Directions: Circle the rating that best describes the training course that you are evaluating using the following scale:

2 = strong; no problem with this factor

1 = moderate; this factor is present, but needs improvement

0 = weak or absent; this factor is negligible or nonexistent

For example:

To what degree does the traineeÕs supervisor know what was taught and look for ways to reinforce new behavior on the job?ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

In this example, suppose that the supervisors of your trainees have themselves been through the course or a briefing before you launched the course for their people. They are very supportive and encourage their people to apply the things that they learned in class. Thus, you would circle 2.

Now suppose that the supervisors believe in training but are not very well acquainted with the course and what their people are learning to do. They give general encouragement, but they cannot be as specific in their feedback and reinforcement as they should. You would circle 1.

Now suppose that the supervisors were too busy to concern themselves with the course and the things that their people learned from it. They spend little if any time recognizing and reinforcing new behavior when their people come back from a course. You would circle 0.

One hundred possible points can be obtained in scoring the instrument. How well will you rate?

Course Design

Ê1.ÊHow relevant is the content to the traineesÕ needs?ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê2.ÊHow appropriate are the instructional methods and media? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê3.ÊAre there enough job aids, checklists, references, and the like for use on the job? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê4.ÊHow effective are the learning facilities and equipment? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê5.ÊHow well do the trainees like the course design? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê6.ÊIs the length of the course appropriate to its objectives? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê7.ÊDo trainees have enough time in class to practice and refine new skills? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê8.ÊHow smooth is the flow and transition from one session (topic, lesson) to the next? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Ê9.ÊDo trainees get enough feedback to help them to check progress and make corrections? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

10.ÊWhat kind of image does the course have throughout the organization? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Total of the 10 numbers circled above: ______

InstructorÕs Skills and Values

11.ÊHow well does the instructor know the subject and the work environment of the trainees?


12.ÊTo what degree does the instructor use language, examples, and analogies that the trainees can relate to? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

13.ÊDoes the instructor spend additional time when trainees are having trouble learning? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

14.ÊTo what degree did the instructor teach deductively (Socratic method and not inductive lecture method)? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

15.ÊHow effective is the instructorÕs skill in keeping the class interactive and well paced? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

16.ÊDoes the instructor have the respect of management and the traineesÕ supervisors? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

17.ÊTo what degree does the instructor have the learners doing things rather than talking about how to do them? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

18.ÊHow well do the trainees like the instructor as a person? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

19.ÊDoes the instructor follow up after the course to see where trainees can or cannot apply what they learned? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

20.ÊTo what degree does the instructor prepare trainees to deal with barriers (problems, frustrations) that they face back at work? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Total of the 10 numbers circled above: ______


TraineesÕ Abilities and Perceptions

21.ÊHow favorable is the traineeÕs attitude toward the course and the work it prepares him or her for? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

22.ÊTo what degree do the trainees possess the necessary prerequisites (entering behavior)? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

23.ÊAre members of the traineeÕs work group practicing the skills and concepts being taught? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

24.ÊHow free are trainees of personal handicaps or problems that disrupt their concentration on the course? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

25.ÊTo what degree do trainees see themselves rather than the instructor as responsible for their learning? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

26.ÊHow stable is the traineeÕs job status and personal status (marital, health, and so on)? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

27.ÊHow clear is the trainee on how the course will be teaching new ways of doing things? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

28.ÊHow committed are trainees to learning and applying new ways of doing things? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

29.ÊDo trainees have the abilities (courage, insight, verbal skills, and the like) to stop the instructor when they donÕt understand? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

30.ÊHow does the trainee perceive the rewards (benefits and such) of applying the new learning back on the job? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Total of the 10 numbers circled above: ______

Workplace Environment

31.ÊHow well do the workplace norms (expectations, culture, climate) support the new behavior?


32.ÊTo what degree did the timing of the training agree with the opportunity to apply it at work?


33.ÊDo the physical conditions in the workplace support the desired behavior? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

34.ÊHow readily does the course content translate into appropriate behavior on the job? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

35.ÊHow permanent and resistant to change are the policies, procedures, equipment, and the like?


36.ÊTo what degree do peers and other employees support the traineesÕ new behavior at work?


37.ÊHow frequently do the trainees get to apply on the job what they learned during training?


38.ÊTo what degree do trainees receive frequent and specific feedback in the weeks following training? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

39.ÊHow well understood are the rewards and penalties associated with performance? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

40.ÊTo what degree does the course have the respect of the traineesÕ peers and supervisors? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Total of the 10 numbers circled above: ______


Management and Supervisory Roles

41.ÊHow strongly do managers and supervisors believe in the course and those who give it? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

42.ÊTo what degree do supervisors want their trainees doing things the way they learned in class?


43.ÊDo supervisors explain the value of the course before their trainees attend? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

44.ÊTo what degree are supervisors rewarded by their managers for coaching? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

45.ÊAre assignments made so as to give trainees immediate opportunities to apply their new learning? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

46.ÊTo what degree do supervisors send trainees to the right courses at the best timing, based on need? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

47.ÊAre supervisors taking time to recognize and reinforce the traineesÕ new behaviors back on the job? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

48.ÊTo what degree do supervisors provide good role models by practicing what is taught in the course? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

49.ÊHow well do supervisors understand the objectives and content of the course? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

50.ÊTo what degree do supervisors have a development plan for each subordinate that includes training? ÊÊ2ÊÊ1ÊÊ0

Total of the 10 numbers circled above: ______

Total of the five subtotals (out of a possible 100): ______