Burnsville Blaze
Baseball Infield Drills
The Basics…
- Ready position
- Feet shoulder width apart = agility = feet moving
* should see heel of glove, at all times no flips..EYES BEHIND GLOVE
* back is flat
* head tracking ball (down) EYES BEHIND GLOVE
- Approach = Right Left Field/Right Left Throw
- Long steps as you approach the baseball
- Short choppy steps as you begin to field the ball
- Glove out = Extend glove hand toward the ball, Back Flat, Head Up
- “Round the Baseball” … off of center line…NO FLIPS (should see heel of glove at all times)
- Field the ball on glove side knee (using the above steps)
- Go out and attack the baseball with glove (with a little curl at fielding point)
- Position shoulders/body for a great throw "good play great throw, great play good throw"
- Click the heels then throw, quicker compared to stepping
- Backhand
- Hard crossover step towards baseball, Back knee down
- Sweep at the baseball with fingers of the glove
- One motion/step throw = Right step, left step/throw
- Forehand
- Round the baseball if possible = slow roller = right left field, right left throw
- Reverse pivot on harder hit baseballs (fingers underneath ball when releasing the baseball)
- Step and throw = balance = square the body
The Double Play…
-Always call for the baseball…2! 2! 2!
-Receiver shows good target with two hands
-Quick Feet, agility
-Point shoulder to first base making accurate throw
- Short Stops
- Throwing Baseball to 2nd
- Stay low to ground = ball hit at you and back hands
- Call “FLIP” when throwing the ball underhand to 2nd , show ball, clear glove
- Hit 2nd baseman in the chest
- Receiving baseball
- Show target with two hands at chest
- Right foot drags the center field corner of base
- Clear base = square body = make good throw
- Second Basemen
- Throwing baseball to 2nd
- Ball hit at you = drop left knee, turn body, throw
- Back hand (first base side) = reverse pivot
- Call “FLIP” when throwing the ball underhand to SS, show ball, clear glove
- Hit SS in chest
- Receiving baseball
- Show target with two hands at chest
- Left foot touches centerfield corner of base on good throws
- Keep feet moving when waiting for the baseball
- Travel to ball = square body to ball on bad throws
- Clear body away from base runner
- Break down drill = "Koranza"
- This drill breaks down fielding into small sections, it is done in order and is progressive
1. roll ball at glove side (hand behind back, attack with glove)
2. roll ball off center line = backhand (hand behind back, attack with glove)
3. roll ball at glove side (hand on top = alligator)
4. roll ball off center line = backhand (hand behind back, attack with glove)
5. roll ball at glove side (transfer ball to throwing hand, bring ball to ear)
6. roll ball off center line = backhand (transfer ball to throwing hand , bring to ear)
7. roll ball at glove side (right step, left step, fake throw)
8. roll ball off center line = backhand (right step, left step, fake throw)
-Ball between legs drill
- Done after “koranza” drill
- Teaches to attack baseball
- Throw ball between legs from behind
- When you see the ball go get it
- Use the “round baseball approach
-Footwork = “The Dry Drill” go through the motions without a ball
- Be sure to use the correct form = 10 repetitions
- Round the baseball from a slow ball hit at you
-The “Tri-Fecta” Drill
- Place three balls = 1 straight on, 1 backhand, 1 forehand
- 5- 10 reps at each (using above steps) ball stays used as prop
- Focus on footwork and body position = slow it down = work on form!
-The “Vert Tri” Drill
- Place three balls = all straight on but at different differences
- Ball 1 works on foot work with ball hit hard at you
- Ball 2 works on going around the baseball on charged ball
- Ball 3 works on charging the slow roller using glove on moving ball, bare hand on a dead ball
- Works on foot work,
-Short Hops
- “Go out and get it” = Reach
- “Scoop the ball” = where is your throwing hand?
- Concentrate on foot work = right left field…
- 10 reps x 3 = straight, forehand, backhand
- Drill can also be done without a glove = soft hands
-No hit double play drill (Ball in Glove)
- Ball starts in glove (make sure glove is on ground, simulating fielding a ball)
- Work on all angles of double play without hitting a ball
- 3 turns from backhand, straight on, glove side (flips)
- Can be done in a small space
-Fielding a bad throw from catcher Drill (BTD’s)
- Coach stands between the mound and 2nd base
- Coach throws to SS alternating with 2nd baseman
- Ball is thrown low, high, to the side, simulating bad throw from catcher
- Drill works on getting the out first (main priority) and stopping the ball
- Done after drill work