Butterfly list for White Mountains
(D.Giuliani, July 2005 addendum September 2006))
____ NABA name (Other elevation records) Over 10,000'
Davenport name Davenport elevations (X=likely,
Emmel name Emmel/Giuliani elevations P=possible)
PAPILIONIDAE - Swallowtails
____ Papilio machaon Old World Swallowtail X
Papilio bairdii: Yellow population. Queen Cyn; northern slope of range.
P. bairdii hollandi form "brucei"
____ Papilio zelicaon Anise Swallowtail (8800')
Papilio zelicaon Westgard & ridges above Narrows.
not listed
____ Papilio indra Indra Swallowtail (10,100') X
Papilio indra nevadensis X panamintensis 9000'+.
Papilio indra nevadensis 7000'.
____ Papilio rutulus Western Tiger Swallowtail (8800') X
not listed
not listed
PIERIDAE - Whites & Sulphurs
____ Pontia beckerii Becker's White (8500') P
Pontia beckerii Below Narrows.
Pieris beckerii beckerii 6800'
____ Pontia sisymbrii Spring White (10,800') X
Pontia sisymbrii nigravenosa Westgard & ridges above Narrows.
not listed
____ Pontia protodice Checkered White (10,000') X
Pontia protodice Westgard
Pontia protodice
____ Pontia occidentalis Western White (11,100') X
Pontia occidentalis occidentalis Sheep Mtn
Pontia occidentalis(GlassMt 11,100) 10,000'+
____ Pieris rapae Cabbage White (8800')
Pieris rapae Coldwater Cyn
not listed
____ Euchloe ausonides Large Marble
not listed
Euchloe ausonides ssp 9600'
____ Euchloe hyantis Pearly Marble (9000')
Euchloe lotta Ridges above Narrows.
Euchloe hyantis lotta Silver Cyn, low.
____ Anthocharis cethura Desert Orangetip (7200')
not listed
Anthocharis cethura 5200'
____ Anthocharis sara Sara Orangetip(incl.thoosa) (8500')
Anthocharis thoosa pseudothoosa Canyons N & S of Narrows
Anthocharis sara thoosa(InyoMt8500) 6000'
____ Colias philodice Clouded Sulphur P
not listed
Colias philodice eriphyle 9600'
____ Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur X
Colias eurytheme 9000'+
Colias eurytheme 11,800'
____ Colias alexandra Queen Alexandra's Sulphur (10,000') X
Colias alexandra edwardsii Trail Cyn
not listed
____ Colias cesonia Southern Dogface
not listed
not listed
____ Phoebis sennae Cloudless Sulphur
not listed
not listed
____ Eurema mexicana Mexican Yellow
none not listed
none not listed
____ Eurema nicippe Sleepy Orange (Low)
Eurema (Abaeis) nicippe Westgard NE of Narrows
not listed
____ Nathalis iole Dainty Sulphur
not listed
not listed
LYCAENIDAE - Harvester & Coppers
____ Lycaena arota Tailed Copper (9600') P
not listed
Lycaena arota 8900'
____ Lycaena phlaeas American Copper X
Lycaena phlaeas alpestris 12,800'
Lycaena phlaeas alpestris 12,800'
____ Lycaena cupreus Lustrous Copper X
Lycaena cuprea lapidicola Sheep Mtn; Piute Mtn.
Lycaena cupreus 13,000'.
____ Lycaena editha Edith's Copper X
Lycaena editha Ravines near Sheep Mtn.
Lycaena editha 11,800'
____ Lycaena rubidus Ruddy Copper X
Lycaena rubida incana Trail Cyn.
Lycaena rubidus ssp 11,900'
____ Lycaena heteronea Blue Copper X
Lycaena heteronea: Trail Cany.
Lycaena heteronea 11,200'
LYCAENIDAE - Hairstreaks
____ Satyrium behrii Behr's Hairstreak P
Satyrium behrii behrii Narrows.
Callipsyche behrii 9500'
____ Satyrium californica California Hairstreak (9600') P
Satyrium californica Crooked Creek.
not listed
____ Satyrium sylvinus Sylvan Hairstreak P
Satyrium sylvinus lower Trail Creek.
Satyrium sylvinus ssp 8900'
____ Satyrium saepium Hedgerow Hairstreak (5900')
Satyrium saepium Listed, but no record.
not listed
____ Callophrys sheridanii Sheridan's Hairstreak X
Callophrys sheridanii lemberti X comstocki
Callophrys lemberti ssp. (also C.comstocki low) 10,700'
____ Callophrys augustinus Brown Elfin (8800') P
not listed
not listed
NOT LISTED? (8500')
Deciduphagus fotis mojavensis NE of Narrows.
not listed
____ Callophrys eryphon Western Pine Elfin (9200') P
Incisalia eryphon Trail cyn.
Incisalia eryphon ssp 7200'
____ Callophrys spinetorum Thicket Hairstreak P
Loranthomitoura spinetorum spinetorum Canyon S of Narrows.
Loranthomitoura spinetorum 6800'
____ Callophrys gryneus Juniper Hairstreak (7000')
Mitoura siva chalcosiva Above Narrows.
not listed
____ Strymon melinus Gray Hairstreak (7500') P
Strymon melinus pudicus Narrows.
Strymon melinus pudicus 5100'
____ Brephidium exile Western Pygmy-Blue P
Brephidium exile Below Narrows.
Brephidium exile 9000'
____ Leptotes marina Marine Blue (11,000') X
not listed
Leptotes marina 5500'
____ Hemiargus isola Reakirt's Blue (9200') P
Echinargus isola The Narrows.
not listed
____ Everes amyntula Western Tailed-Blue (11,000') X
not listed
not listed
____ Celastrina ladon (=argiolus) Spring Azure (10,500') X
not listed
Celastrina argiolus Low.
Euphilotes glaucon hadrochilus The Narrows.
not listed
Euphilotes baueri baueri Below Narrows, & ridge above.
not listed
____ Euphilotes battoides Square-spotted Blue (11,100') X
Euphilotes bernardino inyomontanus Lower Westgard rd.
Euphilotes battoides ssp 6000'
Euphilotes pallescens elvirae Westgard Pass.
not listed
NOT LISTED? (6500')(9000')
Philotiella speciosa speciosa Low.
Philotiella speciosa 4100'
____ Glaucopsyche piasus Arrowhead Blue (10,800') X
Glaucopsyche piasus nevadae 10,000'
Glaucopsyche piasus nevada 10,700'
____ Glaucopsyche lygdamus Silvery Blue X
Glaucopsyche lygdamus nr. oro Canyon S & E of Narrows.
Glaucopsyche lygdamus ssp 10,700'
____ Lycaeides melissa Melissa Blue X
Lycaeides (melissa) fridayi 9000'+; Sheep Mtn.
Lycaeides melissa inyoensis 10,500'
____ Plebejus saepiolus Greenish Blue X
Plebejus saepiolus albomontanus 12,500'
Plebejus saepiolus ssp 13,000'
____ Plebejus icarioides Boisduval's Blue X
Plebejus icarioides albihalos 10,900'
Icaricia icarioides ssp 11,800'
____ Plebejus shasta Shasta Blue X
Plebejus shasta pallidissima Sheep Mtn.
Icaricia shasta ssp 13,000'
____ Plebejus acmon Acmon Blue X
Plebejus acmon Nr. Sheep Mtn.
Plebejus acmon
____ Plebejus acmon Acmon Blue
Plebejus (acmon) dedeckera Coldwater Cyn.
Icaricia acmon dedeckera 7200'
____ Plebejus lupinus Lupine Blue X
Plebejus lupini complex. 10,400'
Icaricia lupini ssp 13,000'
RIODINIDAE - Metalmarks
____ Apodemia mormo Mormon Metalmark P
Apodemia mormo Below Westgard.
Apodemia mormo 9500'
NYMPHALIDAE - Brushfoots
____ Euptoieta claudia Variegated Fritillary P
not listed
not listed
NONE LISTED? (8700')
not listed
Speyeria nokomis apacheana 6700'
____ Thessalia leanira Leanira Checkerspot (7200') P
Thessalia leanira alma Westgard Pass/Narrows area.
Thessalia leanira near alma Low.
____ Chlosyne acastus Sagebrush Checkerspot
not listed
Chlosyne acastus 8300'
NOT LISTED? (6000')
not listed
Chlosyne neumoegeni 5500'
____ Phyciodes campestris Field Crescent (9700') P
Phyciodes pulchellus Trail Creek Canyon
Phyciodes pulchellus (=campestris) 7200'
____ Phyciodes mylitta Mylitta Crescent (8800') P
not listed
Phyciodes mylitta 6000'
____ Euphydryas chalcedona Variable Checkerspot X
Euphydryas anicia wheeleri 9000'+
Euphydryas anicia wheeleri 10,000'
_____Polygonia (zephyrus 10,300') P
not listed
not listed
____ Nymphalis californica Calif Tortoiseshell (8800') X
not listed
not listed
____ Nymphalis antiopa Mourning Cloak P
Nymphalis antiopa antiopa Westgard Pass.
not listed
____ Nymphalis milberti Milbert's Tortoiseshell X
Nymphalis milberti subpallida 11,000'
not listed
____ Vanessa virginiensis American Lady X
not listed
not listed
____ Vanessa cardui Painted Lady X
Vanessa cardui Sheep Mtn.
Vanessa cardui 8000'
____ Vanessa annabella West Coast Lady (11,100') X
Vanessa annabella 11,000'+
Vanessa annabella 8500'
____ Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral X
not listed
not listed
____ Junonia coenia Common Buckeye P
Junonia coenia grisea Westgard Pass.
not listed
____ Limenitis lorquini Lorquin's Admiral (6500') P
Limenitis lorquini pallidafacies Trail Cyn.
Limenitis lorquini 6000'
____ Cercyonis sthenele Great Basin Wood-Nymph
Cercyonis sthenele paulus Narrows.
Cercyonis sthenele paulus 8700'
____ Cercyonis oetus Small Wood-Nymph X
Cercyonis oetus oetus Near Sheep Mtn.
Cercyonis oetus 11,000'
____ Neominois ridingsii Riding's Satyr X
Neominois ridingsii pallidus Near Sheep Mtn.
Neominois ridingsii ssp 11,800'
NYMPHALIDAE - Milkweed Butterflies
____ Danaus plexippus Monarch
Danaus plexippus Narrows. X
not listed
____ Danaus gilippus Queen (3800')
not listed
not listed
HESPERIIDAE - Spreadwing Skippers
____ Thorybes mexicanus Mexican Cloudywing X
Thorbes mexicana blanca 12,500'
Thorybes nevada ssp 11,800'
____ Pyrgus communis Common Checkered-Skipper P
Pyrgus communis Complex. Narrows area.
not listed
____ Heliopetes ericetorum Northern White-Skipper (7500) P
Heliopetes ericetorum Narrows area.
not listed
____ Pholisora catullus Common Sootywing (5800')
not listed
Pholisora catullus Low.
____ Hesperopsis libya Mojave Sootywing (6500')
Hesperopsis libya lena Westgard Pass.
Pholisora libya lena 6000'
____ Hesperopsis alpheus Saltbush Sootywing
Hesperopsis alpheus oricus Westgard Pass.
not listed
HESPERIIDAE - Skipperlings
HESPERIIDAE - Grass-Skippers
____ Hesperia uncas Uncas Skipper X
Hesperia uncas macswaini 10,600'
Hesperia uncas macswaini 10,600'
____ Hesperia juba Juba Skipper (8800') P
Hesperia juba Narrows area.
Hesperia juba Low.
____ H. comma Common Branded Sk.(incl. colorado) X
Hesperia colorado idaho Sheep Mtn.
Hesperia colorado idaho(= harpalus) 13,000'
____ Hesperia nevada Nevada Skipper (10,800') X
Hesperia nevada sierra 11,000'+
not listed
Hesperia miriamae longaevicola 13,100'
Hesperia miriamae ssp 14,200'
____ Polites sabuleti Sandhill Skipper X
Polites sabuleti albamontana 13,100'
Polites sabuleti albamontana (also P.s.tecumseh) 10,800' (13,500')
____ Polites sonora Sonora Skipper P
Polites sonora Trail Cyn.
Polites sonora ssp 9900'
____ Ochlodes sylvanoides Woodland Skipper (9600') P
not listed
Ochlodes sylvanoides ssp. 8700'
____ Ochlodes yuma Yuma Skipper (6500)
not listed
Ochlodes yuma Low.
HESPERIIDAE - Giant-Skippers
[Total = 95 species; >10,000'=68, (X=42, x=26)]
[>10,000'=68, >11,000'=47, >12,000'=36, >13,000'=20]
addendum Sept 2006 submitted by Ken Davenport
Western Tailed Blue (Everes or Cupido amyntula nr. montanorum): I have two males in my collection taken near the Narrows west below Westgard Pass on May 10, 1997. I had forgotten I had collected this species there.
Ceraunus Blue (Hemiargus ceraunus gyas): Mark Walker collected a specimen near the Bristlecone Pines forest on July 30, 2006 at 10,050'.