DEED Quarterly Report4th Quarter 2007

Project Title:


Utility Name and Address:

City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department

201 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 801

Anaheim, California 92805

Key Personnel and Phone Number:

Dina Predisik, Resource Programs Specialist

City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department

(714) 765-4182

Description of Project:

The very first TigerWoodsFoundationLearningCenter is located in the City of Anaheim, adjacent to the Dad Miller Golf Course at 520 N. Gilbert Street in the City of Aaheim. The Foundation is a federally recognized tax-exempt organization that has built theLearningCenter to reach children through extra-curricular programming that is both educational and recreational. The project is for underserved youth and includes a 35,000 square-foot education center housing an auditorium, computer lab, and media resource center. Snyder Langston provided construction management services for the Foundation during design and construction.

Anaheim Public Utilities (Utilities) provided funding to the Foundation to showcase energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies at the LearningCenter. The energy efficiency technologies are projected to reduce energy consumption by over 25% from State ofCalifornia building standards.Two different solar energy technologies were also installed to demonstrate power generation efficiency, installation, and aesthetic differences. These technologies include:

Solar Energy Curtain Wall System:

Solar glass panels are used on the south facing sloped wall at the front of the Center. This wall is also the curtain wall for the Center lobby. The solar glass panels are used in place of conventional glazing material for the curtain wall. They glass panels are custom insulated glazing with semi-transparent thin-film solar energy cells between glass windowpanes. The glass panels are transparent so light comes through. The transparency varies from the top of the curtain wall to the floor, becoming more transparent the closer the panels are to the bottom of the wall.

The curtain wall is rated at approximately 3.0 kWAC. The wall uses 60 ASITHRU solar energy panels, each approximately 5’ x 3’, and two SMA “Sunny Boy” inverters: 2500U and 700U.The curtain wall solar energy system area measures approximately 896 square feet.

Solar Roof System:

The roof system uses a patented PowerGuard mounting system by PowerLight Corporation. The roof top system is rated at approximately 6.2 kWAC. The system consists of 52 PowerGuard tiles. The tiles are made up of two Astropower AP 65 modules per tile, mounted on rigid polystyrene foam insulation. The array is fitted with a sheet metal curb and ballasted to the roof with masonry bricks. In this way, the array does not require roofing anchors to hold it firmly to the roof, thus eliminating roof penetrations.The flat roof system area measures approximately 787 square feet.

In the LearningCenter lobby area, Anaheim Public Utilities has installed an interactive energy display to educate children on the benefits of the energy efficiency and power generation, and relate these subjects back to the energy features in the LearningCenter.

DEED Grant

The project under the DEED grant will be for Utilities to determine the amount of energy generated by the various solar energy technologies. Utilities installedtwo Fat Spaniel data collection systems at each solar energy system and to collect power generation and environment data from the systems over two years of operation as proposed. After two years of operation and data collection (March 2008),Utilities will develop a report showing how the different technologies, orientation of the systems, along with weather conditions, impact the systems’ generation. Additionally, the information will be made accessible by the internet for students at the LearningCenter, Anaheim ratepayers, and the general public.

Dates – Project Terms:

Itemized Task / Original Due Date / Revised Due Date
Final plan check and approval for TWLC design / October 2004 / December 2004
Start construction of building / October 2004 / December 2004
Start installation of solar energy systems / May 2005 / October 2005
Development of display kiosk concept / February 2005 / October 2005
Design and manufacturer of display kiosk / April 2005 / January 2006
Completion of solar energy systems / August 2005 / January 2006
Installation of data acquisition system / August 2005 / January 2006
Installation of display kiosk / September 2005 / January 2006
Data accumulation for solar energy system operation over one year / August 2006 / February 2006
Report due to APPA DEED Administrator / October 2006 / March 2008

Results to Date:

The following actions have been accomplished as of the2ndQuarter 2007 report:

  • The DAS is in full operation and data is being collected in preparation for the two year report to DEED. The data is also used to verify proper operation of the two solar energy systems.

Future Plans:

Data collection.


Budget / Expended to Date
DEED Grant Funding
DAS Installation / $3,000 / $2,705.00
DAS Hardware, Website development, licensing, hosting for 5 years / $6,200 / $6,573.00
Project Management / $300 / $300.00
Data administration and technical report / $15,000 / $2,000.00
Anaheim Public Utilities
Design, provision and installation of two different solar energy systems and display kiosk / $400,000 / $452,990.32
TOTALS / $429,100 / $462,768.32