Kendall Campus, ESL & Foreign Languages Dept.
Summer A, 2003
EAP 1600L: Level 6 Speech Lab (1 credit)Ref # 179854
Prerequisite: EAP 1500L or equivalent proficiency.
Co-requisite: EAP 1600
Textbook: LEARN to LISTEN; LISTEN to LEARN, Second Edition, by Roni S.
Lebauer. Available in the Campus bookstore, Building 8, or in Lemox College Book and Supply, 10872 SW 104 St.
Class Hour: R8:00-10:15 a.m.
Room: 6257
Contact Information:
Instructor: Jamil Istifan
Mailbox: Room 3207
Phone mail: (305) 237-2587
Office Hours:T B A
Course Objective and Description:
Speech = language
Language is a binary relation based on comprehension/performance. Reading/ listening is to comprehend, and then writing/speaking is to perform. In a broad sense, speech is synonymous to language. In fact, this multi-level course covers the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In the mean time, students develop a particular emphasis on pronunciation and vocabulary. Since this course is a Lab activity, it is designed to help the learner in a practical program to enhance his/her listening comprehension and train it to become more effective and more proficient.
Course Competencies:
Competency 1: The student will use grammatical structures consistent with levels 1-6.
Competency 2: Most mainstream listeners in social, professional and academic situations will understand the student.
Competency 3: The student will use supra-segmental (e.g., rhythm, stress, intonation) and extra linguistic features to convey precise meaning.
Competency 4: The student will use formal and informal language (persuasion, negotiation, debate, etc.) tailored to specific audiences and contextual settings.
Competency 5: The student will be able to comprehend, analyze, synthesize and summarize extensive discourse.
Competency 6: The student will take notes during academic lecture.
Competency 7: The student will be able to adjust listening strategies according to the complexity and content of the task at hand.
Competency 8: The student will demonstrate analytical listening skills:
- Distinguish facts and opinions.
- Evaluate the credibility and argumentation of the speech.
- Interpret a speaker’s purpose, point of view, tone, or use of figurative language.
COURSE SYLLABUS:(Subject to changes)
Unit 6
Week 1: lecture 07: Acid Rain
Week 2:lecture 09: Amnesty International
Week 3: lecture 14: How to Look at Art
Week 4: lecture 17: Hall’s Classification of Cultures
Unit 7
Week 5: lecture 18: The Pyramids of Egypt: An Engineering Feat last day of class, June 12
Week 6: final exam, June 19
Apr 29 Final Exam
Final Exam: Thursday, June19, from 8:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Final Grade: A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, F < 70, W = Withdrawal (No penalty)
N.B.: Final grade is based on exams, quizzes, tests, participation in class and attendance.
12 REMARKS for a successful student:
Concerning all information, check the M-DCC Schedule Catalog.
It is the student responsibility to cover the whole program.
Attendance is mandatory. You should sign up every attendance.
Good grade is guaranteed if you fulfill the assignments given in class.
A sudden test or quiz could be given any day.
Use only English and you will be able to achieve day-by-day improvement.
Dedicate a special notebook for each class. You will be responsible of all notes taken in class.
Avoid tardiness to not affect your disciplinary action and your college status.
No make-up exam is permitted.
Passing grade has changed. It has to be A, B or C. No more D’s.
No need to mention the Academic Dishonesty Policy. Students must be aware of their duties and their responsibilities.
Log on:
- (ESL and Foreign Languages Dept.)
- (Modern Language Association). Update your information and have access to all materials or tools needed for your class.
Good luck.