Walk Tall, Walk Strong
Walk Kansas - 2015
Guide for Team Captains
March 15 – May 9, 2015
Leading Your Team
“Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says "Go!" - a leader says "Let's go!" ~E.M. Kelly
One of the most effective ways to be an awesome team captain is to ‘walk the talk’ and model the way for your teammates. Each week, you will receive a peer support message and program reminders. These short messages will be inspirational and include a tip, website or video -- and a little humor -- to share with your team.
General resources and updates for 2015:
Program Website
The state Walk Kansas website will be updated routinely during the 8-week program. New videos will be added each week to support participants in adding strengthening exercises.
Go to:
Social media will play a big role in Walk Kansas again this year. Regular posts will provide links to inspirational and how-to videos, health tips, recipes, Walk Kansas success stories, connect you to walking movements across the country, and sometimes they will just provide a good laugh for the day! Like “Kansas State University Walk Kansas” and “K-State Research and Extension – Flint Hills District” on Facebook and follow GottaWalkKansas on Twitter.
Walk Kansas Photo Challenge! We are seeking photos that capture the spirit of Walk Kansas. Walk Kansas sweatshirts will be awarded to photographers whose entries are selected. Information is available at in the Participant Guide.
Let’s Go!!!
Steps to Register Your Team
Get your team ready by following these steps. (Return team registration materials and payment to the Extension Office byMarch 13th.)
1) Distribute participant information to team members. Each person (include yourself) should receive a registration form, participant guide, daily log and “Walk Tall, Walk Strong, Walk Kansas” activity guide. More support information for participants is located at:
2) Complete the team registration form (provide an email address for those who wish to receive the newsletter electronically and a mailing address for those who prefer postal mail.) Indicate size and color for those who order T-shirts.
3) Select a challenge. With your teammates, select a name for your team and a challenge to strive for. Check the appropriate box on the team registration form.
Challenge #1 – Across the state. Each team member gets 2 ½ hours of physical activity per week, enough to go 423 miles across the state.
Challenge #2 – Across and back. Each team member gets 5 hours of activity per week, enough to go across the state and back.
Challenge #3 – Around. Each team member logs 6 hours of activity per week, enough to go 1200 miles, the distance around the state.
* Based on calculation of 15 minutes = one Walk Kansas mile.
4) Collect registration forms, program fees, and payment for T-shirts (optional). Return these forms and payment (prefer one check per team) to the Extension office beforeMarch 13th. Registration is not complete until all forms are collected and fees are paid. All fees must be paid before you will have access to the progress section on the website.
5) Contact team members each week to see how they are doing and remind them to report minutes and cups of fruits/vegetables consumed to you on Sunday.
6) Report team totals to the Extension Office weekly (on Monday) or enter totals online at under “Team Progress.” Your first reporting date is March 23 and the last reporting date is May 11.
7) Progress of your team and all other teams across the state can be viewed on the website under “Team Progress.”
8) Evaluation forms will be distributed during week 7 of the program. Encourage teammates to complete the evaluation online or through a paper evaluation provided by the Extension office.
9) Read communication from the Extension office about Walk Kansas activities, such as kick-off or celebration events, fun walks, and other activities offered in your community. Encourage teammates to participate. Also, check the website for new information throughout the program and use the instructional videos to enhance your fitness activities. Encourage team members to do the same!
What Activities Count as
Walk Kansas Minutes?
The “Walk Tall, Walk Strong, Walk Kansas” activity guide is a good resource. To reinforce what counts, the activity must be at least 10 consecutive minutes (not 3 minutes walking from the parking lot, another 2 minutes walking up the stairs, etc.)
Activities must also be moderate and/or vigorous, and they can be strengthening activities. We are not awarding bonus minutes this year.
Flint Hills Extension District
Council Grove OfficeCottonwood Falls Office
Courthouse; 501 W MainPO Box 100
Council Grove, KS 66846Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845