Conversational Spanish B Student Expectations
Señora Blanchard & Señora Bergmann
Materials Needed Each Day:
- A notebook or binder separated into 2 sections
- Warm-Ups
- Class Notes
- Pen, pencil, colored pencils (or crayons/markers)
- Pocket folder
- Student planner to write ALL assignments
Grades will be calculated as follows:
- 25% - oral participation
- 20% - warm-up tests & projects
- 25% - quizzes
- 20% - classwork
- 10%- current events
Classworkwill consist of oral, listening, writing and reading activities and will be completed both individually and in groups. You are expected to participate positively and to meet the classroom expectations on a daily basis.
Quizzesmeasuring your acquired vocabulary and grammar knowledge will be given periodically. Most quizzes will be announced, however, some may not be announced so always be prepared.
Warm-UpTestswill be announced well in advance and consist of your daily Warm-Ups.
Projectswill be assigned several times each marking period. All directions will be explained orally as well as in written form. The projects will be related to the theme discussed in class and give you more creative freedom while learning about the Spanish culture in depth.
Current Events will be assigned on a rotating basis. Schedule will be posted on the website and in the classroom. Students will be expected to use suggested websites to find a current event of their personal interest about a Hispanic country. They will summarize and give their opinion on the article to the class. During weeks that they are not assigned a current event, they are expected to be active listeners during their classmates’ presentations.
Students’ Responsibilities:
Students are responsible for completing all assignments and projects in a timely manner. Incomplete assignments will receive a grade of zero. Late assignments will lose 10 points for each day they are late. Late assignments will not be accepted after 5 school days.
* All students are to follow the rules of conduct for James Caldwell High School. Detention and conduct cuts will be assigned for any violations. *
Rules and Expectations:
- Please arrive to class on time. You will have one warning per marking period, however, after the first warning you will receive a five minute detention for each tardy.
- Be prepared for class each day with your notebook, a writing utensil, and a POSITIVE attitude.
- As soon as you arrive to class, complete the WARM-UP that is posted while waiting for your classmates to arrive. Remember to write the WARM-UP number as well as the date.
- Participate as much as possible during class by answering or asking questions or contributing to discussions. Spanish can and will be a fun and rewarding experience if you put effort into learning the language and culture.
- Be a good listener when the teacher or your peers are speaking. Many times, you can learn as much from your peers as you can from your teacher.
- Behave with maturity during class. Raise your hand to speak. Do not chew gum.
- All projects should be handed in on time. 10 points will be deducted for each day a project is late.
- When asked to work in pairs or groups, cooperate and divide the work up equally.
- Respect others and their property.
Violations of classroom rules will result in the following consequences:
- Warning
- Detention
- Office referral
Contact Information: If you need to reach me regarding a Spanish-related question, please email me at . Also, utilize my Spanish website that contains links to vocabulary, games, important announcements, and project due dates at
Parents and Guardians: Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions/concerns. The best way to reach me is via email. I believe that we should work as a team to ensure that the students succeed.
James Caldwell High School-World Language Department: Spanish
Profesoras Bergmann, Blanchard, Coogan-Russell, & Giampino-Vasi
I realize that Spanish is a challenging class. However, remember that everything I ask you to do has been practiced and reinforced in class. You have the skills to do every assignment in this class. Please do not let the language scare you. Remember that I am here to help you!
I define cheating as giving and/or receiving help on an assignment or assessment.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
-Having someone do some or all of your work.
-Having a fluent Spanish speaker do your work with you or for you.
-Copying someone else’s work (including homework).
-Using on-line translation sites. This does not include on-line dictionaries.
-Giving the answers to or aiding an assignment or assessment.
-Using a cell phone or other electronic device during any assessment (quizzes or tests).
REMEMBER, I do know what you should know in Spanish. If you turn in a paper with words and verb conjugations we have never used in class, I will assume you used a translation site or had someone “help” you. If you need help with a word, look it up in your book or use an online dictionary (ex., or you may ask me for help. Looking the word up in the dictionary will help you remember it for next time.
Cheating will result in an automatic zero on the assignment or assessment, parent contact, and a referral to administration.
I, ______, have read the above information. I understand how the Spanish department defines cheating and understand that it will not be tolerated in Profesora Blanchard’s class. I understand that I will receive an automatic zero for any assignment or assessment that I cheated on, my parent or guardian will be contacted, and I will receive a referral.
Student Signature Date
Dear Parent/Guardian, by signing below you are stating that you have read and discussed the above information with your student and understand the consequences. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Parent Signature & Email Date