Tour of Friars Bush Graveyard
SATURDAY 27TH May 2017 at 1.00 pm
Friars Bush Graveyard, Stranmillis Road, Belfast
Friar’s Bush Graveyard is thought to be Belfast’s oldest Christian burial ground, possibly dating back to pre-Christian times. It contains the mass grave of hundreds of victims of Belfast’s cholera epidemics and is also Belfast’s official famine site. The name 'Friar’s Bush' is said to come from an old hawthorn tree in the centre of the cemetery known as 'the friar’s bush' – although exactly who the friar was is unclear!
Legend has it that St Patrick built a church and blessed a well on the site of Friar's Bush Graveyard, while an order of friars is also said to have been established there. Two important stones found within the cemetery grounds also seem to support this theory.
In 1828, the Marquis of Donegall provided land to extend the cemetery. The site was also enclosed with am eight foot high wall at this time, probably to deter body snatchers who sold newly buried bodies to anatomists for profit.
On 27th May we will enter the graveyard through the arched gothic gate lodge, built by the Marquis in 1828, and enjoy a fascinating guided tour of this important historical site - hearing the stories of the extraordinary and ‘ordinary’ people who rest there.
It promises to be a fascinating tour.
Note, we will meet at the gate lodge, just above the Ulster Museum on Stranmillis Road, the tour will take approximately 1 hour. Those who have time may wish to have coffee and a catch-up in the Ulster Museum immediately following.
Booking details are overleaf.
To Book:
Please note you may simply pay for the event on the day or you can send a cheque prior to this.
Please register for the tour by post or e-mail to the address below
Fee: £3.00
I intend to be present at the tour of Friars Bush Graveyard on Saturday 27 May 2017 at 1.00PM
I will be accompanied by ...... guests.
Name: ......
Address...... BT......
Telephone number......
e-mail address ......
I will pay on the day of the tour ......
I enclose a cheque for £...... made payable to Queen’s Graduates’ Association.
Mrs Paddy Skates, 15 Tweskard Park, Belfast BT4 2JY to arrive no later than Tuesday 23rd May 2017
If you wish to register and pay on the day you can do so by post to address above or by email to
QGA & QWG operates a ‘no refunds’ policy.