Water Supply Watershed Protection
Local Program Compliance Checklist
- Local Government (Municipality/County):
- Inspection Date:
- DWQ Inspector(s):
- Local Government Watershed Administrator (name, title):
- Local Government Contact Info (phone, email, address):
- Applicability of Water Supply Watershed Protection (WSWP) Rules
How many WSWs are in your jurisdiction?
Which of the following WSW classifications do you have in your jurisdiction?
Do you have a map that shows the boundaries for each WSW within your jurisdiction?
When was the map last revised?
What was the nature of the map revision?
Is the map available on your website?
Do you administer the WSWP program in your ETJ (if applicable)?
- Applicability of other Stormwater and Riparian Buffer Programs
Are there areas in your jurisdiction that are subject to any of the following programs?
State Stormwater Rules (HQW, ORW)
Jordan Nutrient Strategy (stormwater/buffer);
Neuse NSW Strategy (stormwater/buffer);
Catawba Riparian Buffer Rule;
Randleman Lake Riparian Buffer Rule;
Tar-Pamlico NSW Strategy (stormwater/buffer);
Goose Creek WQ Management Plan;
Universal Stormwater Management Program;
NPDES Phase 2 Stormwater Program
Are these programs administered locally or by the state?
Do you have a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program?
- WSWP Ordinance
In which ordinance are the WSWP requirements located (e.g., Watershed, Zoning, UDO, etc.)?
When did this ordinance first become effective?
When was the ordinance last revised?
What was the nature of the most recent ordinance revision?
Is the ordinance available on your website?
- Low-Density Development Option
Does your ordinance allow only low-density development?
What are the minimum lot size and/or density requirements for new development?
What are the impervious (built-upon area) limits for new development?
(Answer may be ‘not applicable’ if rely on density/lot size.)
Do you require the use of traditional curb & gutter street systems in new development?
Are there any particular types of Best Management Practices (BMP’s) that you encourage for the
protection of water quality (e.g., curb outlet systems instead of curb & gutter systems)?
To what extent do you require plans to incorporate the use of vegetated swales?
- High-Density Development Option
Does your ordinance allow high-density development (i.e., development that requires
installation of engineered stormwater controls)?
What are the impervious limits for new development?
Who reviews site plans for high-density projects?
Do site plans show how stormwater is captured and managed?
Do you utilize the NC Stormwater BMP Manual? Is it referenced in your ordinance?
How do you ensure that stormwater control devices are being maintained?
How often are stormwater control devices inspected?
How do you track locations and maintenance of stormwater control devices?
- 10/70 Provision
Does your ordinance have a 10/70 provision (aka SNIA or SIA)?
How did you determine the starting acreage available for the 10/70 option?
How much of your 10/70 allocationhas been used?
How do you track the total acreage used for 10/70 projects?
Do you issue a Special Intensity Allocation permit for 10/70 projects?
Do you require additional stormwater control measuresfor 10/70 projects?
- Permitting
Do you issue WSWP permits?
Do you issue a zoning compliance permit instead of a WSWP permit?
Does the zoning compliance permit make reference to the WSWP areas?
How many permits do you issue on an annual basis (on average)?
Where are the permit copies filed?
- WSWP Vegetated Buffers
What are the minimum buffers required for low-density development?
What are the minimum buffers required for high-density development?
Are there any special buffer provisions in your ordinance such as for intermittent streams?
What map do you use to identify streams that must be buffered?
Does your ordinance allow trees to be cut in the vegetated buffer areas?
Are buffers recorded on deeds?
Do you monitor buffers for ongoing compliance?
- Variances and Review Board
Do you have a WSWP Review Board, or does the Board of Adjustment act in that capacity?
In what part of your ordinance are the variance procedures described?
Have you approved any minor variances?
How are major variances handled?
- Violations
Have you ever issued a stop work order for issues related to WSWP compliance?
Have you ever issued a Notice of Violation letter?
How do you notify a landowner or developer when corrective action is needed?
What types of violations, if any, are most common?
- Interlocal Agreements
Do you administer the WSWP Program on behalf of any other municipal government?
How do you coordinate the development approval process?
How are 10/70 allocations handled, if applicable?
Who checks for impervious or buffer compliance?
Who is responsible for maintenance of stormwater BMPs?
- Documents and Records
The following documents and records were made available for our review:
Watershed Protection Ordinance (or sections of zoning ordinance, stormwater ordinance, or UDO, as appropriate)
Watershed Map that shows local government boundaries, watershed boundaries (or appropriate Zoning Map)
Interlocal agreements between local governments or contracts with private companies to administer a WSWP program
List of all 10/70 (SIA) projects approved and total 10/70 acreage remaining per watershed (if applicable)
Copy of Special Intensity Permit (if applicable)
List of all variances approved or denied
Copy of stormwater BMP inspection/report form (if applicable)
Copy of Watershed Protection Permit (or equivalent -- e.g., Zoning Compliance Permit)
Copy of subdivision approval checklist (if applicable)
Copy of Notice of Violation letter (if applicable)
List and/or map of all structural stormwater BMPs
Maintenance schedule for structural BMPs
BMP Manual (if different from NC Stormwater BMP Manual)
Site Plans for field inspections (see below), including map showing site locations
- Site Visits
DWQ would like to inspect at least threedevelopment sites within WSW areas. These can be under construction or already built. Please select sites that help demonstrate compliance with your local WSWP program. To assist with these site inspections, we ask that you have the site plans on hand for our review.
Names of sites and development types (residential, commercial, etc):
Which of the following should we expect to find at these sites?
Engineered stormwater control device
Vegetated swale
Vegetated buffer
Curb outlet system
Curb and gutter system
High-density development
Stream crossing (road, utility)
Level spreader
Other ______
- Other
Do you have any questions or suggestions for DWQ?
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