Programme Specification – MSc Paediatric Dentistry
Programme title: / MSc Paediatric DentistryFinal award (BSc, MA etc):
(where stopping off points exist they should be detailed here and defined later in the document) / MSc
(with Postgraduate Certificate & Postgraduate Diploma exit points)
Cohort(s) to which this programme specification is applicable:
(e.g. from 2008 intake onwards) / 2014intake onwards
Awarding institution/body: / UniversityCollegeLondon
Teaching institution: / UniversityCollegeLondon
Faculty: / Medical Sciences
Parent Department:
(the department responsible for the administration of the programme) / UCL EastmanDental Institute
Departmental web page address:
(if applicable) /Method of study:
Full-time/Part-time/Other / Flexible/Modular
Criteria for admission to the programme: /
Length of the programme:
(please note any periods spent away from UCL, such as study abroad or placements in industry) / Threecalendar years
Level on Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)
(see Guidance notes) / Masters
Relevant subject benchmark statement (SBS)
(see Guidance notes) / N/A
Brief outline of the structure of the programme and its assessment methods:
(see guidance notes) / This is a blended learning programme delivered on-line and at UCL EDI (mostly practical work).The programme is designed so that time at EDI is divided into blocks – 2 weeks in the first year, one week in the second and third years respectively. The balance between distance and on-site teaching is approximately 50:50 in the first year, then 70:30 in the second and third years.
Assessment is through a mix of methods including written and oral examinations and by continuous assessment of clinical and laboratory work. All summative assessment will be carried out at EDI.
Distance components of the course will be delivered using current “off the shelf” UCL platform technologies such as Moodle.
Graduates can exit at Certificate (1 year),Diploma (2 year) or MSc (3 year). The certificate level provides graduates with the basic knowledge required and teaches some of the clinical techniques needed in a laboratory setting. The diploma builds on this but encourages more advanced and complex treatment planning and uses a logbook of the graduates own clinical experience to support learning. In addition it also looks at other aspects of good patient care such as clinical governance etc. The MSc consolidates of the learning to date and provides the theory experience required for graduates to understand, critically appraise and potentially carry out research.
Board of Examiners: / Name of Board of Examiners:
MSc Paediatric Dentistry
Professional body accreditation
(if applicable):
/ N/A / Date of next scheduled accreditation visit:EDUCATIONAL AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME:
The programme will
(a) give participants a grounding in the scientific principles underpinning the management of
paediatric patients (Certificate)
(b) introduce participants to essential practical and clinical skills in the field of paediatric dentistry (Certificate and Diploma)
(c) introduce students to governance and management principles required to organize and run a paediatric service (Diploma)
(c) enable students to learn how to conduct research (MSc)
The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
A: Knowledge and understanding
A knowledge and understanding of:
- Management of oral disease
- Dento-alveolar trauma including safeguarding
- Behaviour management
- Treatment planning
- Medically compromised patients
- Providing simple removable orthodontic appliances
- Minor oral surgery
- Managing and running a service
- Radiographs and safety
- Clinical governance including audit
- Conducting research and evidence based dentistry
Didactic lectures
Teacher-led seminars
Discussion sessions
Clinical skills teaching
Background reading
Researched essay
Case presentation
Work based learning
/ Assessment
Case presentation
Oral examination
Written examination
Unseen case examination
Assessment practical work
Essay writing
Critical review of existing literature or other scholarly outputs
B: Skills and other attributes
Intellectual (thinking) skills - able to:The programme will aim to help
participants to:
- Review and criticize their own clinicalpractice and outcomes
- Review and criticize current thinkingand evidence related to the practice ofpaediatric dentistry
- to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them
The programme is designed to promote critical appraisal and demonstrate how conflicting interpretations can arise from the same information. All courses will also encourage the graduate to assess their own practical and clinical work.
/ Assessment:
Case presentation
Oral examination
Written examinations
Unseen case examination
Essay writing
Critical review of existing literature or other scholarly outputs
C: Skills and other attributes
Practical skills - able to:This programme aims to help students with the following practical skills:
- Diagnose and treatment plan common problems affecting paediatric dental patients
- Provide restorative treatment for common problems affecting the primary and permanent dentition in paediatric patients
- Emergency management of trauma in paediatric patients
- Use non-pharmacological methods to manage behaviour in paediatric patients and be able to provide nitrous oxide inhalation sedation
- Provide removable orthodontic appliances under the guidance of an orthodontist
- Extract teeth
- Suturing
- Assessing surgical cases
- Management of medically compromised patients
- Taking x-rays in practice
- Design and carry out audit
- Prepare a poster
- Critical evaluation of current research
Teacher-led seminars
Clinical skills teaching
Background reading
Researched essay
Case presentation
Laboratory work
/ Assessment:
Case presentation
Oral examination
Written examinations
Unseen case examination
Essay writing
Critical review of existing literature or other scholarly outputs
D: Skills and other attributes
Transferable skills - able to:The programme will encourage students
- Improve verbal and written self expression
- Utilize computer resources andinformation technology;
- Practice appropriate self-managementskills
- assess evidence for themselves and suspend belief in previous interpretations
- continue to advance their knowledge and understanding
Acquisition is fostered in all courses offered in the Programme.
/ Assessment:
Case presentation
Oral examination
Written examinations
Unseen case examination
Essay writing
Critical review of existing literature or other scholarly outputs
The following reference points were used in designing the programme:
- the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (
- the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements (
- the programme specifications for UCL degree programmes in relevant subjects (where applicable);
- UCL teaching and learning policies;
- staff research.
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental course handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by UCL and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Programme Organiser(s) Name(s):
/ Susan Parekh
Date of Production: / 21/2/13
Date of Review: / June 2014
Date approved by Head of Department:
Date approved by Chair of Departmental Teaching Committee:
Date approved by Faculty Teaching Committee: