Worcestershire Community Transport
Cross Sector Consortium (WCT CSC)
Notes from the meeting of the Worcestershire Community Transport Cross Sector Consortium held at The Green Centre, Gresham Road, Worcester, WR2 5QS on Tuesday 28th January 2014 starting at 2pm.
1.0 / Present:Nigel Caldicott (NC)Wyre Forest Dial a Ride
Carole Collier (CC)Tenbury Transport Group
John Driver (JD)Tenbury Transport Group/TTT
Roger Wildin (RW)Upton Community Care
Jan Bastick (JB)Upton Community Care
Helen Perry (HP)NHS SWCCG
Ruth Griffin (RG)RBC DAR
Hedley Burton (HJB)Worcester Wheels
Carol Pratt (CP)Droitwich and Rural CVS
Simon Wilkinson (SW)Upton Shuttle
Beverley Coldrick (BC)CTH Bewdley
Jacci Phillips (JP)CAMD
Madeleine Sumner (MS)Worcestershire County Council
Helen Gray (HG)Evesham Volunteer Centre
Sally Ellison (SE)Worcester Volunteer Centre
SE welcomed everyone and introductions were made.
SE requested any 'Any Other Business' items - none
2.0 / Apologies:
Kate Walton (KW)Pershore Volunteer Centre
Caroline Palethorpe (CP)Tenbury Transport Group
Paul Smith (PS)Worcestershire County Council
Andy Baker (AB)Worcestershire County Council
3.0 /
The notes from the meeting held on 12th November 2013, having been distributed in advance, were agreed.
4.0 / Matters Arising4.1 / Partner Update -SE reported that, at present, there were 14 partners signed up to the Consortium agreement.
4.2 / WCC 3-year CT Strategy – MS updated. Comments regarding the Strategy need to be submitted to MS by end of February 2014. / All
4.3 / Funding Panel Establishment – the terms of reference had been circulated and were agreed.
4.4 / Funding Paper – it was agreed that the following options be furthered:
b)Promotion – update information for booklet to HJB, ?postcards,
c)Vehicles – advice on possible purchases (HJB to advise).
d)Small start-up fund (£25,000) agreed. ?loan fund to support groups with contracts.
e)There were lengthy discussions regarding the Sustainability Officer – the eventual agreement was that it may be better to look at different options i.e. short-term options discussed later in meeting. / All
5.0 / Addition to Agenda: Helen Perry, SW CCG
SE welcomed HP and emphasised how important links were with CCGs/NHS. Whilst we understood there was no new funding, it needed to be recognised that CT services provided significant savings to NHS costings.
JP hoping to progress discussions with CCG. HP willing to assist where ever possible, especially with GPs.
Also CT needs to emphasis the ‘quality’ elements of their service. The ‘holistic service’ provided is important.
There were discussions regarding previous health funding for CT.
HP emphasised the importance of raising the profile of CT, possibly through Patient Participation panels.
MS explained that it seemed that non-emergency patient transport contracts were expected to be extended to April 2015. MS will update where/when possible.
6.0 / Funding and Monitoring Forms
These were circulated in advance and were agreed – proposed by HJB and seconded by JP. It appeared that the DfT funding still had £350,000 remaining and 2 vehicles were to be purchased (Pershore + 1).
Parish Councils could become involved in transport but would be encouraged to join the Consortium.
The Funding Panel will oversee all applications and agree funding. They will then report to the Consortium.
Monitoring reports would also be submitted to Consortium.
Payments for projects would be paid at a rate of 50% upfront and 50% after 3 months. Final approval of all applications would be sanctioned by Andy Baker.
7.0 / Sustainability Officer – the various options were discussed including:
-A 2 day per week officer although Peter Hardy (JMP Consulting) still also available but ‘expensive’.
-Freelance consultant - ?a self-employed individual to support bids/contracts and funding opportunities.
-Approved provider list of consultants (similar to Changing Futures Funds). MS to look at costs for each of above. / MS
8.0 / Task Groups
8.1 / IT – RG, JD, BC all volunteered to look at options and report back to March meeting as many organisations looking at developing/implementing new IT systems. / RG/JD/ BC
8.2 / 3-Year Development Plan – JP, HG, KW, SE and MS to work to present first draft for March meeting. / JP/HG/ KW/SE/ MS
9.0 / CTA Road Show – MS updated members regarding event planned for 2nd April 2014 at County Hall. Agreed that the Consortium would deliver a presentation and Q&A session titled ‘Joined-up working in Worcestershire’.
10.0 / WCC Update
10.1 / MS updated members on cuts to bus subsidy consultation.
WCC potential bus subsidy cuts could affect 97 services. £3 million savings to be made. Alternative options could include:
-£600,000 school entitlement
-£900,000 including non-excluded scholars
-£1.2 million maintain some basic mainstream services across the county.
8,500 responses to consultation.
10.2 / Recent issue regarding Section 19 permits. WCC seeking external legal advice. The issue regards one off fares v’s contracts being seen as ‘whole’ cost. Options include having only one person in vehicle, being a licensed taxi or having Section 22 permit. There was also another issue regarding car drivers for which WCC were also seeking external legal advice. MS will update. / MS
10.3 / Message from Paul Smith – “WCC still very committed to working with CT sector and will do all it can to help programme run smoothly”. He wanted to confirm the on-going support for CT.
11.0 / WCTP (G8) Funding 2014/15 – SE confirmed that, as at now, it appeared that the grant would be £150,000 – down from £199,000. This was separate funding from the DfT funds. Members agreed that there needed to be distinct clarity between this grant and DfT funding, and what each ‘pot’ was paying for. SE agreed that clear reporting would be maintained to ensure clarity of funding. It was agreed by all present that the WCC grant of £150,000 continue to be ‘ring fenced’ for the WCTP (G8) members. / SE
12.0 / Any Other Business
12.1 / Car Parking Permits – JD queried the recognition of WCC passes by hospitals and district councils. Present ‘situation’ discussed.
12.2 / BSOG – NC asked regarding costs for other organisations for auditing of BSOG claims. Suggested he contacted Regulatory Services.
13.0 / Date of Next Meeting – 25th March 2014 in Malvern.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 4.15pm
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