Ms. Both’s & Mrs. Litos’ Science
Classroom Expectations
Curriculum- Science Practices
- Matter
- Chemistry
- Forces & Motion
- Electricity & Magnetism
- Waves
- Composition Notebook
- Daily Homework Planner
- Scotch Tape
- Color Pencils
- #2 Pencils
- Blue/Black ink pens
- Highlighter
Class Expectations
- Be prepared with your materials and be ready to learn as soon as the bell rings.
- During class discussions, make sure to respect other’s opinions.
- Listen and follow instructions within the proper timeframe.
- Students will write down their homework and other assignments in their planner daily.
- Respect others during test/quiz time by not communicating with classmates during the period.
- Make sure to leave the classroom as you found it (Nice and Neat!)
- All safety rules must be followed at all times.
- Always remember to strive to do your best!
Class Consequences
- Verbal warning
- Contact home/ Note made in Genesis
- Office write-up.
- Violation of lab safety rules may result in lab privileges being revoked.
Academic Honesty
It is expected that each student adhere to the Franklin Township academic honesty and plagiarism policy. This means that all work will be done, by the individual student, in their own words. Do it right the first time, or be prepared to do it over.
Science Notebooks
Notebooks must be in class every day. Keep all science notes, handouts, and corrected work; it will be useful for following classes. Everything should be legible. If we can’t read it, it will not be graded.
Quarterly grades will be calculated according to the following organization:
Classwork 20%
Labs 20%
Quarterly Grade100%
Homework will be checked/reviewed at the start of class. If classwork is not completed during the class, it will become homework. 10 points will be deducted each day an assignment is late. Better late than never.
Quizzes/Tests: Quizzes & tests will always be announced in advance. A test review in the form of a review game, study guide, or both will precede all tests the day before.
Projects: There will be individual and group projects, to be done in class and at home.
Labs: Lab grades are based on not only the written report, but also how well you work within your group. Please follow the lab rubric and be a team player.
Extra Credit
Extra credit opportunities are provided throughout the marking period. There is extra credit on most tests/quizzes and online activities are posted on the teacher page.
Late Assignments/Retakes
Any graded assignmentbelow 70% can be retaken/corrected. It is up to you to change your grade, which is your responsibility as a student. 10 points will be deducted per day for all late assignments.
Genesis/Teacher Webpage
If a student is absent or forgets his/her notebook in school, PowerPoints and activities are uploaded to my teacher page. Genesis is updated daily with grades and assignments (worksheets are uploaded). No excuses for being unprepared.
Sticker Wars
Students will get the opportunity to compete against other classes in “Sticker Wars”. When tests, quizzes, and other graded assignments are returned, grades will be assigned stickers. Every student will receive one sticker for any form of a B grade (80-89), two stickers for an A (90-99), and three stickers for a 100. The total number of stickers in the class will be recorded on the board for each class period. At the end of the marking period, the class period with the most stickers will win prizes.
Science Safety Rules
As you enter the room/before you start:
1. Wait for instructions before touching lab materials.
2. Listen to the teacher and all directions at all times.
3. Make sure your lab area/table is clear of your materials (don’t have jackets, bookbags, extra papers on your desk).
4. Know the locations of all safety equipment including the eyewash station, sinks, fire blanket, goggles, and broken glass buckets.
During the lab:
5. Never fool around or interfere with other group’s experiments (Stay with your group).
6. Be careful when using lab supplies.
7. Report any accident or injury (spill, broken glass, cuts, etc.) to the teacher immediately, no matter how small it may appear. Never touch broken glass.
8. Make sure to wear protective gear when needed (goggles, aprons, gloves).
9. All chemicals in the laboratory area are to be considered dangerous. Do not touch, taste, or smell any chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so. The proper technique for smelling chemical fumes will be demonstrated to you.
Finishing Up:
10. Clean and dry all work surfaces at the end of the experiment. Your table should look like it did when you walked in.
11. Listen to directions on how to continue or complete your work.
*Do not eat food, drink, or chew gum in the lab room.
*Violation of lab safety rules may result in lab privileges being revoked.
Name: (please, print first and last name)
Directions: Please, read and sign the following statement.
I have read the attached packet. I understand all material within the packet and I have asked questions to clarify any portions that I did not understand. I realize that I am responsible for all the information that it provides concerning the operation of our science classroom and my responsibilities and the expectations of me as a student.
For lab safety, please answer the following questions.
- Do you wear contact lenses? ______
- Do you have allergies? If yes, be specific. ______
I have read and understand the attached packet concerning the operations of my child’s science class. I will contact the teacher with ANY questions or concerns throughout the year.
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (please, print first and last name)
Sampson G. Smith Intermediate School
1649 Amwell Rd. Somerset, NJ 08873 (732)873-2800