Tuesday, May 24th, 2016, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Community Based Care of Central Florida, Hope Room

4001 Pelee St., Orlando, FL, 32817

Conference Number 1-888-670-3525; Participant Code: 671 5356 658#


Please note the following agenda is for reference purposes only. In order to eliminate unnecessary delays for the public and the council, the Chair at his discretion may deviate from the published agenda.


  1. Welcome – Mr. Jeff DeMario, ILSAC Chair
  1. Welcome, Roll Call, and Call to Order

ILSAC Attendees: Adam Gigliotti, Allan Chernoff, Carmen Dupoint, Christina Spudeas, Curtis Jenkins, Deborah Schroth, Esq, Dehryl McCall, Diane Schofield, Dr. Steve Rios, Evelyn Lynam, Georgina Rodriguez, Glorida West-Lawson, Jeannie Becker-Powell, Jeff DeMario, Melody Kohr, Sarah Markman, Shila Salem, Teri Saunders, Theresa Kennedy

Other Attendees: Dr. Cookie Schultz, Clark Dorman, Ada Dieguez, Stephanie Johnson, Troy Wingerter, Maggie Miller

ILSAC Absent: Dan Scott, Harriet Wynn, Jovasha Lang, Julia Schaffer, Laura MacLafferty, Penelope Deutsch, Sonia Valladares

  1. Approval of Minutes

Discussion of last meetings minutes determined inaccurate reflection of the discussion around DCF not fixing the discrepancies of posted response to last ILSAC report. There seems to be a slight variation from response posted on Center for Child Welfare’s site and Florida Department of Children and Families site. These meeting minutes are reflecting that discrepancy and were then approved. Follow up will be provided about the corrections regarding the final report by DCF by the next ILSAC Meeting.

  1. Review of Agenda

Chair noted a portion of the Agenda was carved out to discuss the topic of Education. Last meeting there was significant time given to the topic of Employment. Council member noted would like to add the topic of Human Trafficking to a future agenda as this is an important statewide topic to be discussed relevant to youth and young adults in IL programs. It was announced that June 1st there is a Human Trafficking State Advisory Committee meeting.

  1. Call for public comments: each speaker provided 3 minutes

Additional discussion around response to the last ILSAC report ensued. Council member desires an official response from the Secretary on oversight and accountability related to recommendations provided in the ILSAC report. ILSAC is to have statutory oversight of all IL Services. Another Council member noted last year someone raised issues about need for workgroups around QA which ILSAC would like to measure outcomes whereas QA is monitoring contract compliance. Overall there are recommendations from some council members to analyze outcomes versus inputs. Council member would like to get back to basics, reviewing all of Independent Living Services and how they are being implemented and the operation. Request for more data and question as to why # of young adults being served in programs is going down. Member suggested clarification of data elements that other members would like to review. Council members should gain consensus before request and determine what questions need to be answered.

Although this conversation was helpful it should be noted for the minutes that this section of the agenda “calling for public comment” will be reserved for non-committee members in the future.

  1. Education Presentation – Curtis Jenkins
  1. Multi-Tier Level of Support Model

Reviewed PowerPoint of model. Clark Dorman presented on behalf of Curtis. Clark is a project leader on a problem solving response utilizing this model for intervention purposes. From this model or framework, an evidenced based hypothesis can be derived. This framework uses data. The Pregnant and Parenting IL population was used as an example for demonstration. Discussion around need for more intensive supports. This framework can be used for transition planning. Comments around SEDNET and Wraparound meeting process were noted. Additional public comments around educational liaisons around the state and whether or not they know their role. Members noted dedicated staff at the school district vary and different experiences from County to County exist. It was noted that each district gets to decide on implementation of the laws around foster care educational liaisons.

  1. Florida Shines

Information on career and education planning was presented by Maggie Miller, Lead Florida Field Trainer from Kuder through a PowerPoint. This overview on MyCareerShines website guided the ILSAC audience through a tutorial on the career planning system. Discussion around whether or not this career planning website was mandated ensued. It seems it is the expectation through law that all 8th graders begin some sort of career planning but the use of this website tool is not required.


Discussion around meeting time and the need for a July meeting due to the number of questions needing to be answered by the Department, particularly around data. Department is still awaiting some DEO employment data which should be available to be analyzed by the time the Employment Subcommittee has their conference call. There was some additional discussion around data needs such as how many youth and young adults are obtaining their GED, H.S. Diploma, Special Diploma, and/or are enrolled in postsecondary or have gained employment. Any reports that DCF/FSFN can provide that can be dissected into each category would be helpful to the group. There should be some information readily accessible in the FSFN system under the headings of Education, Housing, Employment and Crossover that would serve ILSAC. The recommendation is to provide this information quarterly. ILSAC members recall a workgroup 2 years ago that had analyzed the outcomes of the NYTD survey.

  1. Florida Reach– Dr. Steve Rios
  1. Florida Reach Symposium, June 9-10, 2016

Information was shared with regards to the symposium. Flyer with additional topics for CEUs were viewed and discussed. Additionally, a campus coach directory along with a Foster Care school district liaison directory was distributed.

  1. Closing
  1. Discussion for next meeting Agenda

Discussion around meeting time and the need for a July meeting due to the number of questions needing to be answered by the Department, particularly around data. Department is still awaiting some DEO employment data which should be available to be analyzed by the time the Employment Subcommittee has their conference call. There was some additional discussion around data needs such as how many youth and young adults are obtaining their GED, H.S. Diploma, Special Diploma, and/or are enrolled in postsecondary or have gained employment. Any reports that DCF/FSFN can provide that can be dissected into each category would be helpful to the group. There should be some information readily accessible in the FSFN system under the headings of Education, Housing, Employment and Crossover that would serve ILSAC. The recommendation is to provide this information quarterly. ILSAC members recall a workgroup 2 years ago that had analyzed the outcomes of the NYTD survey.

  1. Next Meeting JULY 26th – ORLANDO – with improvements to audio for those calling into the meeting.
  1. Meeting adjourned– 2:49pm