The Nest Academy

Enrollment Application


Today’s Day: ______/______/______

Starting Date:______/______/______

Last Day: ______/______/______

Registration fee received $______Check # ______Date Received ______/______/______

Security Deposit received $______Check # ______Date Received ______/______/______

Security Deposit Refunded $______Check # ______On Date ______/______/______

1.  Last Name ______First Name______

Middle Name ______Likes to be called______Sex______


2.  Registering into (Check one):

·  All Day: _____

= Infant Care (new born to 12 mos): ____ M-F (FULL TIME ONLY)

= Toddlers Class (12 mos to 2 yrs): ____ M-F (F/T) ____ M-F (1/2 day) ____ MWF

= Preschool (2 yrs to 3 yrs): ____ M-F (F/T) ____ M-F (1/2 day) ____ MWF

= Preschool (3 yrs to 4 yrs): ____ M-F (F/T) ____ M-F (1/2 day) ____ MWF

= Junior Kindergarten (4’s): ____ M-F (F/T) ____ M-F (1/2 day) ____ MWF

= Kindergarten (5’s): ____ M-F (F/T) ____ M-F (1/2 day) ____ MWF

·  Before & After School Programs: ______

Elementary School Attending: ______

School Phone: ( ______) ______-______Grade: ______

3.  Previous Child Care Attended ______Phone: ( ______) ______-______

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4.  Mother’s Full Name or______Relationship______


Address______Apt. # ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______

Home Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Cellular Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Work Phone ( ______) ______- ______Ext. ______

Email address: ______@ ______. ______

S.S. # ______- ______- ______

Employer’s Name ______

Employer’s address ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______

5.  Father’s Full Name or______Relationship______


Address______Apt. # ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______

Home Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Cellular Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Work Phone ( ______) ______- ______Ext. ______

Email address: ______@ ______. ______

S.S. # ______- ______- ______

Employer’s Name ______

Employer’s address ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______

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6.  Persons Authorized to Pick Up:

(a) Name ______

Address______Apt. # ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______

Home Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Cellular Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Email address: ______@ ______. ______

(b) Name ______

Address______Apt. # ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______

Home Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Cellular Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Email address: ______@ ______. ______

(c) Name ______

Address______Apt. # ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______

Home Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Cellular Phone ( ______) ______- ______

Email address: ______@ ______. ______

…………………………………………………………………. ………………/………………../………..………


…………………………………………………………………. ………………/………………../………..………


…………………………………………………………………. ………………/………………../………..………


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The Nest Academy


1. Birth Certificate verification must be completed by The Nest Academy Director.

Child’s Full Name______Date of Birth ______/______/______

Child’s Birth Certificate Number______

Place of Birth______Verified on ______/______/______

By ______Title ______

2. I/We understand that my/our child is now formally enrolled at The Nest Academy.

Parent’s Initial______

3. I/We authorize The Nest Academy to care for my/our child (please print your child’s full name)

Child(ren)’s full name……………………………………………………………………………………

Parent’s Initial______

4. I/We understand that if I/We chose to provide food for my/our child, I/we shall be fully responsible

of always making sure that my/our child’s food container shall be clearly labeled with his/her name

and today’s date.

Parent’s Initial______

5. I understand that I am responsible for dropping off my child into the building and coming in for

him/her when he/she leaves each day by signing in and out. If I wish to have someone pick up

my child other than those persons listed on my enrollment application as authorized to do so, I shall

notify in writing The Nest Academy’s director or person in charge beforehand. A picture I.D. will be

required for identification. (The Nest Academy assumes responsibility for your child after he/she is

signed in and delivered to the classroom teacher, when a child is picked up from his/her classroom,

the child then becomes the parent’s responsibility.)

Parent’s Initial______

6.  I/We understand and agree that appropriate legal paper work shall be given to The Nest Academy

to be kept on my/our child’s file when the custodial parent requests NOT to release the child to

the other parent.

Parent’s Initial______

7.  The custodial parent has the right to visit our Academy as required by @63.2-1813 of the Code of


Parent’s Initial______

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8.  I/We agree to abide by the Guidelines of The Nest Academy, as described in their parents’ handbook

I am given and which I should keep with me/us.

Parent’s Initial______

9.  Further, I/We agree to pay the fees as required for services rendered. I/We understand that no

reduction will be taken for absences, holidays, vacations of the parents, or illness of the child.

Parent’s Initial______

10.  Further, I/We understand that the Fees will be kept at a reasonable rate. However, as economic

conditions change, the fees may be subject to change. I/We understand that I/We will be given

advance notice of fees changes and I/We agree to pay the new fees or give a written two weeks

notice and withdraw my/our child.

Parent’s Initial______

11.  Further, in the event of a medical emergency and in the event that I cannot be reached, I/We give

my/our permission to The Nest Academy to contact my/our physician. If they cannot reach the

physician, I/We authorize The Nest Academy to seek immediate emergency care as they may seem


Parent’s Initial______

12.  Further, I/We understand that The Nest Academy will notify me/us when my/our child becomes ill and that I/We will arrange to have my/our child picked up as soon as possible.

Parent’s Initial______

13.  I/We understand and agree NOT to send my/our child to The Nest Academy when he/she is ill or shows signs of illness such as a temperature of 100 degrees and over, intestinal disturbance accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, any undiagnosed rush, sore or discharging eyes or ears, profuse nasal discharge.

Further, if my/our child contracts any contagious disease such as but not limited to whooping cough, German or regular measles, mumps chicken pox, diphtheria, pinworm, or scarlet fever, I shall keep him/her at home and report his/her condition to The Nest Academy immediately.

Parent’s Initial______

14.  Under the new standards for licensed child day centers, the parents will be agreed to inform The Nest Academy within 24 hours or the next business day after his/her child or any member of the immediate household has developed any reportable communicable disease, as defined by the State Board of Health, except for life threatening diseases which much be reported immediately.

Parent’s Initial______

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15.  I/We understand that if my child has any allergies, I must notify The Nest Academy with a written statement signed by a Physician.

Further, I/We give permission to The Nest Academy to administer prescription drugs with written instructions from a licensed Physician and written authorization from me/us (parent).

Furthermore, I/We understand that Medicines must be in the original bottle or box with my/our child’s printed full name, current date, dosage amount, Physician’s dosage instructions and number of days to be administered, which shall not exceed 10 days unless re-ordered in writing by the Physician. (Medications will always be stored in a locked container, refrigerated if necessary).

Parent’s Initial______

16.  When an authorization for medication expires, we will notify the parent or guardian that the medication needs to be picked up within 14 days or the parent must renew the authorization. We will properly get rid of any Medications that are not picked up by the parent within 14 days.

If sunscreen must be used in our Academy, then parent must write us an authorization noting any known adverse reactions, make sure that the sunscreen is hypo-allergenic and has a minimum SPF of 15, and that it is in the original container labeled with the child’s name.

If diaper ointment or cream must be used in our Academy, then parent must write us in authorization noting any known adverse reactions and make sure that the ointment or cream is in the original container labeled with the child’s name.

* Insect repellent is not allowed to be used in our Academy.

Parent’s Initial______

17.  I give my permission for my permission for my child to participate in the neighborhood walks or field trips in an authorized vehicle. I understand that I will be informed of all planned field trips and that I may withdraw my permission for a planned trip if I so desire.

I grant permission for my child to be included in school pictures and give permission for those pictures to be used by the center.

I grant permission for my child to participate in the activities and in the use of the equipment at the Center.

Parent’s Initial______

18.  I/We understand that The Nest Academy will report all suspected cases of child abuse as required by the state Licensing Department.

Parent’s Initial______

19.  I/We give permission for my child’s pictures to be used in any promotional pieces, such as brochure, web site, newspaper advertisement, for the sole purpose of promoting The Nest Academy.

Parent’s Initial______

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The Nest Academy invites you to visit the facility whenever you like to. Please consult with the Director or Assistant-Director should any problems arise concerning your child whether at home or at school. The Nest Academy seeks your active involvement as parents in the Academy’s program. The Nest Academy strongly encourages you to participate in formal individual parent-teacher conferences scheduled during the year. The Nest Academy also encourages you to take advantage of opportunities for daily contact with our Academy’s Director or Assistant-Director. Your suggestions will enable The Nest Academy to have even higher quality program.

/ / /
Date / Mother/Guardian’s Name / Mother/Guardian’s Signature
/ / /
Date / Father/Guardian’s Name / Father/Guardian’s Signature
/ / /
Date / Director’s Name / Director’s Signature

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The Nest Academy



Child’s Name D.O.B.


Home Street Address City State Zip Code


Mother’s Name Work Phone Number


Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number


Employer’s Name


Employer’s Street Address City State Zip Code


Father’s Name Work Phone Number


Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number


Employer’s Name


Employer’s Street Address City State Zip Code



(1)______; ______

Name Relationship


Home Street Address City State Zip Code


Home Phone umber Work Phone Number


Cell Phone umber Alternative Phone Number


Employer’s Name and Address City State Zip Code


(2)______; ______

Name Relationship


Home Street Address City State Zip Code


Home Phone umber Work Phone Number


Cell Phone umber Alternative Phone Number


Employer’s Name and Address City State Zip Code

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In the event the above noted persons cannot be located, I hereby give my consent to The Nest Academy to administer first aid or call emergency care for my child under extreme conditions.

I expect that a conscientious effort shall be made to locate me or the designates before any action is taken. If it is not possible to locate me or the designates, any expenses incurred will be accepted by me.


Full Name of Parent/Guardian


Signature of Parent/Guardian


Today’s Date

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The Nest Academy


I/We, ………...... , hereby give my/our consent for Emergency Medical Care to be provided for my/our child, ………………………...... While at The Nest Academy.



Mother/Guardian Work Phone Number


Home Phone Number Alternative Home Phone Number


Cell Phone Number Email address


Employer’s Name


Employer’s Street Address City State Zip Code


Home Street Address City State Zip Code



Father’s Name Work Phone Number


Home Phone Number Alternative Home Phone Number


Cell Phone Number Email address


Employer’s Name


Employer’s Street Address City State Zip Code


Home Street Address City State Zip Code

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Physician/Clinic Phone Number


Hospital preferred



Name Of Insurance / Medicaid


Policy Number


Other Identification Number


Insurance Phone Number

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