Enterprise Learning Alliance
Job Title: Area Centre Manager, Dover
Responsible to: Executive Head Teacher
Grade: Kent Range 10
Location: Dover Skills Studio,Whitfield, Dover
Job Summary:
To be responsible for the daily operational management of the Dover Skills Studio and the management of a team of staff including teaching and non-teaching support staff. To ensure the policies and procedures of the ELA are embedded in practice. To promote high expectations of students` behaviour and learning as well as professional standards for staff. The Centre manager will also work collaboratively with senior managers and other centre managers across the ELA, with the post holder having additional whole PRU responsibilities to be negotiated on appointment.
- To lead all staff by example in undertaking all activities – being punctual to lessons, acting responsibly and demonstrating reliability.
- To operationally manage the daily running of the Centre, ensuring pupils’ attendance is high, all assessments are completed termly and on entry / exit and behaviour is consistently managed.
- To lead curriculum planning, taking government changes into account, and the development of a centre timetable which allows students to gain an appropriate range of qualifications , including GCSEs.
- To raise the quality of teaching to good or better and model good / outstanding teaching to the staff team.
- To maintain acceptable levels of attendance and creatively approach attendance issues to ensure improvement and maintenance of attendance towards over 90%.
- To promote, monitor and support staff in the delivery of the curriculum.
- To develop relationships and working practices with local schools and voluntary providers.
- To increase access to the provision and creatively develop programmes which meet the needs of individual pupils whilst maintaining high levels of reintegration success.
- To ensure all staff complete accurate daily records and monitor the quality of management information produced by the centre.
- To continue the development and recording of restorative justice practices.
- To ensure all students have IEP targets, Positive Handling Plans and Risk Assessments in place as well as reviewing these termly or as required.
- To ensure all assessments are completed as requiredand monitor accuracy, following up as necessary.
- To coordinate all planning and review meetings, chairing these in conjunction with teaching staff.
- To undertake all pre-admission meetings to the centre for which responsibility is held.
- To provide support and advice for staff as necessary.
- To monitor and manage the systems and procedures in place to ensure the Centre operates smoothly.
- To contribute to the recruitment and selection of staff.
- To work collaboratively with outside agencies and other stakeholders (i.e. local feeder schools) in promoting the needs of the pupils within the Centre and ensuring termly reviews are undertaken and mid-point and exit reviews.
- To lead and manage incidents, to include the debriefing of staff and follow-up planning.
- To be responsible for organising the maintenance of the centre building and monitoring all aspects of health and safety and security.
- To monitor teaching and learning through “Learning Walks”, lesson observations and analysis of data termly.
- To manage the centre budget and Assets Register and keep accurate financial records and evidence, following ELA procedures in line with the Finance Policy.
- To be responsible for monitoring and organising maintenance of the minibuses used by the centre.
- To be willing to undertake training in Team Teach and follow the associated guidance when dealing with extreme challenging behaviour.
- To abide by the school's policies, including those relating to safeguarding, health and safety and equal opportunities and contribute to annual policy reviews.
To undertake other reasonable duties which are consistent with both the needs of the ELA, the Centre and commensurate with the role of the post holder.
- Experience of leading and managing a team of staff.
- QTS/QTLS status and experience of teaching at secondary level including experience of alternative curriculum at Key Stage 4.
- Experience of working within an educational setting catering for complex, challenging young people.
- High levels of resilience to overcome difficulties and manage challenging behaviour successfully.
- Ability to support staff in managing complex and challenging behaviours and analysing incidents in order to inform future behavioural planning.
- Confidence in using ICT and willingness to develop knowledge and competence in management information systems including SIMS.
- Excellent ability to manage own workload and complete all tasks fully to a good standard.
- Experience of working with parents / carers and supporting them in overcoming barriers to attendance and educational engagement.
- Knowledge of appropriate accreditation for KS4 students and high expectations of learning outcomes.
- Knowledge of health and safety guidelines.
- Knowledge of safeguarding procedures and willingness to undertake DCPC training as appropriate.
- Ability to motivate disaffected learners and raise their self esteem.
- Ability to maintain a professional and boundaried relationship with stakeholders, whilst at all promoting ELA provision.
- Excellent communication skills and ability to engage with troubled families.
- Up to date knowledge of alternative provision strategy nationally and associated legislation.