/ The Law Society of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre /
Mediator Assessment
Stage 2 of The Law Society’s and
The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre’s Requirements
to be an Accredited General Mediator
Assessment Date :
Day 1 : Tuesday 19 June 2012
Day 2 : Wednesday 20 June 2012
Day 3 : Thursday 21 June 2012
Time : 9:00 am – 5:45 pm
Points : 3 CPD points per session of assessment 3 CPD points per session of assessment
Fee : HK$4,950 per day of assessment
Venue : Compass Offices,
Level 16, AON China Building
29 Queen’s Road Central,
Central, Hong Kong / Requirements to be an accredited general mediator:
After completion of an approved mediation training course for fulfilling Stage 1 of the accreditation requirements, an applicant must successfully complete TWO simulated mediation cases and submit all the feedback forms on the two cases when he/she applies for accreditation as a Law Society or Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) General Mediator. Details of the Law Society’s accreditation requirements are set out in the Mediator Accreditation Scheme Information Package April 2012 and details of the assessments are set out in the Information Package for Assessments May 2012, both of which are posted on the Law Society website at www.hklawsoc.org.hk. Details of the HKIAC’s accreditation requirements are set out on the HKIAC’s website at www.hkiac.org
About the assessments:
(a) Completion of a mediation training course of 40 hours’ minimum duration approved by the Law Society and HKIAC is a pre-requisite for those who wish to register for the assessments.
(b) Each day of the assessment consists of three sessions of 2.5 hours each.
(c) Each candidate will act as the mediator and be assessed as such in one of the three sessions.
(d) It is an invaluable learning experience to participate in role plays. Every candidate is thus required to play the roles of the mediated parties in the other two sessions in the same day as part of the accreditation process.
(e) If a candidate is absent from any session (including the sessions in which he is required to play the role of a mediated party), he will be disqualified from the assessment scheduled for that day.
(f) There is a choice to attend the assessments in English or Cantonese. Please indicate your choice of language in the registration form.
(g) The registration conditions are set out in the registration form.
The assessments will be conducted by a team of experienced assessors led by Mr. Leung Hing Fung who practises as a Barrister, Mediator and Arbitrator. He is Vice Chairperson of the Hong Kong Mediation Council, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, and Associate Professor in Law at The University of Hong Kong. In addition to being a mediator and arbitrator, Mr. Leung has experience as a lead assessor, trainer, and coach in mediation.

Registration Conditions:

1. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis. However, satisfactory completion of a mediation training course of 40 hours’ minimum duration approved by the Law Society and HKIAC is a pre-requisite for those who wish to register for the assessments.

2. Apart from playing the role of a mediator and be assessed as such on the day of assessment, every candidate is required to play the roles of the mediated parties in two sessions in the same day as part of the accreditation process.

3. If a candidate is absent from any session (including the sessions in which he is required to play the role of a mediated party), he will be disqualified from the assessment scheduled for that day.

4. A candidate must give written notice of his inability to attend an assessment in which he has enrolled at least 7 days before the scheduled assessment. No refund of the registration fee will be made if the candidate is absent from the assessment without giving prior written notification to the Law Society or notice is given less than 7 days before the scheduled assessment.

5. Where written notification is given at least 7 days before the scheduled assessment, a refund of the registration fee will be given to the candidate after a deduction of administration fee of HK$3,800 but only on condition that a replacement can be found to fill up the role of a mediator left by the candidate in the simulated mediation.

6. As a candidate is not only required to play the role of a mediator in one session of the simulated mediation, but also the role of a mediated party in the other 2 sessions, a candidate who is only willing to play the role of the mediator must pay a surcharge of HK$3,800 for each session he fails to play the role of a mediated party whether or not a replacement can be found to fill up the role of the mediated party in that session.

7. The Law Society of Hong Kong and HKIAC reserve the right to cancel or change the timing and the venue of the assessments.

8. Places cannot be reserved by facsimile. Registrations will only be accepted upon full payment of the registration fee and receipt of the registration form.

9. Subject to conditions 4 to 6 above, registrations are not transferable to another person.

10. The Bad Weather Policies will apply. Please enquire for further details.


Registration Form

Re: Mediator Assessment - Stage 2 of the Law Society’s and HKIAC’s Requirements to be an Accredited General Mediator 19-21 June 2012 (190612W)

To : The Law Society of Hong Kong, 3rd Floor, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, HK
(Attention: Ms. Grace Lee / Mr. Dan Yiu - Tel: 2846 0585 / 2846 0587; Fax: 2846 8801)
Name: Mr./Ms.
(full name as on identity card or practising certificate or registration of trainee solicitor contract)
I would like to attend the assessment(s) on the following date(s) (□ please tick as appropriate):
Tuesday 19 June 2012 Wednesday 20 June 2012 Thursday 21 June 2012
I would like to take the assessment in *English / Cantonese (* Please delete as appropriate).
I have read and I accept the Registration Conditions set out on the flyer.
I have completed the following Mediation Training Course approved by the Law Society and HKIAC as fulfilling the 40-hour training requirement for accreditation as a General Mediator on the Law Society or the HKIAC Panel. I attach a Certificate of Completion (or evidence of completion) of the Course for your reference:
Course Dates / Course Name / Organizer / Name of Trainers
I have previously participated in a mediator assessment(s) organized by the Law Society and/or HKIAC.
Details are as follows:
Date / Organizer / Name of Assessor / Name of Role Play
I have never participated in a mediator assessment(s) organized by the Law Society and/or HKIAC.
Occupation: I am
a Solicitor (others, please specify) :
Solicitor No: Year of admission:
(if applicable) (if applicable)
Company/Firm: Fax:
E-mail: Tel:
I enclose a cheque made payable to “The Law Society of Hong Kong” for $ ______in payment for the assessment(s).
Signature: Date:
