Stage Two Scoring Guide
Medium/Large Applications
Stage Two Scoring Guide- Space and PlaceFlagship Applications
At Stage One applications are ‘graded’ from ‘excellent to weak’ in a number of areas. However, at Stage Two, it was felt that this system was not as effective as it could be given the level of interest and competition for funding.
Following much discussion and research the following system has been agreed. We are publishing our scoring system so you are aware of the type, level and detail of information we need and to help you understand how we make our decisions.
If you have any questions or queries on the system, please contact either Dawn Shackels, Programme Co-Ordinator or Michael Hughes, Community Project Support Officer, on 028 9024 5927.
1.0Assessment Criteria and Minimum Scores
Aminimum score has been applied to fiveout of nineareas. You must meet the minimum score in each of the areas outlined below AND achieve an overallminimum score of 60% or more to be considered for funding.
Areas where a minimum score is required:
- Disadvantage and Beneficiaries
- Impact of Project on Outcomes
- Capacity and Delivery
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Evidence of Need and Community Consultation
Each of the criteria will be examined in more detail; however, the table below provides an overview of the scores.
Assessment Criteria / Scoring RangeEvidence of Need & Community Consultation / 0-20
Min of 12 required
Disadvantage & Beneficiaries / 0-20
Min of 12 required
Impact of Project on Outcomes / 0-20
Min of 12 required
Capacity and Delivery / 0-15
Min of 8 required
Monitoring & Evaluation / 0-10
Min of 4 required
Technical Planning / 0-5
Difficult Spaces Being Developed / 0 or 5
Outdoor Space Being Developed / 0 or 3
Within the Medium Grant Award / 0 or 2
Total Available Marks / 100
2.0Detailed Scoring Guide for Each Criterion
2.1Evidence of Need and Community Consultation-Applicants will be
assessed on:
- Any research carried out, reports, evaluations, feedback of their existing work, or any other evidence gathered that supports the need for the project. Evidence of need should be recent, ideally no more than two years old.
- Consultation within the community and with any other organisations including who was consulted with, when, how the consultation was carried out and numbers attending.
- If and how the project will be additional to any existing services and whether it will fill any gaps
- How the project will meet the needs identified through the research and consultation
- How and the extent to which the local community been involved in the development of the project
Score Range:
Descriptor / ScoreThere is strong evidence of need. The issues the beneficiaries have are clearly described. Beneficiary and stakeholder consultation has been completed which shows a strong need for the project.
Other current evidence has been provided which shows a need for the project in the context of other services within the local area e.g. statistics, surveys, waiting lists, pilot projects, feedback from current beneficiaries, links to local strategies, details of other similar provision and why this project is best placed to deliver. / 15-20
There is good evidence of need. Evidence has been provided about the issues the beneficiaries have and there is an indication that these are being addressed.
Evidence of consultation and additional supporting information has been provided. There is however a mix of stronger and weaker evidence which is not compelling. / 6-14
There is some evidence of need. Evidence has been provided about need; however, it either: relies on one source or, there are some gaps in the evidence provided. / 1-5
There is no evidence of need. The applicant does not describe what needs existing or potential project beneficiaries have and weak reasoning is provided for delivering the project. / 0
2.2Disadvantage and Beneficiaries- Applicants will be assessed on:
- Who the project beneficiaries are, how they have been identified
- Identification of thedisadvantage experienced by the beneficiaries, how the disadvantage has been identified and how the project will help address these issues
- How through the marketing and communications they will communicate with the beneficiaries (including potential beneficiaries) about their work, the project. What are the main messages they want to get across to their beneficiaries and are the communication methods appropriate to the beneficiaries?
- The number of people who will benefit from the project
- The involvement of the local community in the development of the project
Score Range:
Descriptor / ScoreThe project is strongly aimed at those experiencing multiple disadvantage and beneficiaries are clearly identified. / 15-20
The project is aimed at those experiencing multiple disadvantage and beneficiaries are sufficiently identified. / 10-14
The project is adequately aimed at those experiencing multiple disadvantage and some beneficiaries have been identified. / 5-9
It is not clear how the project targets those experiencing multiple disadvantage and beneficiaries are not well identified. / 0-4
2.3Impact of Project on Outcomes-Applicants will be assessed on:
Main Outcome
- How the project will connect more people and communities together by making use of underused or difficult space and the impact this will make
Sub Outcomes. The expectation is that flagship projects will meet ALL sub outcomes
- How the project will build community capacity through the provision of accessible and inclusive local space and placeand the impact this will make
- How the project will achieve the transformation and better use of underused, contested and/or difficult spacesand the impact this will make
- How the project will enhance a healthier and more active lifestyle for people through the provision and use of local space and placeand the impact this will make
- How the project will improving partnership working between communities, groups, support organisations and statutory agencies for the purpose of connecting people and communities through the use of space and the impact this will make
Score Range:
Descriptor / ScoreThe project demonstrates a very significant impact on the Space and Place Programme outcomes. There are excellent links between the project and programme outcomes. / 15-20
The project can demonstrate a significant impact on the Space and Place Programme outcomes. The project design will clearly link activities to programme outcomes. / 10-14
The project has clear programme outcomes but these are less significant than above. / 5-9
It is not clear how the project will impact on the programme outcomes. / 0-4
2.4Capacity & Delivery- Applicants will be assessed on:
- Organisational Structure- Committee – Membership/Length of Service/Representative/Skills/Capacity,Volunteers/Number/Recruitment/ Retention/How Valued and Policies Adopted and How Practiced
- Financial Accountability- Bank Accounts/Annual Accounts/Financial Systems, Financial Management (loans/overdrafts-terms and conditions etc)
- Project Management- Milestones (i.e. when and how they are going to deliver the project), Ability To Deliver Within Budget, Ability To Deliver Within Timeframes, Experience Of Management Of Other Programmes
- Sustainability of Project Beyond Completion- Financial SustainabilityFinancial Contributions to the project from organisation and/or other funders, Maintenance, Partnerships Developed- ie the project is a collaborative one involving a range of organsiations that will help to ensure the long term viability and sustainability of the project and Reach in to the community- the project seeks to engage not just those residing in the immediate vicinity of the project but has a much broader geographical reach.
Score Range:
Descriptor / ScoreThe organisation clearly demonstrates that they have the relevant skills, capacity, systems and processes to deliver the project well. / 12-15
The organisation demonstrates that they have the relevant skills, capacity, systems and processes to deliver the project, with some areas for development. / 8-11
The organisation partially demonstrates that they have the relevant skills, capacity, systems and processes to deliver the project, with clear areas for development required. / 4-7
It is not clear how that the organisation has the relevant skills, capacity, systems and processes to deliver the project. / 0-3
Organisational Structure - Comment on:
- Committee – Membership/Length of Service/Representative/Skills/Capacity
- Volunteers/Number/Recruitment/Retention/How Valued
- Policies Adopted and How Practiced
Financial Accountability – Comment On:
- Bank Accounts/Annual Accounts/Financial Systems/Management
Project Management – Comment on
- Milestones (i.e. when and how they are going to deliver the project)
- Ability To Deliver Within Budget
- Ability To Deliver Within Timeframes
- Experience Of Management Of Other Programmes
Sustainability of Project Beyond Completion- Comment on
- Financial sustainability
- Financial Contributions to the project from organisation and/or other funders
- Maintenance/Insurance/Running Costs
- Partnerships Developed- i.e. the project is a collaborative one involving a range of organsiations that will help to ensure the long term viability and sustainability of the project
- Reach in to the community- the project seeks to engage not just those residing in the immediate vicinity of the project but has a much broader geographical reach.
2.5Monitoring & Evaluation-Applicants will be assessed on:
- What and how applicants propose to measure and track progress towards achieving the outcomes and impacts identified
- What information they will collect and how they propose to collect it in order to inform them and us how the outcomes and impacts are being met
- How they propose to reflect on the information gathered and make changes as necessary
- How and when they will report back on progress to the local community, the Space and Place Consortium and other stakeholder’s
- How they will monitor and collect information on who will benefit from the project
Score Range:
Descriptor / ScoreThe organisation has clear and specific monitoring and evaluation plans that will capture the impact of the project. / 9-10
The organisation has adequate monitoring and evaluation plans that will capture the impact of the project. / 7-8
The organisation has some monitoring and evaluation plans that will capture the impact of the project, and some support is required to strengthen these. / 4-6
The organisation does not have sufficient monitoring and evaluation plans that will capture the impact of the project. / 0-3
2.6Technical Planning: Applicants will be assessed on:
- The planning process, who was involved, strengths/weaknesses; and
- The capital checklist- See Appendix One
Score Range:
Descriptor / ScoreThere is strong evidence of the technical planning process having been undertaken. All or most (more than 75%) of the Capital Checklist items have been considered and resolved satisfactorily. / 5
There is good evidence of the technical planning process having been undertaken. Most (50 – 75%) of the Capital Checklist items have been considered and resolved satisfactorily. / 3-4
There is some evidence of the technical planning process having been undertaken. Some (25 – 50%) of the Capital Checklist items have been considered and resolved satisfactorily. / 1-2
There is little or no evidence of the technical planning process having been undertaken. Few (0 – 25%) of the Capital Checklist items have been considered and resolved satisfactorily. / 0
2.7Focus Areas
Additional marks will be awarded to projects which:
- Focus on developing difficult space. The space could be difficult because of community relations issues either within or between communities, it could be a space which people don’t feel safe using, or it could be a space which is perceived to be for certain groups or people. (Marks available 0 or 5)
- Focus solely on developing outdoor spaces. (Marks available 0 or 3)
- Grant being applied for within the medium grant award – 50k-100k.
(Marks Available 0 or 2)
These marks can be allocated in just one or across both focus areas. In awarding marks applicants should note that only a score of 0 or the indicated maximum score under each of the focus areas will be awarded.
3.0Ranking & Reserve Projects
In terms of ranking and reserve projects, the following should be noted:
- Projects will be ranked according to their ‘Final Agreed Overall Score’.
- Only those applications which score 60% and above and have met the minimum threshold in the five key areas highlighted at the beginning of this documentwill be considered for funding.
- Projects with a score of 59% or less will be rejected and will receive a letter detailing the reasons for rejection and offered a feedback session.
- Funding will be allocated on the basis of highest scores first and will work through the list of ranked projects until money available under the Tranche has been exhausted.
- Applications which scored 60% and above but were not funded because of a lack of funds will be held on a reserve list for 6months.
- If no funding is available after 6months, the application will be rejected. The applicant will receive a letter detailing the reasons for rejection and offered a feedback session