Name______Math 35
This quiz has two parts:
- Questions from Syllabus and MathXL Instructions (12 points)
Syllabus/Notebook Questions: Some of these answers are not explicitly in the syllabus or Notebook Instructions, but it is important for you to find the answers. Others are personal responses and they will be easy points if you answer sufficiently.
1.Can you makeup an exam or quiz?1.______
2.What grade will you earn if you stop showing up after the 2.______
withdrawal deadline?
3.Will you automatically be dropped if you stop showing up for3.______
this class?
4.When is your second test?4.______
5.What time is your final?5.______
6.What is the best way for you to contact me?6.______
7.How would you find my email address if your backpack
was stolen and you had no contact information for
8.Which of the Math and ScienceCenter (Tutoring Center)8.______
hours work best with your schedule? (“none” is not a
legitimate answer)
9.How many excused absencescan you have before you may9.______
be dropped?
- If your internet goes down at home, where are there 10.______
computers on campus that you could use to do your homework?
- List a new friend in the class that you can contact if you are 11.______
absent or need help when studying.
12.If homework has already been collected on MathXL,12.______
how can you do more exercises to practice for an exam?
This part of the quiz should help you get acquainted with your campus. There are many resources here for you, now go find them!
- List two items that are on the wall in room 426. (You may not use chalkboard, clock, fire extinguisher, light switch, emergency box, or TV).
- Have someone in the TutoringCentersign this quiz.
- Visit the MESA center and have someone sign this quiz.
- What does DSPS stand for? Speak to someone in the DSPS office and see if there are any resources available to you. List the person you spoke with and the room number.
- Where is the counseling office?
- Make an appointment with a counselor to create an Ed Plan. List the date of this appointment and have that counselor sign this quiz. (The Ed Plan will be due at a later date.)
- What does LRC stand for? Visit the LRC and find our book on reserve. Have the person at the reserve desk sign this quiz.
- Where is the financial aid office? Ask someone if you qualify for any assistance and list the person you spoke with. (Note: If you receive financial help, it may mean you could work less and study more!!!!)