College Leadership Team


August 1, 2012

Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claire Torres, John Kemppainen, Nile Stanley, Jennifer Kane, Sue Syverud, Karen Patterson, Cathy O’Farrell, and Jeffrey Cornett

Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes of the July 18, 2012, meeting, were approved with minor corrections.

Announcements– Marsha Lupi reported on the responsesfrom Cathy Cole, Director of Marketing and Publications, to the questions raised at the last CLT meeting regarding approval to advertise. Marketing and Publications want to review what is going out to make sure they meet the advertiser’s needs and those of the University. All offices will now have two choices when it comes to creating and placing advertisements that will reach our audiences and stakeholders. The first option is to work with them to create and produce the ad. The second option is for departments who choose to create their own ads. They mustsubmit the Approval Request for External Advertisements form along with the ad to Cathy. Cathy will work with the department on any changes that need to be made.

The Dean announced that LindaSciarratta’s position has been reclassified to Coordinator, Budgets effective August 4. Strategic planning and budgeting are being linked more closely.This new position has become necessary considering the increasing importance the University has placed on fiscal compliance and budgetary forecasting within units in the University.

Dean Daniel said that he has been involved in someimportant conversations with Cheryl Fountain, Deborah Gianoulis, and others about a more well-defined partnership with the Schultz Center. They are looking at more stability with their relationship with UNF. A project group will be formed to include the Schultz Center, UNF, FIE, and Duval County. Items for this group to discuss include: teacher pipeline, pre-service, and administrator and leadership development. Schultz Center programs certify at administrator’s level 1 and level 2. We need to think about faculty who will work best with this collective group of people. Faculty with a collaborative spirit who are interested in those initiatives to work with this project group. Karen Patterson feels we need a greater partnership between UNF and Duval. The Dean said that we do need some improvement there. Jennifer Kane added that we need some relationship building. The Dean responded that our faculty will need to take a lead in that area beyond the adminstrtive discussion being held..

Graduate Assistantship Evaluations – Marsha Lupi discovered, according to the Graduate Assistant Handbook, that we are to evaluate our graduate assistants at least once per semester.

Dr. Lupi will follow-up with the Graduate School on this.

Incompletes and Student Contracts – When a faculty member gives an incomplete they need to have a signed contract with the student on file in the department office on what the student needs to do to clear the incomplete. Both parties need to sign that contract.

Letters of Reference for Graduate Students – There have been changes in the admission policy for graduate school. Letters of recommendation remain in all of the programs with the exception of ESOL – most of the letters simply state that the person is a good person but not specifically about academic ability. Some letters are from parents and some are verification of attendance and do not focus on academics. We can do a provisional admit for these cases and tell them their letters are not acceptable and they need to resubmit them.The Graduate School has an online reference form available. Referencescan do a scale or upload the reference. The reference needs to be a professional reference. Each chair needs to submit to the Graduate School what they want the reference letters to look like. Dean Daniel asked if we want to use the online system in the Graduate School, if so, letters need to be uploaded. All agreed to collectively use the online recommendations. We need to let Lilith Reigger, Assistant Director at the Graduate School, know what particular programs we want included in the online system. John Kemppainen and Marsha Lupi will work on this.

Searches for Fall 2012 – The Provost announced that the President said that there will be a hiring freeze. There may be some exceptions for crucial positions. There may be 5 or 10 positions institution-wide. Dean Daniel referred the group to the Projected Faculty Hiring for 2012-13 (blue handout). We will ask for no more than 2 positions. We are hoping tohave approval for temporary hiring (visitors) on the lines we cannot fill. We are at a crisis point with vacancies in the doctoral program. The Dean will push for the doctoral director line to be a 12 month position. All were in agreement to move forward with the twocrucial positions (Doctoral Program Director and Math Education positions).

Center for Urban Education and Policy – Invitations have been sent out for the Community Forum to celebrate the creation of the Center for Urban Education and Policy. Over 500 people have been invited to this event. This forum will begin the dialogue regarding the Center’s potential role in addressing important educational issues in our community.We will get some high profile community members attending. This will be a major forum. The Dean would like to see as many of our faculty to be there as possible. We will try and have some small group dialogue as part of the discussion. We do have a commitment for a gift for the Center. The search committee for the Director of Urban Education Initiatives will meet tomorrow. The first priority of the director will be to catalog what we are currently doing and pull it together in urban education. We are hoping we can move forward quickly to fill this position.

Progress toward Enrollment Goals – We are still admitting people. The School Counseling Program have interviewed prospective students and will have about 30 admits. Jeff Cornett asked for a report on our numbers towards meeting our target. John Kemppainen will give a report of the summary of students in each category at the next CLT meeting.

IPEP Summary of Findings and Response– Claire Torres reviewed the IPEP summary of findings and responses. The matrices need to be reviewed come August. Under summary of observations for Standard 1, the TSL survey course syllabi were submitted for review, however, the syllabus for TSL3080 was not included because this is not a survey course. We did get cited for this. All matrices need to show at least two data points. The matrix for the School Counseling program listed two assignments for MHS6421 and SDS6530 in the overall matrix, but the detailed table missed the case study in MHS6421. Claire will clean this up. Under Implications 2 and 3 for Standard 2, the data aligned to the Reading Endorsement Competencies were not provided, however, the data aligned the assessments/tasks to the FEAPS within those reading courses. This is tied to the NCATE area for improvement. The state will be looking at this when they come in the spring or whenever they schedule their visit.

Claire said that we are in good shape relative to documentation and should have a very successful DOE visit when they come.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 11:40am.