Transcribed from Deposition

Kentucky, Bracken County

On this 1st day of January 1821 personally appeared in open court being a Court of Record (as dictated by law and having the ______and enforce it) for the County aforesaid, Andrew Dillman aged about sixty seven years. Resident in this said County who being duly sworn accordingly to law, doth on his oath claim that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows: That on the 13th of March 1776, as well as he now recollects – while the British Corp in Philadelphia & the American army lay at Valley Forge in a company of infantry commanded by (he thinks) Lt. ______, that the Pennsylvania regiment Commanded by Col. Walter Linhart on Continental establishment at the town of Lancaster in Pennsylvania, for the term of three years- that he continued in the service of the United States in said regiment two years and about nine months from the time of his enlistment until discharge which took place in Princeton in January, 1781 by General Wayne. That while he was in the service of the United States he was in the battle of Monmouth and several skirmishes. That his discharge was recorded in the County of Northumberland in Pennsylvania and that the original is lost. That as of the 5th day of October 1818 he made a discharge. This service before the Bracken County Court upon which he has received a pension certificate dated the 15th of November 1820, number 17921.

And I do solemnly affirm that I was a resident Citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818; and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with interest thereby as to diminish at all to bring myself within the provisions of an act of congress entitled :an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War” passed on the 18th day of March 1818; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities, contracts or debts to me AD [initialed] nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto affixed and by AD [initialed] subscribed.

He has one hundred and four acres of third rate land lying in the County of Bracken and now rented for twenty bushels of wheat and forty bushels of corn per acre and a litter in a month in fall with another about $25.

- one hous worth about $60 – one cow worth $8 – one hiefer worth about 6$ - one table worth $3; ______chairs worth about in all; one old chest worth about $2; one corner cupboard worth about $5; one dutch oven worth fifty cents (being broken); one pot worth about 87 ½ cents; one skillet worth 37 ½ cents ; one pair of andirons worth $2 – a little cupboard worth about $5 - two tin buckets (old) worth 75 cents - the foregoing is a free and full statement of all my property except accessory bed, bedding and wearing apparel – I am by trade a waggon maker, but my age and infirmities unable to pursue that or any other trade or profession for a living – I reside in a small house on the land I own and with me is my wife about sixty years of age, entirely decrepit owing to a numbness in her hands, she has done but little for the last twenty years. We have twelve living children ______of them now live with us – they are all able to procure their living.

Andrew Dillman

Sworn to and subscribed to me and declared the 1st day of January, 1821 before and to the Subscriber president Justice of the Peace for said county in open court.

Arthur Howe

Kentucky Bracken County