Computer FundamentalsInstructor: Jun YanFriday (3,4 ), N210, South Campus

Lecture 1:Computers, model of computation, and a guide for college study and life

Name:许凯魁(Kevin) ID:2015050472

Welcome to the class.This lecture covers the following topics:

  1. Why we should have this course?:

Nowadays we usually use computers and it has become a part of our lives.

Examples: Computer has many convenient functions such as editing documents ,scribing notes ,making some programs ,making slides, creating advertisements,loging on websites ,making videos, booking tickets through some apps such as 12306 ,playing computer games and etc.

Computer is so cool and it is compulsory for us to learn it !

The widely used computer raises the following question: how can we learn so many things about computer?

2. In order to know so many things of computer,we should learn principles of computers. This course is to teach us principles of computer

We are going to learn principles of computers. If we knowthe principles, then it would be much easier for us to learn any computer techniques quickly by ourselves.

Examples: Pluto and aircraft. We calculate that the gravity of the Pluto is not strong enough using aircraft. So we do not regard the Pluto as The Eight Planets.

At the end of the semester, we shall know how each component of a computer work together to make computation possible.

3. Content of this course

Lecture includes model of computation,data and logic,hardware,operatingsystemsoftware and program ,database and computer networks.

Experiment includes hardware ,software and website.

4. von Neumann architecture

Computer appears to us like a black box. The central question of this course is how to design this black box.

To see how to construct a computer in principle, let us first examine a simple calculation taught at elementary school, which serves as a motivating example.

Examples:3.14 * 7.2 .Firstly we calculate 3.14*0.2, then we can get 0.628.Next we calculate 3.14*7, then we can get 21.98. Finally we calculate 21.98+0.628, then we get 22.608. Finished.

Seeing from the calculation, we can extract three main ingredients of in our computation: Multiplication table, Control, Blackboard.

Von Neumann architecture exactly captures the ingredients of computation mentionedabove.General-purpose computer: store program model; program istreated as data

5.Stored program and general-purpose computer

Now we can construct, in principle, a computer based on von Neumann architecture. We still have a problem: for each functionality, for example, phone, mp3, media player, game station, and so on, do we need to carry a specific computer for each of them?

Thanks to Turing, we have a single general-purpose computer to all the jobs!


[1].Computer fundamentals, by …

[2].Website: yan


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