hazardous. To comply with these regulations a list will be kept in the Health and Safety file of all hazardous or potentially hazardous substances that are used in the centre. The product data sheets will be obtained where possible.

In addition to chemicals, all body fluids are to be treated as substances hazardous to health and will be carefully dealt with using protective gloves and materials that can be safely disposed of.

Any person(s) using such chemicals must observe the following guidelines:

  • all substances, which are included on the COSHH list, including bleach and general household chemicals, are to be stored in a safe place preferably under lock and key (In the cleaning/utility cupboard)
  • all hazardous substances e.g. bleach, solvents, glues containing solvents are to be used with care;
  • always read the label before use and follow the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • avoid inhalation, ingestion and skin contact of all chemical substances;
  • always wear the appropriate protective clothing e.g. gloves etc;
  • products must never be mixed as this could give rise to hazardous by-products e.g. bleach will give off chlorine gas if mixed with an acidic cleanser such as Harpic;

In the interests of Health and Safety, substances hazardous to health should only be used if there is no less harmful or harmless alternative.

PAT Testing

  • All electrical equipment and electric points are checked annually by fully trained and competent persons.

Cleaning and Clearing

We use the South Yorkshire Health Protection unit advice manual for nurseries and schools ‘The Management and Control of Infectious Diseases’ to guide our practice in relation to the prevention and control of infection.

  • A high standard of cleaning should be achieved in all areas, especially food preparation and dining areas, toilets and bathing/changing facilities, or where children are playing on the floor or ground. Staff adhere to daily Health and Safety checklists that include the cleaning of all areas and resources.
  • Sand pits situated in the in and outdoor areas are cleaned regularly and the outdoor sand pit is covered at all times when not in use. The water trays are cleaned with anti bacterial cleaning fluid/spray daily, when emptying the water trays at the end of each session.
  • A cleaning rota is in place for the cleaning of resources/toys such as dressing up clothes, boxes of bricks, furnishings etc. Toys are cleaned at least once per month and more often where children/babies use the toys more frequently i.e. teething resources.
  • Separate colour coded cleaning equipment (cloths, mops) are used for snack area (food preparation), toilet area, changing mat area and general areas i.e. painting.
  • Toilet/changing areas are cleaned throughout the day following a cleaning rota that is in place specifically for those areas.
  • Snack and food eating areas (Tables) are cleaned with anti-bacterial agent prior to and after use for meals/snacks.
  • Babies and younger children’s feeding equipment including bottles are cleaned and then sterilised using the microwave steamer or cold water sterilisation system.
  • Dummies are run under boiled water if they are dropped on the floor.

Spillages of Blood, Body Fluids and Excreta

We use the South Yorkshire Health Protection unit advice manual for nurseries and schools ‘The Management and Control of Infectious Diseases’ to guide our practice in relation to the prevention and control of infection.

  • Spillages of blood and bodily products such as vomit, urine and excreta etc will be cleaned up as quickly as possible but in a safe and healthy manner. Until the spill has been effectively dealt with, other persons will be kept well away.
  • Disposable gloves and cloths must be used for dealing with spillages of blood, body fluids and excreta, these items should then be disposed of in the toilet or in plastic refuge bags/sacks/nappy bags.
  • Disposable aprons and gloves must be worn at all times during the changing, cleaning of bodily fluids and then disposed of appropriately.
  • Nappies are disposed of into an individual nappy sack and then transferred into a yellow waste bag and disposed of into the main bin at the end of each session/day.


  • Daily registers and records are kept of children who are in attendance each day. We log reasons for absence.
  • All of the outdoor space/play areas are securely fenced with entry and exit gates that have adult height locks or are double locked from both sides. In the event that an unknown person tries to enter these gates from beyond the centre’s boundaries a member of staff will stop them explaining that they are prohibited from entering this area. If the children are in the outdoor area at the time and they do not respond then children will be immediately removed from the area and taken inside in a safe and calm manner. A member of staff will inform a manager and the matter will be dealt with immediately. In any event where the intruder will not adhere to leaving the premises then the police will be contacted immediately.
  • The main building external door is locked at all times and the door will only be opened when we know who the adult/person is wanting access to the centre. Children and their parents are encouraged to not open or allow children to open the door. Regular reminders and safety notices are in place to discourage this.
  • Visitor’s identity will be checked by asking for ID cards/business cards, checking uniforms, appropriate correspondence and the reason for the visit. In the event that we are not satisfied of their intentions we will ring the company/organisation from where they came and confirm their identity.
  • Visitors will be asked to sign in and out, given a badge and staff will be informed of their purpose of visit. Visitors will not be left alone unsupervised with children.
  • The building is locked and alarmed each evening.


  • During trips and outings we ensure clear procedures are in place to ensure that we have adequate first aid provision and trained first aiders, emergency contact numbers and a mobile phone. A risk assessment will be undertaken prior to the event date.
  • Appropriate supervision and ratios levels will be suitable for the type of trip following a risk assessment being carried out.
  • Parental consent will be sought prior to the trip/event.


We use the South Yorkshire Health Protection unit advice manual for nurseries and schools ‘The Management and Control of Infectious Diseases’ to guide our practice in relation to the prevention and control of infection.

  • Children are reminded, encouraged and supported in washing their hands regularly, particularly before and after meals, toileting and play time etc. The importance of why and how to do so is reinforced via discussions between staff and children in pictorial and written form i.e. posters, books, signs, songs.
  • Children will be encouraged to dry their hands on paper towels and dispose of them appropriately.
  • Children will be encouraged to blow and wipe their noses when necessary and to dispose of soiled tissues immediately in a bin. We will reinforce the need to wash hands after touching and blowing or sneezing to prevent the spread of infection. Tissues are available in all rooms.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (Clothing etc) will be worn at all times during any dealing of spillages, nappy changing and toileting and cleaning of bodily fluids and then disposed of appropriately. Staff wash their hands regularly and visual reminders are displayed throughout the centre to prompt safe hygiene practices if necessary.
  • Toilets are checked and flushed regularly.
  • Open cuts and sores on adults and on children where possible will be covered to prevent the spread of infection.

Illnesses, Accidents and Injuries

Please see our Injuries, Illnesses and Accidents Policy and Procedures for further details.

First Aid

  • We have a number of staff with appropriate up to date Paediatric First Aid training. We have systems in place to ensure that this is renewed within the expiry date where possible. If this is not possible we will still ensure that an adequate number of staff are trained at any one time to ensure that the centre is covered at all times with an appropriately trained first aider.
  • Notices are displayed around the centre with the names of trained first aiders and the locations of the boxes.
  • There are an appropriate amount of first aid boxes across the centre. These are well maintained and used equipment is renewed as and when it is used.
  • A named person is responsible for the monthly checking and replenishing of the first aid equipment/boxes.
  • On trips and outings an appropriate number of trained first aiders are present. A first aid box is taken and carried with the party at all times.

Supervision of Children