Subject: Does your group need a new spark?Sent: Wed 10/7/2015 2:50 PM
Iowa Religious Media Services
eNews / October, 2015
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9:00 am-5:00 pm
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Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015
Friday, Nov. 27, 2015
Where in the World is
the Executive Director?
October 16-18 - United Methodist Women's Mission u, Iowa Valley Community College, Marshalltown - resource presentations on Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God; Latin America: People and Faith; and The Church and People with Disabilities
October 23-24 - 163rd Iowa Episcopal Annual Diocesan Convention, Des Moines Downtown Marriott - display
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Celebrate! Change Your Lens, Change Your Life (ST1)
Celebrate What's Right with the World (ST2)
Everyday Creativity (ST3)
Focus Your Vision (ST4)
For the Love of It (ST5)
New Business of Paradigms, Second Edition (ST6)
IRMS is 30!
Iowa Religious Media Services (IRMS) is having a special celebration and we want your church to be a part of it. This year, we mark 30 years of service to the churches in our covenanting denominations!
As a beneficiary of our services, we invite you to join our 30 for 30 CAMPAIGN to maintain and enhance this ministry. If each user of our services contributes $30 - or a multiple of 30 -imagine what we could do for you!
You may send your checks to Iowa Religious Media Services, 2400 86th Street, Suite 15, Urbandale, IA 50322-4306
Thank you for letting us serve you for the past 30 years!
The Peace Light is Coming
The "Peace Light" from the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem will be arriving in Iowa in early December. Plan on sharing its glow with your congregation. The Light will arrive in the United States on Saturday November 28.
What's New?
At every event this year, someone asked me, "What's new?" Sometimes they want to learn about our new video streaming program. Sometimes they want to know if we have the latest thing from their favorite presenter. Sometimes they have a problem and need just the right resource to address it. The essential question for IRMS is always, "What's new?"
In this eNews we are going to answer this critical question by highlighting a batch of new resources, fresh from the deliberations of our Preview Committee. We present three adult studies, the newest ones from John Ortberg and Ray Vander Laan, plus one on the writings of C.S. Lewis. We also feature two documentaries, hitting the hot-button topics of our day. One was purchased as a response to the Black Lives Matter movement; the other addresses the growing issue of climate change from an economic perspective.
Moving on to resources for children, we learn from a pastor and member of the Preview Committee, about his favorite Sunday school materials, which we then feature in the last segment of this eNews.
As if all the new resources aren't enough, we have other news! IRMS is celebrating 30 years in ministry to the congregations of Iowa and the Upper Midwest! While a mantra of the 1960s was "never trust anyone over thirty," we want you to know that you can trust IRMS to continue to offer the best available resources vetted for the mainline perspective to support all your ministry needs. As we promise to undergird the ministries of your church, so you may choose to support IRMS with a contribution to our 30 for 30 CAMPAIGN! We will use your gift to purchase resources that are the best of the best.
So...what's new? Resources for all ages on all topics for Christian education, worship and ethical living available to you from an enduring and living institution!
Discussing Mere Christianity: A Exploring the History, Meaning & Relevance of C.S. Lewis's Greatest Book (DV1361) (New) is a serious, well-researched eight-session study that will help us discover why Mere Christianity is one of the most read and most beloved Christian books of all time. Host Eric Metaxas, and a variety of Christian authors and scholars, including Philip Yancey, Alister McGrath, Diana Glyer and others, explore the positive ideas that Lewis so eloquently expresses in Mere Christianity. This study also explains in an engaging, winsome and non-threatening way the basic tenets of the Christian faith as Lewis Illustrates it. A study guide and copy of the book accompany the DVD. (Adult)
All the Places to Go: How Will You Know (DV1363) (NEW) invites us to walk through the doors that God has opened, even if we are heading into the unknown. Bestselling author, John Ortberg shows us that to fail to embrace an open door is to miss the work God has set for us to do. This six-week study opens our eyes to the doors God places before us, teaches us how to recognize them and gives us the encouragement to step out in faith and embrace all of the extraordinary opportunities that await. We also have the book All the Places to Go: How Will You Know? (BK1897) (NEW). (Young Adult-Adult)
That the World May Know - Israel's Mission (DV1358) (NEW) is the latest addition to Ray Vander Laan's popular Faith Lessons (DV508=) series, which was recently renamed That the World May Know. This new five-week study reminds us that our task, as it always has been, is to bring "lost sheep" back into the love and safety of God's kingdom. We are encouraged to discover the mission that can give our lives, and the lives around us, greater meaning. In these lessons, Vander Laan takes us on a journey to Israel and Jordan, scaling mountains in the Sinai as we explore the ancient cities and sacred scriptures to determine what it means to be a kingdom of priests today. (Jr. High-Adult)
Finding the Gold Within (DV1365) (NEW) was added to the IRMS collection in response to the current racial climate in America. This documentary follows six black men from Akron, Ohio, through their first years of college. Despite their high levels of confidence and critical thinking, these young men face difficult challenges because they are so far away from their families and cultural community. This film features the organization Alchemy, Inc. and its leaders, who have been working in the school system in the Cleveland area, mentoring young black urban youth from middle school through high school. The willingness of our six protagonists to be fully awake, to struggle and create new cultural identities, individually and collectively, will inspire us all. NOTE: This resource contains coarse language. (Senior High-Adult)
The Wisdom to Survive Climate Change, Capitalism & Community (DV1362) (NEW) asks if we will have the wisdom to survive climate change. The film explores how unlimited growth and greed are destroying the life support system of the planet, the social fabric of the society and the lives of billions of people. With an emphasis on justice, the film features thoughtful leaders and activists in the realms of science, economics and spirituality, discussing how we can evolve and take action in the face of climate disruption. (Sr. High-Adult)
Travis Stanley, who co-pastors with his wife Marti Stanley at Norwalk Christian Church, is a long-time fan of Sparkhouse resources. In his ministry, he has used Holy Moly (KT354) (NEW) and Connect (KT353) (NEW) for children's ministry, Echo the Story (DV1216=) and Reform (DV1217=) for youth ministry and Animate (KT308=) for adult ministry. Travis was introduced to Sparkhouse in 2011, when Marti began using Holy Moly for her church's Sunday school. When the pair arrived in Norwalk, they knew these resources would be a perfect fit with their Sunday school program. When asked why he continues to choose Sparkhouse resources, Travis said, "Sparkhouse is a curriculum with easy prep for our teachers and is a fun and engaging resource for kids while also having a solid theological base." Travis says with Holy Moly and Connect, kids learn about the stories of their faith in a way that keeps them laughing and thinking throughout the week.
Travis understands that Sparkhouse's DVD-based curriculum can be costly, and adds, "Having access to these resources through IRMS saves us money and makes our subscription even more valuable!"
To learn more about the resources that work so well for Travis and Marti Stanley, see below:
Holy Moly: Year 1 Unit 1 (KT354) (NEW) is a study for lower elementary students designed to ignite a biblical imagination that will last a lifetime. Each lesson follows a four-part sequence: Discover, Relate, Connect and Create. Holy Moly follows the biblical narrative of the Old Testament from Creation to the Tower of Babel and helps kids walk away able to retell the stories they've learned. While the publisher recommends this resource be used by grades K-4, Travis Stanley feels they're best suited for grades K-2. (Lower-Upper Elementary)
Connect: Unit 1 > Beginnings (KT353) (NEW) is a Bible overview for upper elementary students that offers five lessons from Genesis developed just for tweens by blending solid theology with quirky humor in a way that preteens find accessible. Connecthelps make sense of the Bible, encourages questions, makes connections and offers time for reflection. While the publisher recommends this resource for grades 5-6, Travis Stanley suggests it is better used for grades 3-4. (Lower-Upper Elementary)
Echo the Story (DV1216=) is a youth resource, consisting of 36 cumulative lessons beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation, that provides an imaginative way to engage in the Bible using storytelling, creative reflection and dialogue. The Echo the Storyexperience provides a complete overview of the Bible that helps participants dig deeply to discover meaning and identity in the biblical narrative. (Junior-Senior High)
Reform (DV1217=) is an engaging, comprehensive curriculum that uses witty videos to present material for youth ministry. Using 40 lessons that tackle questions about the Bible, the disciples, Jesus and other hot topics, Reform (DV1217), provides youth the tools for critical thinking, faithful reflection and discovery. In 15 lessons each Reform Ancestors Old Testament(DV1242) and Reform Ancestors New Testament (DV1243) explore the ancestors of our faith by shining light on the real, unpolished and unexpected personalities of the Old and New Testaments.
Reform Traditions Methodist (DV1240) and Reform Traditions Reformed (DV1241), give youth the tools needed to deeply explore their particular faith tradition and is designed for use in settings such as confirmation classes or where additional denominational-specific material is required. The curriculum uses active learning to engage the brain and body in exciting activities and empowers youth to explore their faith from many different angles. Reform challenges youth to think critically about their Christian faith in each session. (Junior-Senior High)
Animate (KT308=) offers an original take on adult education that stirs curiosity and is designed to trigger deep conversations. Animate is presented in an engaging and modern style with interesting graphics, encouraging everyone to participate in the experience, have a point of view and deepen faith. With studies hosted by a variety of today's most popular presenters, including Brian McLaren, Phyllis Tickle, Mike Slaughter and Shane Claiborne, among many others, Animate resources appeal to a variety of learning styles and offer lots of ideas to spark conversation. IRMS has all three seven-session titles:
Animate: Faith (KT308), covers topics of the Christian faith, including God, religion, Jesus, salvation, cross, Bible and the Church. Animate: Bible (KT325), spurs big conversations about topics of the Bible including canon, history, testaments, gospels, genre, interpretation and grace. Animate: Practices (KT342) includes engaging sessions central to the Christian faith including prayer, food, worship, sacraments, money, service and community. (Young Adult-Adult)
IOWA RELIGIOUS MEDIA SERVICES is an ecumenical multi-media resource center and lending library supported by six mainline denominations in Iowa and the Upper Midwest.