Volunteer Position / WEEK 1
9/6 / WEEK 2
9/13 / WEEK 3
9/20 / WEEK 4
9/27 / WEEK 5
Parking Lot Ambasssadors / Jeff Presssley
Tom Taylor / Brett Parrish
Bill Bartles / Jeff Rice
G.F. Rice / Jeff Presssley
Tom Taylor
Greeter / Ingrid Pigott
Lisette Jones / Judy Knight
Lisette Jones / Brenda Blackburn
Lisette Jones / Laura Bartles
Lisette Jones
Ushers / Bob Chord
Jon Vankoughnett
Michael Knight / Brett Parrish
Bill Bartles
Dwayne Hemby / Bob Chord
Ariel Romero
Jeff Rice / Bob Chord
Joey Bartles
Jeff Pressley
Nursery Volunteers / Jessica Crain
Kelly Hemby / Terri Locke
?? / ???
Theresa McCall / Felicia Schakel
Preschool / Leah Worley
Julia Crain / Martha Taylor
Ashleigh Pressley / Leah Worley
Emily McCall / Brenda V.
Mahayla Robinson
Check-in/out / Tammy Pressley / Brenda Blackburn / Gala Rice / Vicki Denton
Elementary / Vicki Denton
David Locke / Gala Rice
MarliesZerressen / Vicki Denton
David Locke / Brenda Blackburn
Julia Crain
Special Needs / Amber Scott
Brooklyn Burrell / Jennie VanDyke
Megan Pilley
NEXT Kids Floater / Amber Scott / Brenda VanKoughnett / Tammy Pressley / Gala Rice/Ashleigh Pressley
Middle School / Laura Bartles
Juanelle Burrell / No Middle School Program / Patrick Scott
Bruce Frasier / Serving Sunday
Hospitality Table / Terri Locke / Laura Bartles / Terri Locke / Nancy Chord
NEXT STEPS Table / Brenleigh Baggett / BrittneeDaves / MarliesZerressen / Brenleigh Baggett
Sound/Media / Gil D./Megan P. / Gil/Jon V. / Gil D./Megan P. / Gil/Jon V.
Teller Duty / Terry Jones / Ingrid Pigott / MarliesZerressen / Vicki Denton
Security Seat / Tammy and Jeff Pressley / Bob & Nancy Chord / Anthony Worley / Terry & Lisette Jones
Load In/Load Out / Jon and Brenda V.
Gil and Vicki Denton
Tom and Martha T.
Will Knight / Tom and Martha T.
Terry and Lisette J.
Dave and Brenda B. / Gil and Vicki Denton
David and Terri L.
Patrick and Amber S
Anthony Worley / Terry and Lisette J.
Dave and Brenda B.
Bill and Laura Bartles
Mike & MarliesZ.
Cleaning Rotation / David & Terri Locke
Bill & Laura Bartles / Gil & Vicki Denton
Dave & Brenda B. / Patrick and Amber S.
Theresa & Emily Mc / Bob & Nancy Chord
Terry & Lisette Jones

NEXT Volunteers – All Volunteers (except cleaning crews) need to be at the church no later than 10:15am on the weeks you are serving. If you are unable to serve on the date that you are scheduled, please be sure to switch with someone so all responsibilities are covered. Thank you for serving!!