Course Syllabus
Fall 2007
Course Titles:RE 101- BT9, WT9, YT9 Real Estate Principles I and/or
RE 103 – BT9, WT9, YT9 Real Estate Law & Practice
Credits:Three (3)
Instructor of Record: John R. Pryor
Office Location: Great BasinCollege, 1500 College Parkway, Elko, Nevada 89801, GTA Bldg., Room 104
Telephone: (775) 753-2205 or Business Dept. Staff (775) 753-2235
Office Hours: Thursdays, 12:00-5:00 p.m.
MATERIALS:Modern Real Estate Practice, 17th Edition, by Galaty, Allaway, & Kyle, Real Estate Education Company(Dearborn).
Study Guide for Modern Real Estate Practice, 17th Edition, by Galaty, Allaway, & Kyle, Real Estate Education Company (Dearborn).
Reference Material for Nevada Real Estate License Law: State-Specific Information.
- There are two main categories which you should consult: Nevada’s Real Estate Laws and Real Estate Division Rules are found broadly in the Nevada’s Revised Statutes (NRS) and in more detail in the Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC).
The chapters that should be referred to in both the NRSNAC Table of Chapters are the following: 645, 113, 118, 119, 119A. All of the state-specific information will be included in these separate categories: I. Commission Duties and Powers, II. Licensing, III. Standards of Conduct, IV. Agency / Brokerage, V. Special Topics.
To access the NRS go to this website:
To access the NAC go to this website:
- If you wish to access the Real Estate Division homepage, go to this website:
A Student Progress Assessment Questionnaire completed before obtaining 15 credits in the business program and again before graduation.
The courses are designed to prepare candidates for state broker and salesperson licensing as well as to provide an overview of the field of real estate for those business students who have a particular interest.
-To provide the student with knowledge of a variety of topics including ownership, encumbrances, agency, contracts, transfer, land descriptions and appraisal.
-To prepare the student with knowledge and understanding of the increasingly technical areas of real estate finance and mathematics.
To complete the course successfully, the student must fulfill the following requirements:
1)In Modern Real Estate Practice, read and complete Chapters 1 through 11 for RE 101, and Chapters 12 through 22 and Math FAQs for RE 103.
2)View the Real Estate System 1000 videotapes and the Modern Real Estate Practice videotapes, (the tapes are numbered 1-19), listen to the Modern Real Estate Practice Key Point Review audiotapes corresponding to the appropriate chapters. The video- and audiotapes are available at your center. Take notes on the videotapes, and turn the notes in to your center. The notes will be checked and returned to the center. You do not have to turn in notes on the audiotapes (cassettes) or the textbook. The Real Estate System 1000 videos will tell you to look at a certain page in your text and answer questions or fill in the blanks. You may disregard these references. The videos do not match this text book. A list of the videos and viewing time is included.
- OR -
In lieu of video tapes and notes: In each course, RE 101 and RE 103, you must complete two (2) double-spaced papers that are a minimum of 10 pages in length with a Bibliography of sources consulted. If you are taking both courses, four (4) papers must be completed – two in each course. Topics must be chosen from chapters 1-11 in RE 101 and chapters 12-22 + Math in RE 103. Topics should include additional research that you choose from the following areas: Learning Objectives, Key Terms, web links, and/or Chapter Text Subject Matter. One paper per course is due at Exam #1. One paper per course is due at exam #2. Papers will be turned in with the exams that are given in the testing centers.
3)Know the Key Points at the end of each Chapter in Modern Real Estate Practice and complete the questions at the end of each Chapter. Complete the corresponding chapter in the Modern Real Estate Practice StudyGuide, including the self-evaluation questions.
4)For the First Exam: the student in RE 101 should read Chapters 1 through 5, complete the corresponding chapters in the Study Guide, view corresponding videos # 1, #19, #2, #3, #4, and listen to the audio tapes for the corresponding chapters. The student in RE 103 should read Chapters 12 through 15, 20 and 21, complete the corresponding chapters in the Study Guide, view corresponding videos #11, #12, and #13, and listen to the audio tapes for the corresponding chapters.
5)For the Second Exam: the student in RE 101 should read Chapters 6 through 11, complete the corresponding chapters in the Study Guide, view corresponding videos # 5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 and listen to the audio tapes for the corresponding chapters. The student in RE 103 should read Chapters 16 through 19, 22, and Math FAQs, complete the corresponding chapters in the Study Guide, view corresponding videos # 14, #15, #16, #17, #18A, #18B and listen to the audio tapes for the corresponding chapters.
6)Exam PeriodMaterial CoveredRE 101 RE 103
1Chapters 1-512-15, 20 and 21
2Chapters 6-1116-19, 22 + Math
- The tests will be available to take online in your area center. Contact your coordinator for the best dates/times to take your exams.
-You may use a calculator.
-Each exam will consist of objective questions.
-Allow at least 2 hours per test for completion. Be sure to take the correct test. Once you begin taking a test, you must complete it.
-The scores of the two exams will be averaged in determining your final grade.
-Exams will be "closed book."
-Test results can be obtained from the Business Dept. office at (775) -753-2235.
-Final grades will be: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, and W.
A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69%; F = Below 60%; W = Withdrawal up to the 13th week with instructor consent.
-Additional outside work may be arranged with the instructor to influence grade outcome.
- Each student should go to the Nevada Real Estate Division website: and familiarize yourself with the topics.
- Those who are specifically interested in obtaining a Nevada Real Estate License should contact:
Nevada Real Estate Division
Department of Business and Industry
788 Fairview Drive, Suite 200
Carson City, NV 89701-5453
Telephone: (775) 687-4280 ext. 301
- Consult Candidate Information Bulletin to take the Nevada Real Estate License Exam.
- The GBC Bookstore also has a book available for purchase that may help you pass the PSI Real Estate Examination for your state license. This book will be available for the first half of the semester:
Guide to Passing the PSI Real Estate Exam, by Lawrence Sager, Dearborn Real Estate Education Company.
- GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) Officer in Elko 775.753.2271 atyour earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.
- The instructor reserves the right to modify the course requirements, assignments, grading procedures, and other related policies as circumstances may dictate.
NOTE: There is not a video for every chapter. Some chapters will have more than one video to watch while others will not have one at all. Remember to take notes on the videos and turn the notes in. Please be sure to write the video # and the title of the video section at the top of your notes. Video notes will be returned to the coordinator for pick up by students. You do not have to turn in notes on the audio tapes (cassettes). Contact your area Coordinator for the best dates/times to view the videos. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE QUEUING UP THE VIDEO SECTIONS, CONSULT YOUR COORDINATOR FOR HELP.
RE 101
VIDEO # 1 (View with Chapter 1) AGENCY CONCEPTS: Ensuring Professionalism and Success
(Approximately 13 minutes)
VIDEO # 19 (View with Chapter 4) NEVADA LAWS OF AGENCY (Approximately 90 minutes)
VIDEO # 2 (View with Chapter 4) AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS: Who works for Whom?
(Approximately 13 minutes)
VIDEO # 3 (View with Chapter 4) AGENCY DISCLOSURE
(Approximately 13 minutes)
VIDEO # 4 (View with Chapter 4) BUSINESS LAW OF AGENCY
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I25:37 minutes
Part II30:19 minutes
Part III16:21 minutes
VIDEO # 5 (View with Chapter 7) INTERESTS IN REAL ESTATE: What does Ownership Include?
(Approximately 13 minutes)
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I29:23 minutes
Part II30:10 minutes
Part III30:40 minutes
VIDEO # 7 (View with Chapter 8) FORMS OF OWNERSHIP: Will the Real Owner Please Stand Up?
(Approximately 13 minutes)
VIDEO # 8 (View with Chapter 8) OWNERSHIP
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I30:05 minutes
Part II32:47 minutes
Part III34:12 minutes
*Disregard references to textbook
Description45:20 minutes
Construction32:19 minutes
VIDEO # 10 (View with Chapter 11) CONTRACTS
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I20:38 minutes
Part II21:58 minutes
Part III24:43 minutes
RE 103
VIDEO # 11 (View with Chapter 12) TRANSFER, DEEDS & LEASES
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I28:20 minutes
Part II13:55 minutes
Part III29:10 minutes
Part IV14:33 minutes
VIDEO # 12 (View with Chapter 14) FINANCE
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I41:34 minutes
Part II31:55 minutes
Part III27:00 minutes
VIDEO # 13 (View with Chapter 15) FINANCE
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I44:00 minutes
Part II20:30 minutes
VIDEO # 14 (View with Chapter 18) APPRAISAL
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I32:45 minutes
Part II25:30 minutes
Part III39:40 minutes
VIDEO # 15 (View with Chapter 18) REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL: The Science and Art of Estimating Value
(Approximately 13 minutes)
VIDEO # 16 (View with Chapter 20) FAIR HOUSING: Guidelines for Living in the American
Melting Pot
(Approximately 13 minutes)
VIDEO # 17 (View with Appendix II, the Math Review) REAL ESTATE MATHEMATICS: The Numbers Behind the Deal
(Approximately 13 minutes)
VIDEO # 18 A (View with Appendix II, the Math Review) REAL ESTATE MATH
*Disregard references to textbook
Part I23:23 minutes
Part II26:00 minutes
Part III29:28 minutes
VIDEO #18 B (View with Appendix II, the Math Review) REAL ESTATE MATH
*Disregard references to textbook
Part IV23:04 minutes
Part V41:48 minutes
RE 101 & 103 Off Campus Syllabus