‘Learning Together in God’s Love’
Welcome to all of our Reception class and their families. All of the children are now settled and have made an excellent start to the school year. Well done and welcome to Francois, Brian, Benjamin, Francesca, Aaron, Ines, Alexandro, Daniel, Oscar, Wiktor, Finn, Ariellea, Thomas, Matthew, Andrew, James, Gracie, Amelia, Daniel O, Anais, Abbey, Beth, Verity, Harrison, Erin, Rian, Al Jasim, Niamh, Simon, Alfred.
Tea with the Teacher
It has been good to see so many parents attending the afternoons this week. I hope you found them useful and I will be asking for feedback when we have our meeting in October. You should have received the curriculum newsletter for your child at this meeting. If you have not received it, do ask your child’s teacher.
There are two remaining sessions next week.
Monday 22nd September Reception Class
Tuesday 23rd Year 1
St Paul’s Catholic College Sunbury Talk by Headteacher Ceri Bacon Year 5 & 6 Parents
30th September 7p.m.Our Lady of Rosary School Hall
I met with the Headteacher of St Paul’s Catholic school this week who spoke to our Year 6 children. We discussed the possibility of her speaking to parents of both years 5 and 6 which she is very keen to do. We have organised an evening date for 30th September at 7 p.m. here at Our Lady of the Rosary, where she will address parents and answer any questions you may have. She will bring along some students who will also talk to parents about life at St Paul’s. I would like to encourage as many of our parents in Years 5 and 6 to attend to learn more about our diocesan secondary school.
Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 26th September after 9.00 a.m. Mass
You are all invited to join us for coffee and cake to raise money for this very worthy cause. This is a good opportunity for Reception parents to meet with other parents from their class and they are particularly welcome. Teachers and teaching assistants have volunteered to make the cakes (we've taken tips from Mary Berry!) and the new school council members will be on hand to serve you. Please come along if you can on the 26th to the school hall. All proceeds will be donated to the McMillan cancer care charity.
Reception Class 2015 Open Mornings for Prospective Parents
Information will be sent out before the end of September to all those families who have registered with the school for a place in next year’s Reception class. If your child is eligible to begin school next year (children born between 1st September 2010 and 31st August 2011 ) and you have not registered your child’s name, please do so immediately. There will be two opportunities to see the school in session.
Our Open Mornings will be Wednesday 22nd October or Wednesday November 5th. I will deliver a short talk at 9.30 followed by tours of the school. Please make an appointment at the office if you wish to attend. Applications for next year’s Reception class must be completed by 15th January 2015.
School Elections
It is not only the Scots who have been busy voting. We have had elections for school council reps and eco reps for each class from Year 1-6. School council will meet with Miss Glynn fortnightly and Eco reps with Miss Kelly. The following children were elected and presented with badges in assembly.
School Council
Year 1 Alice Hill and Tom Powlson
Year 2 Lucca Davies and Gabrielle Hoggett
Year 3 Lauren Pullen and Harry Le Mare
Year 4 Sophie Colbourn and Jack McLaren
Year 5 Freddie Uncles and Jessica Fernandes Hack
Year 6 Jevon Sweeney and Olivia Alwinapper
Eco Council
Year 1 Emilia Mazur and Albert Lovegrove
Year 2 Sophie Fogarty and Luke Christmas
Year 3 Connell Dawson and Eleanor Hart
Year 4 Jed Higgins and Madeleine Drake
Year 5 Alex Grimmett and Leigh Languedoc Butt
Year 6 Scarlett Summerton and Jose Lagaillarde
Year 6 House Captains
St Francis Alfie Gower and Ella Stewart
St Lucy Jospeh O’Riordan Owino and Scarlett Summerton
St Paul Conor Allen and Molly Floyd
St Bernadette Nancy Scott and Nathaniel Dawson
Year 6 Junior Citizen
On Wednesday Year 6 went to the BA Learning Centre. We went by coach and when we arrived we were split into groups for different activities. We learnt the high way code, First Aid and how to stay safe online. The Blue Cross was there (animal care), Police and we were told about Stranger Danger. It was a very informative experience and we all enjoyed it.
David Lowe Year 6
School Development Fund 2014/2015
The governors invite contributions to the School Development Fund for 2014/15. The suggested amount is £60 per family. The governors are responsible for 10% of the cost of buildings and maintenance work at the school and your contributions are very important to us so that we can continue to make improvements and refurbishments. Payment can be made via standing order/cash/cheque and can be handed in to the school office in an envelope marked ‘School Development Fund’. We thank you for your contributions.
The clubs have all got off to a good start this week. We do have vacancies in the badminton club on Monday evenings. This half-term badminton is for junior girls. We also need a few more girls for the football club on Tuesday evenings for Years 4, 5 and 6.
We are planning to run an additional football club for Years 3 and 4. Details have been sent to parents of those classes
Parent Mail
Please remember to make all your dinner and trip payments via ParentMail – www.parentmail2.co.uk. We are aware that some parents have forgotten their passwords and remind you that under the login screen there is a button where you can click ‘Forgotten login details and obtain a new password’. If you have changed your mobile number please remember to change it on parent Mail or you will not receive text alerts.
Well Being
Most of our children are happy coming to school and enjoy the school day. From time to time they may have quarrels and upsets with friends and classmates. We always encourage children to talk to school staff if they cannot sort out any difficulties themselves. Most things are resolved without too much difficulty. Parents should always contact the school if your child is unhappy at school. Please do not approach children or parents directly when disputes occur.
Elizabeth (Year 6) and William (Year3) Hackney leave our school today. The family are moving to Bishop Stortford. We wish them every success and happiness.