IntroductionOutline of Shakespeare’s original play script and what it reflected at the time it was written. Introduce details of film studied and indicate how the adaptation has transformed the original play to suit a contemporary audience. (100 words)
Possible Paragraphs – ensure you discuss the play in each paragraph BEFORE you talk about the adaptation/transformation to film
Narrative structure (150)
-What was the original narrative structure of the play?
-What is omitted and what has been added for the film? For what purpose?
-What is emphasized right from the beginning of the film?
Dialogue (100)
-Are there any key soliloquys or speeches that have been changed?
-Is there any dialogue that is significantly different? How?
Character of Hamlet (150)
-How was the original Hamlet constructed (PLAY)? For what purpose?
-How is Gibson’s Hamlet different (FILM)?
-What aspects has the performance emphasized?
-How has the character been transformed for the modern viewer?
Characters of Gertrude and Ophelia and women in general (150)
-How were the original characters of women depicted in the play?
-How are the film characters different?
-What aspects or themes are emphasized in the film?
-What was Zeffirelli’s intention regarding women?
Setting, costumes and props (100)
-Outline how the original play would have been performed and visualized
-Is the film an authentic representation of the essence of the play?
-What has this castle setting enabled the Director to achieve?
-What aspects have been selected by the Director to enhance the meaning of the film?
Specific scene (150)
-Is there a specific scene from the play that is significantly different to the one on the play?
-How has the scene been performed?
-For what purpose has this been directed and edited?
Use of lighting and cinematography (100)
-How would the original play have used lighting?
-How has this adaptation of the film used natural lighting and light and shade?
-What does the use of lighting enable the Director to achieve?
Editing and camera work (100)
-How would the traditional play have been organized to emphasize relationships or soliloquys
-Select a specific mis-en-scene and analyse the camera
-What has been emphasized and how does this differ from the play?
Conclusion (100)
Evaluate why the Director has transformed this play in this manner? Justify the choices that have been made and whether it has captured the true essence and message of the original play.
Including reviews:
Select the BEST QUOTES from the reviews that you agree with to infuse into your paragraphs.
See below how they should be referenced.
Ebert (1991) claims that ‘buried incestuous feelings (that) are the real spring of Hamlet’s actions’ and this is obvious throughout this film version. The viewer is shocked by Close’s continuous touching of her son, her mouth to mouth kisses and the simulated rape scene in her closet.
Gibson is a power full Hamlet, who does the role justice, he ‘holds his own with Shakespeare's diction, but also reinvigorates Hamlet's plotting with mordant wit.’ (Cooper, 1991)