MAY 2017
Contents in this report
- Introduction
- Survey Approach
- Questionnaire
- Summary of results
- Results table
- Comments noted
- Patient questionnaire used
Our philosophy is that primary care services should seek the opinions of its patients and act upon their responses wherever possible subject to both clinical and financial constraints. One of the ways of understanding the opinion of our patients, we undertake a survey of patients coming to the GP practice allowing a confidential and non judgemental approach to give feedback.
Survey Approach
This report gives feedback given from questionnaires completed in May 2017.
A questionnaire (See Appendix) was shared over a two week period in May 2017 to a number of Patients as they came for an appointment.
Completed Questionnaires were collected at the reception, with the questionnaires analysed and feedback shared within this report.
The Questionnaire devised was to aid the patient to give feedback on a number of areas. 14 questions were asked. Some of the areas requesting feedback were to identify if the Patient were aware of advance booking process’s, telephone access. If the patients were Satisfied with the cleanliness, had confidence and trust of the GP’s, Nurse and Admin Staff. Awareness of the range of services, access to external services available and other internal services available and promoted on the websitewas also asked.
Summary of results and future Actions
- 41 Patients completed the Questionnaire with N/A on the Analysis sheet refers to Not Answered – This could be for multiple reasons.
- 66% shared that they had been a patient of the practice for over 10 years, with 10% under 1 year
- 98% of the questionnaires were completed by individuals who were between the ages of 24years and 65 and Over
- 51% of the Patients had seen the doctor 3-5 times over the last 6 months, with 22% - 1-2 times
- Over Half of the patients (56%) were not aware that they could book appointments up to 6 weeks in advance to see a doctor or 3 months in advance to see a Nurse
- Over three quarters (73% )of the respondents were aware that in cases of medical emergencies they would be seen or advised on the day, but they will be asked for brief details of their illness.
- 80% of the respondents shared that there calls were answered promptly, 5% said no without giving an explanation, with 15% not answering the question and 1 person commenting “Mostly Engaged, when answered very pleasant”
- 88% of the respondents were satisfied with the overall cleanliness of the waiting room, 85% of the consulting room, 59% of the toilets
- 36% did not answer the cleanliness of the toilets question as they may have not used the toilet on there visit.
- 17% did not answer the question on the cleanliness of the waiting room and consulting room.
- confidence and trust of the GP and treated with dignity and respect was rated at 98% with 2% of the respondent not commenting as it was there first visit.
- 95% of the respondent felt positive on having the confidence, trust and were treated with dignity and respect by Admin staff. 5% of the respondents did not answer.
- 71% had access to internet, whilst 27% did not and 2% did not answer
- 88% were not aware of the practice website
- Just over 50% of the respondents were aware that patients attending A&E could be treated elsewhere and were aware of the GP, Pharmacy and Dentist services available.
- 73% did not have to attend A& E in the last 6 months and 27% did not answer.
- 3 comments were noted in the any other comments section.
- 6 people noted that they would like to know more about the patient participation group.
- Results table
- Comments
- Blank Patient questionnaire
- Action plan points and learning
MONTH : MAY 2017
Q1 / UNDER 1YR10% / 1-5YRS
7% / 6-10YRS
10% / OVER 10YRS
66% / N/A
Q2 / 24 OR UNDER
2% / 24 – 44
32% / 45-64
32% / 65 OR OVER
34% / N/A
7% / 1-2
22% / 3-5
51% / 6-10
12% / OVER 10
8% / N/A
44% / NO
56% / N/A
42% / NO
56% / N/A
Q5 / YES
73% / NO
17% / N/A
Q6 / YES
80% / NO
5% / N/A
88% / NO
7% / N/A
85% / NO
3% / N/A
59% / NO
5% / N/A
98% / NO / N/A
88% / NO / N/A
95% / NO / N/A
98% / NO / N/A
88% / NO / N/A
95% / NO / N/A
Q10 / YES
71% / NO
27% / N/A
Q11 / YES
10% / NO
88% / N/A
Q12 / YES
2% / NO
61% / N/A
Q13A / YES
61% / NO
32% / N/A
Q13B / YES
54% / NO
36% / N/A
Q13C / YES
56% / NO
32% / N/A
Q14 / YES / NO
73% / N/A
Comment“Had an emergency appointment once for my son for a tooth abcess, No Emergency dentist available, was seen immediately and was great to get some advice and support”
Comment “Telephone Sometimes engaged very early morning as everybody
trying to get through, when answered very pleasant and always
Comment“Dr Kumar and all the staff are very patient and Polite and
Comment “ Recently joined and surgery very clean compared to where I have
moved from”
Comment “Generally things seem to improve and surprised on the CQC report
on the website published”
Comment “Would like to see if toys could be provided for children in the
waiting room”
Comment “ Why do we have to wait a week for appointments ”
Comment “ Need to make the process for booking online appointments easier, been a patient for a long time and why do I still need to bring proof”
Comment “Great staff and very good service”
Comment “Can we have our bloods done at the surgery, some doctors in other towns have this in the surgery”
Comment “ Cant get an appointment when I need one”
Comment “ pharmacy did not deliver medication on time, rang the surgery and I know it is not their business to sort my medications out, but they sorted it out for me with the pharmacy”
Comment “ Great Doctor and Nurse, Cant fault them”
Comment “ I brought my mum in today to see the doctor after 20 years and was very impressed on how he explained the problems she was having and did all the checks whilst she came. I think I need to change surgeries”
Comment “ Sometimes it takes time for the Dr to see me and whilst waiting can we have vending machine so we can have a drink, like they do in the hospital”
Orient House Medical Centre
Patient Questionnaire
- How long have you been a patient at this practice?
(Circle appropriate answer)
Under 1 yr 1 - 5 yrs 6 – 10 yrs over 10 yrs
- To which age group do you belong? (Circle appropriate answer)
24 or under 24 – 44 45 – 64 65 or over
- Approximately how many times have you been to see the doctor in the last 6 months? (Please Circle appropriate answer)
None 1 – 2 3 – 5 6 – 10 over 10
- Are you aware that you can book appointments upto:
6 weeks in advanced for the G.P?Yes / No
3 months with the Nurse?Yes / No
- Are you aware that in cases of medical emergencies you will be seen or advised on the day, but will be asked for brief details of your illness to determine your emergency?
Yes / No
- If you have telephoned the surgery in the last 6 months, was the call answered promptly?
Yes / No
- When you last visited the surgery, were you satisfied with the overall cleanliness of?
Waiting room Consulting Room Patient toilets
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
- When you last visited the surgery, did you feel you had confidence and trust in the?
G.Ps NursesAdmin Staff
Yes / NoYes / NoYes / No
- When you last visited the surgery, were you treated with dignity and respect by?
G.Ps NursesAdmin Staff
Yes / NoYes / NoYes / No
- Do you have access to the internet?
Yes / No
- Are you aware of our practice website?
Yes / No
- Do you know what services we offer via the website?
13. In Greater Preston patients attending A&E could have been treated elsewhere. Are you aware of the services offered by?
G.PsPharmacists Dentists
Yes / No Yes / NoYes / No
14. In the last 6 months have you attended A&E for an illness or condition which could have
been treated elsewhere?
Yes/ No
If you wish to offer further comments on any questions above, please do so below
We greatly value the views of our patients on ways in which we can develop our practice. It is only by gaining your views and opinions that we know what we are doing right, and how we can improve. Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire.
- Ensure that staff on early morning rota manage calls in the first hour as quickly as possible and consider that all other enquiries apart from making appointments are dealt with after 10am , eg pharmacy enquiries, blood results etc
- Maintain cleaning standards and ensure staff also support the cleaning as and when required, rather than waiting for cleaner to attend.
- CQC Action plan on website to change to current updated version
- We would love to have toys in reception for children, however due to infection control this may not be possible.
- One Week wait for routine appointments is a good benchmark compared to other practices that have a two week wait. Constantly monitor and review accordingly. On the day emergency appointments available
- Guidance for online booking given by NHS England as a guidance to follow, we will look at easier ways to support patients to access online booking services, however proof of ID will still be mandatory.
- The practice will monitor pharmacy issues and any issues raised will be shared to the medicine management team to action.
- Hot drinks in the reception area is a hazard, this will not be possible in relation to having a vending machine in reception. Space to locate the vending machine is also an issue.