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Any County Schools
School Anywhere Date 3/15/12
Student’s Full Name Jane Doe
/DOB 2/18/01
Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/ Surrogate Parent John and Mary Doe /Age 10
Address P.O. Box 12345
/Grade 6
(Address continued) Anytown, WV 25123
/WVEIS# 110001234
Telephone Home: 555-1234 Work: Cell:Reevaluation Due Date: 11/25/2013
Initial Annual Review Reevaluation Review Amendment (Incorporated)
Parent Requested Teacher Requested
Transfer: (from) / DatePART II: Documentation of Attendance
/ Position______/ Parent
______/ Parent
______/ Student
______/ General Education Teacher
______/ Special Education Teacher
______/ Birth to Three Representative
______/ Chairperson
The following people participated in the IEP team meeting via an alternate method:
Name / Position / Alternate Method
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Will ESY be considered while developing this IEP?
____ Yes _X__ N/A (Student is gifted)
The IEP Team in making its determination of a student’s need for ESY shall review documentation that the student exhibits, or may exhibit:
· Significant regression during an interruption in educational programming;
· A limited ability to recoup, or relearn skills once programming has resumed;
· Regression/recoupment problem(s) that interfere with the maintenance of identified critical skills as described in the current IEP; and
· Others factors that interfere with the maintenance of identified critical skills as described in the current IEP, such as predictive data; degree of progress; emerging skills and breakthrough opportunities; interfering behaviors; nature and/or severity of the disability; and special circumstances
The lack of clear evidence of such factors may not be used to deny a student ESY services, if the IEP Team determines the need for such services and includes ESY in the IEP.
Does the student need ESY services?
____ Yes __X_ No Defer until: ______
(ESY shall be determined annually)
ESY Services
/ Direct/ Indirect (D or I) /Location of Services
* General EducationEnvironment = GEE
* Special Education
Environment = SEE
* Other = / Extent/Frequency
per / Initiation Date m/d/y / Duration m/y
The parent(s)/guardian(s) / adult student accept(s) reject(s) extended school services
West Virginia Department of Education February 2010
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The IEP Team considers for all students:
· The strengths of the student
· The concerns of the parent
· Results of the initial or most recent evaluation of the student. Are additional evaluations needed? (specify) ______
· Academic, developmental and functional needs of the student
· Revisions needed to address lack of progress
Additional Considerations (must be documented in Part IV Present Levels Narrative) / Yes / No1. / Is the student identified as gifted?
If yes, consider whether acceleration will be provided and document its effect on graduation. / X
2. / Does the student need assistive technology devices or services?
If yes, document the type of device and provision for home use, if any, and/or the nature and amount of services. / X
3. / Does the student have communication needs?
If yes, address in the IEP. / X
4. / Does the student’s behavior impede his or her learning or that of others?
If yes, consider the use of positive behavior interventions and supports and other strategies to address the behavior. / X
5. / Does the student have blindness or low vision?
If yes, document provision of instruction in Braille and the use of braille, OR after an evaluation of the student’s reading and writing skills, needs and appropriate reading and writing media, including an evaluation of the student’s future needs for instruction in braille or the use of braille, document in the Present Levels a justification that instruction in braille or the use of braille is not appropriate for the student.. / X
6. / Is the student deaf or hard-of-hearing?
If yes, consider the language and communication needs of the student, opportunities for direct communication with peers and professional
personnel in the student’s language and communication mode, the student’s
academic level and full range of needs, including opportunities for
direct instruction in the student’s language and communication mode. / X
7. / Does the student have limited English proficiency?
If yes, consider the language needs of the student. / X
8. / Will the student’s next IEP address transition services?
If yes, permission must be obtained to invite other agency representatives to the next meeting. (See Activities/Linkages section under Transition Planning) / X
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Student’s Full Name Jane Doe / Date 3/15/12PART V: ASSESSMENT DATA
Student Summative Assessment Data (WESTEST)
TEST YEAR / Reading/Language Arts / Math / Science / Social Studies / OtherSS / PL / LX / SS / PL / QT / SS / PL / SS / PL / SS / PL
2007 / 705 / 5 / 720 / 5 / 703 / 5 / 710 / 5
2008 / 708 / 5 / 657 / 5 / 719 / 5 / 726 / 5
2009 / 708 / 5 / 657 / 5 / 719 / 5 / 726 / 5
2010 / 708 / 5 / 657 / 5 / 719 / 5 / 726 / 5
2011 / 708 / 5 / 657 / 5 / 719 / 5 / 726 / 5
(SS = scale score) (PL = performance level) (LX = Lexile) (QT = Quantile)
Student Summative Assessment Data (APTA)
TESTYEAR / Reading/Language Arts / Math / Science / Other / Other
PL / PL / PL / PL / PL
(PL = performance level)
Formative Assessment Data
Using current, annual data, list benchmark and formative assessments that have been used with the student and describe the results and implications for specially designed instruction. Also the data may describe information relevant to student behavior, setting demands, work habits/learning skills, technology skills, workplace skills, independent living skills, performance based assessment and describe the results and implications for specially designed instruction.Assessment / Description
Acuity custom-made math 7th test and quiz questions / Demonstrated above mastery skills in 7th Math CSOs (one grade-level above).
Writing rubric – Reading/LA and social studies informational essay / Demonstrated distinguished level in 6th grade CSO in writing standard and social studies standard. Five performance levels from Novice to Distinguished.
Teacher made checklist – Portfolio of writing / Demonstrated mastery of 6th grade CSOs in Reading/Language Arts writing standard
Scoring guide – debate / Demonstrated mastery of 5-8 grades CSOs in Learning Skills in reasoning, critical thinking and decision making skills
Problem solving rubric / Demonstrated 3rd level skills in science problem solving. (5-level rubric)
Learning Skills Rubric / 5-Level Rubric of Learning Skills – Scored at the Developing Level (2)
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Student’s Full Name Jane Doe / Date 3/15/12PART VI: TRANSITION PLANNING (for students beginning no later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16, or younger if appropriate) (Refer to Policy 2510 and IEP instructions)
Age of Majority (for students reaching age 17 within the next 12 months)
The student and parent have been informed of the transfer of educational rights that will occur on reaching age 18.
Yes / No / Date / ______/ Student Initials / _____ / Parent Initials / _____Transition Planning Considerations:
How were the student’s preferences and interests considered? (Check all that apply):
Student interview/survey Interest inventory (specify)
Parent interview/survey Other (specify)
Functional vocational evaluation
Transition Assessments Reviewed (specify):
The student’s educational program will lead to a: standard diploma modified diploma
Post-Secondary Goals
Anticipated post-secondary education goals:
Anticipated post-secondary employment goals:
Anticipated post-secondary adult living goals:
Career Pathway/Cluster/Concentration the student selected on the Individualized Student Transition Plan (ISTP) is:
Pathway (8th grade) / Cluster (8th grade) / Concentration (10th grade)Entry(for 9th graders 04-05 through 07-08 only)
Skilled / Arts and Humanities
Professional / Health Sciences
Human Services
Science/Natural Resources
Transition Services: Indicate areas identified through IEP goals.
Instruction Employment and other adult living objectives
Related Services Daily living skills (if appropriate)
Community experiences Functional vocational evaluation (if appropriate)
Lead Party/AgencyActivities/Linkages / Parent /
Student / School / Agency
(Specify) / Description of Service
Vocational aptitude/interest assessment
Career awareness/work-based learning
Independent living/mobility
Agency referral/application
Activities/Linkages: Identify activities needed for attaining post-secondary outcomes and the lead party/agency responsible for those services.
*Should the identified agency fail to deliver transition activities outlined in the IEP, the IEP team must reconvene to identify alternative strategies to meet the transition needs of the child.
West Virginia Department of Education July 2010
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Narrative Descriptions of Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (refer to IEP Instructions) Add pages as needed.
General Information
Jane, who will be in 7th grade in the 2012-2013 school year, scored at the Distinguished Level in Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies on the 6th grade 2011 WESTEST 2. Using the Acuity assessment tool, Jane demonstrated above mastery level skills in the 7th grade WV math curriculum using an above-grade level custom-made math test in Acuity. Using teacher-made rubrics and checklists, Jane demonstrated mastery and above level skills in the 6th grade Reading/Language Arts, Writing, Science and Social Studies curriculum. General education teachers report that she successfully completes all assignments and participates in class discussions.
Given a learning styles inventory, Jane is a logical/mathematic learner who learns best by using logic and patterns to solve problems. She will benefit from the provision of logical activities involving equations to solve a real-world problem. Jane would also benefit from activities that develop verbal/linguistic skills in order to better communicate math and logic skills.
Given an interest inventory, Jane shows an interest in math and computers and wishes to pursue a career that involves math.
Given the Learning Skills/Behavior Rubric, Jane scored in the Developing range overall. Her weakest area was “Gathering Data” – “uses all available sensory pathways to learn and transfers the information to improve overall learning; can distinguish fact from fiction.” Another area in which she showed limited skills was “Thinking Flexibly” – “considers new information and demonstrates ability to change direction or use different strategies when needed.” In addition, limited skills were demonstrated in “Persisting” – “sustains problem solving process over time” and “Questioning and Posing Problems” – “probes deeper into an issue or problem and sees alternate points of view.”
Jane’s exceptional intellectual ability and her outstanding achievement, as shown in the above assessment data, indicates that she may be under-challenged in the content instruction normally provided in the general education classroom.
Jane has mastered 6th grade Writing CSOs at the distinguished level on the 6th grade WESTEST 2. To further develop her verbal/linguistic skills and to differentiate a writing product as a 7th grader, she will develop an informational brochure. Jane will also benefit from activities that develop effective communication of her research using spoken, written, and visual language for a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
As the assessment of above-grade level skills in math indicates, Jane has already mastered the 7th grade math curriculum. She also has a great interest in math and wishes to pursue a career that involves math. Therefore, Jane will be accelerated in the math curriculum to Math 1-8 (WV Next Generation accelerated Pathway).
Functional Skills
At this time, the data does not indicate the need for acceleration to the next grade level in reading/language arts, science and social studies. Jane continues to need the provision of extension activities and more in-depth study of topics focusing on higher-order thinking skills to enrich the grade-level curriculum.
Activities that develop critical thinking such as analysis of the text by distinguishing between fact and opinion, determining the credibility of the source, evaluating its relevance in present day living, and predicting any impact on future living; the application of the steps of a problem-solving model to complete a project; and planning, developing, organizing, and delivering a research project with documented sources, in-text citations to avoid plagiarism, and computer-generated graphic aids, will be provided.
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Student’s Full Name Jane Doe / Date 3/15/12PART VIII A: ANNUAL GOALS, Part A (For students who are taught the WV CSOs)
* Denotes critical skill(s) to consider for extended school year.
Skill /Timeframe
/ Condition / Behavior / Evaluation Procedure with Criteria / Mastery/ProgressCodes (optional)
(per Grade Period)
By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, / given a community project of her choosing, a variety of resources and support / Jane will develop an informational brochure / with 100% correct grammatical and mechanical properties in writing throughout the brochure / Mastery (ESY)
By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, / given extension activities within the 7th grade social studies curriculum, / Jane will communicate her research effectively using spoken, written, and visual language for a variety of audiences and for different purposes / at the distinguished level on a teacher-made rating scale for 4 out of 5 trials. / Mastery (ESY)
By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, / given printed texts from current real-life issues and concerns, / Jane will use graphic organizers and visualization techniques to interpret information (e.g., charts, graphs, diagrams, non-verbal symbols) / Completing 100% of the items per activity on a teacher-made checklist for 4 out of 5 trials. / Mastery (ESY)
By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, / given written and/or spoken texts (e.g., of a guest speaker; informational video; televised interview;) on current real-life issues / Jane will analyze the text by distinguishing between fact and opinion, determining the credibility of the source, evaluating its relevance in present day living, and predicting any impact on future living / at the proficient level as observed on the Learning Skills Rubric for 4 of 5 trials. / Mastery (ESY)
· Progress
How and when will the student’s progress toward the IEP goals be reported to the parent(s)? Specify.
How? Written Progress Report mailed / When? End of 9 week period
Record dates on which Progress Reports have been provided to parents.
· Mastery Code: 0 = Regression 1 = Maintained 2 = Recouped