Karnataka Government Secretariat,
V Floor, V Stage, M.S.Buildings,
Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi,
Bangalore 560 001
October 2010
Effective: October 15, 2010
VGST Programme Number :15/2010-11
Government of Karnataka
Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology & Science and Technology
Karnataka Fundfor Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (K-FIST)
in Higher Educational Institutions :2010-11
Post graduate Science laboratories in University Departments and Colleges are need to be equipped with Science and Technology infrastructural facilities. These facilities are required for imparting quality teaching in higher education and also for pursuing research activities. Thus, VGST seeks to strengthen Science and Technology infrastructure in Higher Educational institutions in the state on the lines of FIST Scheme of DST, Govt. of India.
An educational institution, selected under the K-FIST scheme will be provided with funds to improve and strengthen its infrastructure that would help the institution in achieving higher academic standards and to accomplish quality research.
The following notes are intended to provide guidance for the FORMAT, CONTENT and proposal submission process for K-FIST scheme.
General Guidelines:
1. Objective:
The K-FIST scheme aims at developing and strengthening Science and Technology Infrastructure and Laboratory Facilities required by Science Departments for imparting quality Science Teaching and for pursuing research activities in educational institutions within the State offering postgraduate science courses.
2. Eligibility:
The Science Departments of Colleges/Universities/Other Higher Educational Institutions (Which are recognized and affiliated to respective Universities of Karnataka) offering Postgraduate Science Courses are eligible to apply for grants under this scheme. Priority will be given to those institutions which are actively engaged in research in basic Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Sciences. The scope of support for infrastructure does not include the construction of building, travel, human resource development, purchase of books, stationery & other overheads.
The support will be considered under two levels:
Level-I: Support grant to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lakh:
In this category, selected Science Colleges/University Departments/Higher Educational Institutions offering P.G courses will get grant to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakh (Rs. Ten lakhs only) per annum for continuous two years. This grant primarily aims at establishing minimal infrastructure needed to initiate research activities & improvement of science teaching.
Level-II: Support grant to a maximum of Rs. 20 Lakh:
In this category, selected Science Colleges/University Departments/Higher Educational Institutions offering P.G courses will get grant to a maximum of Rs.20 Lakh (Rs. Twenty lakhs only) per annum for continuous two years. This grant primarily aims to support Institutions with considerable research accomplishments and actively engaged in research.
i. Any Department / College, currently receiving support grant or in the recent past benefitted from various Central / State funding agencies or organizations especially under the schemes: Special Assistance Programme(SAP), DST-FIST (Govt. of India), COSIST, Centers for Advanced Studies (CAS), Centers of Excellence (COE) and the schemes of VGST, DST, Govt. of Karnataka: Centers of Excellence in Science, Engineering and Medicine (CESEM) and Centers of Innovative Science Education (CISE) awards of DST, GoK. etc., are not eligible to apply for grants under the K-FIST scheme.
ii. Institutions must aim at proposing a realistic support depending upon the required needs to strengthen Science and Technology infrastructure of the Department.
iii. Preference would be given to institutions which do not have even limited infrastructure as compared to the organizations having adequate infrastructure obtained during the recent past, if they are otherwise suitable.
iv. Institutions shall apply for the grants under any one level only, institution’s application submitted under one level cannot be considered under another level.
v. The decision of the VGST Sub-Committee on all these matters shall be final and binding.
3. Procedure for Application:
i. The Prescribed Project Proposal Proforma of the K-FIST scheme is available for download at; http//
ii. Application for the K-FIST scheme shall be sent in the prescribed formats only.
iii. The matter should be neatly typed as per the prescribed formats. 3 (three) copies of the application (one in original and 2 photo copies and a CD containing the soft copy of the proposal) are required to be submitted on or before the stipulated date for submission.
iv. The application is required to be forwarded through the Head of the Institution. The envelope containing the application /proposal shall be super scribed as Proposal for K-FIST under Level-I/Level-II. The area of specialization shall also be indicated (viz., Agricultural Sciences/Biological Sciences/Chemical Sciences/ Engineering Sciences/Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Mathematical Sciences/Medical Sciences/Physical Sciences/Veterinary /Fisheries and Animal Husbandry/Other Interdisciplinary).
v. Dead Line for Proposal Submission: Proposal complete in all respects should reach Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST) by 30 November 2010 (Extended date).
vi. Application/Proposal shall be sent to the following address;
Executive Secretary,
Vision Group on Science and Technology,
Dept. of Information Technology, Biotechnology & Science and Technology, Karnataka Government Secretariat, 5th Floor, 5th Stage,
M.S. Buildings, Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore- 560 001.
Phone: 080-2203 2013, Email:
vii. Incomplete applications / Proposals and applications not duly forwarded through Head of the Institution and received after the last date will not be considered.
4. Scope of Support:
The Scheme aims at developing and strengthening infrastructure facilities for the up-gradation of laboratories required for postgraduate teaching and research. The facility provided under this scheme is intended to support the Department as a whole and Proposals seeking support for individual research and development will not be considered under this Scheme.
In general, educational institutions can seek the grants for the following components:
A. Equipment:
Procuring new equipment for Teaching / Research. Such as:
· Diesel Power Generator
· Cold Storage Room
· Deep Freezer
· Electronic Weighing Scale
· Distill Water Generator Set
· Animal House
· Computers and Accessories (Up-to Rs. 1.00 lakh Only)
B. Strengthening of Science and Technology Infrastructure within the Department:
· Up-gradation of the existing Infrastructure facilities.
· Improvement / Renovation and maintenance of existing facilities / laboratory.
· Developing a decent laboratory. Basic laboratory space.
· Networking and Computational facilities / requirements including Software and Databases.
C. Improvement and Maintenance of existing equipment:
· In special cases, repairs, spare parts, refurbishing and annual maintenance of existing laboratory equipment / facilities- power supply units, batteries, solar lights, generators, etc., will be considered.
The list cited under A, B, and C are only indicative in nature. In addition to the above components. VGST would welcome any other novel / innovative idea / concept related to the establishment of infrastructure.
Note: Support grant will not be available for construction of building, travel, HRD,
purchase of books, stationery and other overheads.
5. Support Duration:
The funding is provided for a period not exceeding two years from the financial year 2010-11
6. Support structure: Grant support will be at two levels Viz.,
· Level I: Support grant to a maximum of Rs. 10.00 Lakh:
In this category, Each successful institution will obtain support grant up to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakh per annum for continuous two years.
· Level II: Support grant to a maximum of Rs. 20.00 Lakh:
In this category, Each successful institution will obtain support grant to a maximum of Rs.20. lakh per annum for continuous two years. In this category, Institutions with good research accomplishments and having considerable infrastructural facilities will be specially considered.
Note: Each beneficiary institution will get a contingency grant support only up-to
Rs. 25,000/- (Level-I) and Up-to Rs.50, 000/- (Level- II) per annum. This Component is
Provided with in the core support grant.
7. Procedure for selection:
i. Notification of K-FIST advertisement in the state level print and electronic media inviting proposals from interested Institutions.
ii. Initial scrutiny to assess the suitability of proposal for consideration under the programme.
iii. Scrutinizing/Screening of proposals by sub-committee constituted by VGST.
iv. Sub-committee recommendations will be submitted to the K-FIST Sub-Committee for final evaluation and selection.
v. A mandatory power point presentation by the investigators of the short listed proposals will have to be made before the an expert panel (only for institutions aspiring for grants under level - II of the K-FIST programme).
vi. Submission of provisional institutions selected by sub-committee to VGST for approval.
vii. The recommended proposals are processed for financial concurrence and administrative approval of the Government as per VGST procedure and grants will be released accordingly.
8. Monitoring:
Progress on the implementation of the programme by all beneficiary institutions shall be reviewed, monitored and evaluated once in every six months from the date of release of first installment of the grant. VGST will form on-site inspection teams comprising of VGST / DST Officials / Academicians / Researchers to the beneficiary institutions. These institutions shall submit quarterly reports on various aspects of progress achieved in the K-FIST Programme.
Inspection teams shall update the VGST with an assessment report with regard to academic / research progress of the supported institutions.
9. Terms and Conditions:
i. The grant released under the K-FIST scheme is primarily for strengthening Science and Technology infrastructure facilities of the identified Department in Universities / Colleges and other Higher Educational Institutions for teaching and research and the grant shall be spent exclusively for this purpose.
ii. As defined, the grant-in-aid under “K-FIST” is to provide infrastructural facilities for research and teaching in the identified Department. Therefore, budget for the heads: building, contingency, travel, support staff, provision of overhead charges will not be provided.
iii. The identified Department’s/Centre’s Head or its nominee (to be decided by the Department / Institution / University shall be the “Programme Co-Ordinator” for the K-FIST.
iv. The grantee institution implementing the project is required to take all the financial and administrative responsibilities of the project.
v. There should not be any deviation from the Budget Heads as approved by VGST, DST, GoK. In case, if it is very necessary, a request shall be made to the VGST, DST, GoK for consideration.
vi. Departments are to strictly procure only approved equipments and for the specific purpose only. Any item / equipment which is not approved or sanctioned would not be considered towards expenditure without a prior approval of VGST.
vii. All the assets acquired from the K-FIST grant will be the property of the VGST, DST, GoK and shall not, without the prior sanction of the Department, be disposed off or encumbered or utilized for purposes other than those for which the grant has been sanctioned.
viii. All efforts shall be made to procure the equipments and other items at the earliest to avoid cost escalation due to foreign exchange fluctuation and shall abide all procedures laid out by the grantor. In case, if it is found that the grantee Department is not able to use the funds within one year of its release, VGST, DST, GoK shall have the right to withdraw the project support grants from the Department / University.
ix. The grantee Institution will furnish to VGST, DST, GoK, Utilization Certificate and an Audited Statement of Accounts (as per DST, GoK prescribed format) pertaining to the grant (along with Progress Report) within a month following the end of each financial year.
x. After receiving the grant by the grantee Department, the VGST, DST, GoK will review periodically the technical and financial progress including utilization of the grant. The VGST reserves the right to terminate the support at any stage if it is convinced that the grant has not been properly utilized or appropriate progress is not being made by the grantee Department.
xi. A register of the permanent/semi-permanent assets acquired wholly or partly out of this grant shall be maintained and a copy thereof furnished to this Department. Such register of assets and the accounts maintained shall be available or open to scrutiny by Audit.
xii. Any unspent amount sanctioned shall be surrendered to the VGST, DST, GoK as a Demand Draft issued from any nationalized bank in favour of the Government of Karnataka. Any carry forward of funds to the next financial year may be considered only with the specific approval of the VGST.
xiii. The Auditor General-Karnataka, at his discretion shall have the right to access to the book of accounts of the K-FIST support. DST, GoK may also nominate a CAG empanelled Auditor for the Audit of account of the K-FIST project. If it is found expedient keeping a part or whole of the grant in a nationalized bank account earning interest. The interest thus earned should be reflected appropriately in the Financial Statement of each year submitted to the VGST, DST, GoK. The interest thus earned will be adjusted against further installment of the grant.
xiv. For Further release of grants, if any, is considered for the release to the Department only after the submission of the following documents to VGST by the beneficiary Department.
· Audited Utilization Certificate
· Audited statement of Expenditure
· Assets details
· Expenditure details including books (if supported)
xv. In order to give visibility to the K-FIST support programme of the VGST, DST, GoK, the Department supported with K-FIST grant shall be Known as “K-FIST Sponsored Department” and the following line shall be suitably displayed as:
Catalyzed and Supported by Vision Group on Science and Technology,
Dept. of Science and technology, Govt. of Karnataka
All equipment procured out of the K-FIST grants must carry a durable label
‘Provided under grant from VGST, DST, GoK under K-FIST Programme’
xvi. The grant released under the K-FIST programme needs to be kept in a savings bank account of a nationalized bank only. The accrued interest on the grant needs to be reflected in the statement of expenditure annually.
xvii. The Department should avoid incurring expenditures beyond the grant made available to them. The sanction order duly describes the equipment / items and heads along with the allocated budget. The Department may restrict their purchase and expenditure as per the allocated budget. Any over expenditure beyond the sanctioned budget has to be borne by the Department / Institute / University and VGST will not reimburse such expenditures.