Watts Learning Center
310 West 95th Street Los Angeles, CA 90003
Phone (323) 754-9900 Fax (323) 754-0935 E-mail:
Sandra Fisher Kelly Baptiste
Executive Director Director
Watts Learning Center
Anti-Bullying Plan
Watts Learning Center is committed to creating a safe, caring, respectful learning environment for all students. Bullying is strictly prohibited, and will not be tolerated. Students have the right to be members of a bully-free school.Reported incidents of bullying will be investigated promptly by school administration.
What is Bullying?
- Teasing, harassment, intimidation, physical attacks
- An abusive behavior that often leads to greater and prolonged violent behavior
- The intentional victimization over time that causes injury, discomfort, fear, and suffering
- An imbalance of power between the bully and the victim
- A learned behavior often through interactions students have in their environment
Preventative Measures for Students
Bullying behaviors are unacceptable. Ongoing instruction is to be provided through Play Works and Conflict Resolution Programs. With the support of staff and parents, students at WLC will do the following things to help prevent bullying:
- Ignore the bully’s behavior when possible
- Rebuff in a firm manner
- Request that the bully stop, and walk away; if this does not work, tell the teacher
- Agree with the bully (this takes the power away)
- Use humor; ask the bully to repeat what was said
- Practice what to say in front of a mirror or with friends; spend time in groups
- Reach out to students that are being bullied and be a friend
- Include all students that want to be included in games; especially those being left out
- Refuse to let others be bullied and speak up if they see bullying
Preventative Measures for Parents
If you know or suspect that your child is being bullied, please contact your child’s teacher immediately. If our intervention does not resolve the bullying, please let us know. The school can only help you if you entrust us with the problem and tell us what is happening. Do not confront the parents of the bullies or the bullies themselves. Generally such confrontations are high-conflict and can make your child’s situation worse. Watts Learning Center Encourages parent to:
- Find out in detail what happened
- Contact your child’s teacher and/or administrator to alert them and request their assistance
- Avoid blaming anyone
- Do not encourage your child to be aggressive or to strike back because this could lead to serious disciplinary action by administration
- Discuss and role-play with your child assertive alternatives to responding to bullies (e.g. have your child practice not reacting, saying, “You’re right,” or walking away)
- Be patient. It often takes a while to resolve the problem
- Encourage your child to show respect and caring for the dignity and worth of everystudent, parent and adult that works at the school.
- Have conversations with your children about diversity. Reinforce the message that everyone is different and that diversity brings our school many gifts.
- Be a role model. Monitor how you talk about others in front of your child.
Preventative Measures for Teachers/Staff
Teachers are the single most effective deterrent to bullying. Teachers and staff are committed to recognizing bullying and safeguarding students against it. School personnel shall receive in-service training on our anti-bullying policy to ensure a consistent approach is adopted school-wide. Staff at Watts Learning Centerwill do the following to prevent bullying and help children feel safe at school:
- Post and discuss clear rules as to how to behave while at school
- Discuss bullying in the classrooms and what to do about it
- Promote a classroom/school environment that promotes understanding, acceptance, and appreciation for individual differences
- Explain that telling and tattling are not the same. The purpose of telling is to help someone, while tattling is to get someone in trouble
- Pair isolated students with friends
- Talk seriously with bullies, victims, and the parents of involved students
- Confront bullies in private. Public humiliation often escalates the problem
- Have a “bully box” available for students to report bullying behavior in private
- Closely supervise students in all areas of the school and playground
- Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens
Preventative Measures for Administrators
- Assess the level of bullying at the school
- Clearly communicate the consequences of violating school rules
- Suspected cases of bullying should not be ignored – follow through on each report
- Notify students and parents of the school rules regarding harassment, intimidation, and assault-type behavior
- Help to establish a climate that promotes understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of individual differences
- Encourage and create a school environment that provides positive recognition of cooperative, respectful, and caring student behavior
- Provide close monitoring of cafeterias, playgrounds, and “hot spots” where bullying is likely to occur
- Encourage teachers to develop classroom rules that address bullying
- Encourage parents to discuss bullying with their children and the consequences of a being a bully and a victim
- Established procedures whereby reports of bullying from parents are investigated and resolved
School administrators are responsible for investigating each complaint and taking appropriate corrective action.Reports of bullying are taken seriously and shall be dealt with quickly and effectively. If a student is found guilty of a bullying behavior, the consequences shall depend on both the results of the investigation and the severity of the incident. Consequences may include but are not limited to the following:
- Mediation
- Loss of privilege
- In-house suspension
- Parent conference
- Counseling
- Student Success Team referral
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- Referral to law enforcement agency
Watts Learning Center
Anti-Bullying Contract
Students at Watts Learning Center will not bully and will stand up for those who are being bullied. Everyone at Watts Learning Center belongs and should feel safe. WLC is Bully-Free!
I, ______, promise to not bully and report
(student’s name)
bullying. I promise to include all students in games and activities and embrace the individual differences on campus.
I, ______, promise to discuss bullying with
(teacher’s name)
my students and the consequences of bullying for both the victim and the bully. I will monitor my students, and ensure that students in my class do not bully.
I, ______, promise to discuss bullying
(parent’s name)
with my child, be a role model, and teach my child to speak out. I will encourage acceptance in my child and reinforce that bullying is not acceptable in our family or society.
I, ______, promise to assure that all
(administrator’s name)
students are provided an opportunity to attend a school free from fear and intimidation. I will respond to acts of bullying in a timely manner. I will help to foster a school environment that promotes understanding, acceptance, and that provides positive recognition and appreciation for individual differences.