STATE NAME: Delaware
QRIS Program Name / Delaware Stars for Early Success
Contact for QRIS and person completing this form (if different) / Evelyn Keating
Agency that administers the QRIS / Jointly administered by the Department of Education and the Office of Early Learning
Service area / statewide
Pilot Phase / NA
Date full program launched / 1/1/2008
Voluntary or part of licensing / voluntary
Website and link to current standards /
Types of ELD Programs Eligible to participate / Early care and education centers (this includes head start, early head start and state funded Early Childhood Assistance Programs), school-age centers, family child care, large family child care, public and charter schools
Total numbers of ELD programs participating and (and % of universe) / 320 centers (70%); 117 Family child care (14%); 15 Large Family Child Care (20%); 100% head start and Early Childhood Assistance Programs as of May, 2013
Number of participating licensedchild care centers (and % of universe) / 320
Number of participating regulatedfamily child care programs (and % of universe) / 117
Number of participating Head Start programs / 31
Number of participating public Pre-K programs / 19
Other participating programs (please name) / 3 Part B/619 (19%) and 4 Title I (31%)
Percent of programs at each rating level / 5% Star 1; 16% Star 2; 3% Star 3; 6% Star 4; 2% Star 5
Rating structure(block, point, hybrid) – has there been a change in the type of structure? / Point system with mandatory ERS scoring and scores
Number of levels / Five (5)
Length of time rating is valid / 3 years
Is there a maximum length of time providers can stay at a level? / No, except for Star 1 (Starting with Stars), a program has one year from acceptance to move to a Star 2
Different process used to assess family child care / No, same process but a different set of Standards and uses FCCERS-R
Different process used to assess Head Start, and/or State Pre-K / An alternative pathway has been established for Head Start and ECAP (state funded head start) programs. They come in as a Star 4 as long as they are in compliance with head start standards and can move up to a Star 5 with an ERS score of 5.0 or higher.
Different process used to assess accredited programs / An alternative pathway has been established for NAEYC accredited program. They come in as a Star 5 and complete an annual Quality Improvement Plan.
Broad indicator categories / Family & Community Partnerships; Qualifications & Professional Development; Management & Administration; and Learning Environments & Curriculum
Date of last update to standards / 1/1/2012
Licensing compliance included / In order to be accepted into Delaware Stars, a program must be in good standing with Licensing, i.e. they are not on an enforcement action.
Ratio and group size indicators included / Yes, included in the list of standards a program can choose to achieve.
Observational tools used / Environment Rating Scales (ITERS-R, ECERS-R, SACERS, FCCERS-R)
Frequency of observational assessment / Every three (3) years or more often if a program chooses to move up a Star level.
Financial incentives, describe or provide link to details / Grants for materials and/or professional development; one-time Merit Awards for programs achieving Stars 3, 4 and 5; Tiered Reimbursement for programs achieving Stars 3, 4 & 5, based on their enrollment and attendance of children served through the subsidy system; Compensation, Retention and Education (CORE) awards beginning 2013 to individuals in programs at Star 3 or higher as they increase their education and/or attain credentials, retention for highly qualified teachers/family child care providers, and recruitment of highly qualified teachers; Infrastructure Funds for capital and technological improvements.
Evaluation of the QRIS completed? If available on the website, list link / No, to be completed by 12/31/15.
Data System – does your state have one for QRIS? Does it interface with other systems? / The state has a Stars database containing information on the demographics of each program, its staff and qualifications of each, standards in their QIP and star rating. This database is linked to the Delaware Practitioners in Early Childhood (DPEC) database, the qualifications system. DPEC is linked to the professional development registry.
What other information about the QRIS are you most proudabout? (current or working on) /
  • Stars Plus, a cohort model of programs in high needs areas of the state that included intensive technical assistance and communities of practice.
  • Delaware Stars is committed to a cross sector QRIS. As a result, including Part B 619 and Title I preschools have been a strong focus.

Tools, forms or PD/TA for programs specific to CQI Approach (attach or provide link) / Individual Professional Development Plan, Facility Plan, Goal Setting, Career Lattice
CQI/QIP Plan Required (if so, share link) / QIP