Regular Meeting, Ethan Town Board, 9-11-17

The Town of Ethan board met in regular session on September 11, 2017, at the Ethan City Hall at 6:05 pm. Trustees present were Lisa Hjellum, Jason Koch, Megan Perry, Gregg Thibodeau and Nancy Schoenfelder. City personnel present: Betty Raymond and Dave Duba

Chairman Hjellum called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

All motions were unanimously voted as aye unless stated otherwise.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Approved on motion by Schoenfelder, second by Koch to accept the agenda as posted.


Motion Perry, second Thibodeau to approve the minutes from the August 14th regular meeting and the August 17th special meeting. Motion approved. Community Center minutes from August 28th were reviewed.


Motion Perry, second Koch to approve the claims.

General, sewer, water, preservation and community center funds * employee and board wages – board wages $820.14, employee wages $2330.44; SD Retirement $364.58; Robert Rook, water meter refund $67.24; Agland Co-op, fuel $103.74; Badger Meter, monthly charge $70.09; Bender’s Sewer & Drain, repairs
$5445.00; Betty Raymond, mileage $49.50; Brown & Saenger, supplies $146.57; Campbell Supply, supplies $11.98; Card Services, postage $200.15; Commercial Asphalt, street work $42,886.26; Daily Republic, publishing $216.46; ELO Prof LLC, support $1000.00; KO Pest, mosquito fogging $190.00; Menards, supplies $136.72; Mike’s Corner, truck repair $349.60; Morgan Theeler, legal fees $186.38; NorthWestern Energy, utilities $1063.21; Parkston Advance, ad $13.50; Petty Cash, postage and supplies $70.39; Santel, telephone $178.18; SD Department of Revenue, testing $15.00; SPN, Maple St project $1075.70; Weber Sanitation, garbage service $1290.00; QuickBooks Payroll Services $2334.17; US Treasury, employment taxes $1237.70; USDA, loan payment $1023.00; WorldPay, credit card machine charges $54.58; US Bank, loan payment $6399.24; Hanson Rural Water, tower/water $5298.00.

FINANCIAL REPORTS: The Finance Officer presented the current financial statements to the Board. No action needed. Finance Officer presented findings on grants for possible Railroad Street extension. Grants may be available next year. No action taken at this time.

WATER/SEWER REPORT: The Board reviewed the water report. Discussed sewer repair on Clarke Street and the Board requested Dave contact Bender’s about three other small repairs to be done this year. Also discussed the lagoon and getting a sensor fixed and upcoming certification classes as well as discussing the generators and getting gravel to use for alley repair.



Community Center: New bathroom has been started. Have quotes for painting.

Discussion was held regarding nuisance properties and issues. Discussed delinquent water bill for Cook’s Inn and it was stated that the water will not be turned on until paid in full. Also discussed ATV complaints and burning in town, which is not allowed. Sheriff’s report was reviewed.

Bat houses: Nancy Schoenfelder reported that the 4-H Club and the Ethan School shop will be building bat houses in the spring. Betty Raymond provided pricing for purchased houses and also plans for building them. Discussed placing the houses behind the Community Center and by the cemetery.

The Employee Handbook was presented and reviewed. There were two changes requested. Approved on motion by Koch, second by Thibodeau pending corrections.

There was little response to the rabies clinic so it was suggested to wait until spring to see if there is any interest then.

Nancy Schoenfelder stated she spoke with Ethan Lumber and they will be doing the roof.

Maple Street is done except for the shoulder work and grass seeding which is supposed to be done this week. Discussed putting up a barrier at the east end of the street to prevent anyone from driving off into the park area. The Board decided to wait with any traffic signs until later.

An internal accounting review was discussed at the August meeting. A quote was received from ELO, but no decision was made at this time.

Information regarding Safe Routes to School was received at 5:00 pm so unable to post to the agenda. SPN will be checking into the pricing quotes and will present the information at the next meeting.


Discussed possible part time or on call staffing. It was decided to wait until Dave is fully trained before making any decision.

Discussed the possibility of declaring 2 city owned lots as surplus and selling them. The Board requested that the Finance Officer check into this.

The first reading of the budget was done with additions and changes suggested. A special meeting will be held for final approval next week.


The next regular board meeting is October 16th at 6:00 pm.

Motion by Koch, second by Perry to adjourn at 9:20 pm.


Betty Raymond Lisa Hjellum

Finance Officer Chairman

Published once at the approximate cost of $______.