May 29 2014

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Beck, withBauerle,Sandquistand Beckman present.

Sandquist moved to approve the agendawith the addition of Stuart Ranch under unfinished business and call Tracy Kizer to request spray record; Black Raven letter and administrator discussion under new business. Second by Bauerle, carried.

George Zeilinger, Attorney, and Jimie Ridnour, Communication Center Director, joined the meeting. Ridnour updated the Board on the T-1 line for the communication center. There is capability with the WAPA tower, however, the contract will need to be revised and Andy Bellendir, Motorolla feels there will be minimal extra financial burden for the county. Ridnour gave Zeilinger a new policy to review and gave the Board a letter concerning future retirement for one of the dispatchers. Discussion was held on options. Ridnour left the meeting.

Bauerle moved to cancel next week’s meeting, June 2, 2014 due to attendance at the CCI Summer Conference. Beck second, carried.

Payable vouchers and payroll were reviewed. Bauerle moved to approve payable vouchers as presented. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Minutes of the May 20, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes as presented. Second by Bauerle, carried.

Discussion was held on the response letters from Economic Development. Let it be known that four letters were received.

Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. Bauerle asked Kizer to bring in the spray record at the next monthly meeting. Kizer will bring it in. Discussion was held on the exhibit building kitchen. Kizer left the meeting.

Beck reported that Dan Pederson discovered an overpayment to Stuart Ranch in 2013. Discussion was held. A decision was made to send a letter to Stuart Ranch explaining the situation.

Discussion was held on the drag strip billing for Enable. Howard McCormick, Ambulance, joined the meeting and told the Board that the bill to the dragstrip that had not been paid will be taken care of. Enable Billing was contacted by phone and a message was left. McCormick left the meeting.

David Rishel and Wanda Trennepohl, Treasurer, joined the meeting. Rishel was given a list of county held properties and he is interested in all of them. Discussion was held. Bauerle moved to approve the assignment of a certificate of purchase to David Rishel for the Emil K Sand property located at 19 main ave, Sedgwick, Coloarado in the amount of $1,258.18 – lien, $909.89 – tax and $4.00 – assignment fee. Beck second, carried. Sandquist moved to approve the assignment of a certificate of purchase to David Rishel for the Truman M & Ingrid Savery property located at 217 7th Street, Ovid, Colorado in the amount of $1,435.95 – lien, $319.47 – tax and $4.00 – assignment fee. Beck second, carried. Rishel and Trennepohl left the meeting.

Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. The Board asked Renquist about the hiring of summer help at the landfill. Renquist told the Board that he did tell them about this and the help will be used at Road & Bridge as well. Discussion was held on complaints about pivots watering county roads. Bauerle asked about the pile of dead trees at the 16 mile corner and Renquist plans on burning them. Renquist told the Board he will be attending a waste tire meeting on June 18th & 19th. Renquist left the meeting.

Bauerle moved to approve the liquor license for Ovid Fire Department for an event at the fairgrounds on July 31st through August 2nd, 2014. Beck second, carried.

Beck moved to approve the Child Protection Agreement for Mental Health Services between the departments of Human/Social Services of Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington and Yuma Counties and Centennial Mental health Center Inc. Bauerle second, carried.

Beck presented a letter from Black Raven. Bauerle moved to approve the Notice of Application to Dispose of Produced Water for Black Raven for a well located at 14-9-46. The Board will not file a written request for a public hearing. Beck second, carried.

Zeilinger reported that there has been no new information received concerning the EEOC filing. Zeilinger left the meeting.

Discussion was held on the possibility of contracting or hiring an administrator for the county.

Dan Pederson, Accountant, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the communication center financials. Discussion was held on EDC and their 501(3)(C) standing. Pederson left the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.


James Beck, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board