PTA Meeting Minutes
September 30, 2014
Ron Fedele, President; Kelly Galimi, Vice President; LinnetteSanfardino, Treasurer; Sarah Petchell, Recording Secretary; Lisa Tomeny, District Delegate;
Mrs. Berry, Principal; PTA members
- Noreen Mahanna - Yearbook. This year’s Yearbook will have a more defined theme, using the Monarch Butterfly, with a metamorphosis of K thru 3 in page order; a concerted effort to include more activities throughout the school, e.g., concerts, specific classes etc.
- Lisa Tomeny - Cultural Enrichment. Author Visit, Karen Orloff for Gr. 3. Agreed that “Story Pirates” will be brought in again, Lisa Tomeny to coordinate with Mrs. Conn.
- Lisa Valle - School Store. Store is going well. A suggestion for the K classes to have a field trip visit to the store.
- Other brainstorming suggestions for Fund Raising: “Tika the Wolf”; one parent suggested, based on her previous school district “One Book, One School” . Mrs. Berry added that it would be a good theme for Book Week. If a book like E.B.White’s “Stuart Little” was the chosen book, the Week could finish with a movie night also. Chair of book week was not present, they should be brought into the discussion. Scholastic Bucks could be used to fund a book copy for each child.
- Suggestion that a fence be erected around the dumpsters in back of the school. A parent suggested it could be an Eagle Scout project.
- Questions about the full day K classes using the only the front playground. Mrs. Berry confirmed that it would there would be no new equipment at this time, however the school is looking into a transition to the playground in the back either in November or the spring of 2015.
- Field Trips and chaperones - the policy used to be that chaperones provided ID and needed to be PTA members. There has been a confirmation that PTA membership is not required. However, the details of how to proceed are currently being worked on.
- Allergy Protocol - general discussion of implementation and a striving for consistency for class parties. (SEE ALLERGY COMMITTEE UPDATE)
- Trunk or Treat - ironing out details of how it will work, number of cars, police presence, safety and wellness policy issues. Agreement that class parents will assist in coordinating the number of cars/families per class.
- Budget - 2014/15 Budget was discussed and voted on, after it was decided to add a caveat that there would be revisions to the budget at a later date. The vote was passed.