Present:Cllr R Eastwood, Cllr J Edwarde, Cllr J Smith and Cllr C Tamplin.

Absent: Cllr G Horner

In attendance: Mrs E Fulham (Clerk)

  1. To appoint a Chairman

Cllr Edwarde proposed Cllr Eastwood seconded by Cllr Tamplin and unanimously approved.

  1. To accept apologies for absence.

Cllr G Horner

  1. Declarations of interest in respect of matters to be discussed.

The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare. No interests were registered.

  1. To approve minutes from Finance Committee meeting held on 1st June 2015

Unanimously approved as a true record.

Matters arising - Cllr Eastwood would review and possibly reformat the risk assessment (action outstanding from May finance meeting).

  1. To approve terms of reference.

The Committee considered the proposal and made some changes.

The Clerk would convert the proposal to a terms of reference document to match other Council terms and circulate for approval at the Parish Council meeting in December.

  1. To accept and sign bank reconciliation.

The Committee had received the bank reconciliations. The Clerk explained the different accounts and how they related back to the cashbook reports. There were no further queries.

The Clerk would forward copies of bank statements to the Committee and the Chair of the Committee would sign them off at the next Parish Council meeting.

  1. To accept account summary.

This had been circulated to the Committee and the items of budget to actual differences were noted and the reserves were also examined and explained.

  1. To accept draft budget.

The Committee reviewed the draft budget. Several options and scenarios were considered to understand the likely income and expenditure before reviewing precept options and the final budget would be finalised in the February Finance budget meeting.

  1. To accept and sign off risk assessment.

The draft risk assessment was reviewed and the Committee added some additional matters such as the defibrillator.

The Clerk would circulate the risk assessment to the Council in due course once the amendments were made.

Cllr Eastwood would also review the format to make it more user friendly.

  1. To agree precept proposal for 2016/17

After some discussion on the budget and likely year end the council considered what was necessary to balance the budget and retain reserves whilst continuing with some projects and possibly starting some new projects.

The Committee asked the Clerk to add two proposals for the Council to consider one with an increase of 2% to accommodate a budget increased by 2% or an increase of 4% to accommodate the additional costs of setting up a youth worker for one day a week for 3 years.

  1. Items for Reporting or Inclusion in Future Agendas


Meeting closed at 9pm