St. Hubert Athletic Parent Guideline

This guideline is designed to help parents understand how our athletic programs work. This is a work in progress document that may be modified at any time by the Athletic Director. Highlighted items are recently added.

Cool off Period

  1. Any issues that arise between parents & coaches or coaches and referee’s will require 24 hours to cool off before approaching, calling or emailing about that issue. This includes parents contacting coaches and or parents/coaches contacting the Athletic Director or any other athletic board members.

Northwest Catholic Conference (NWCC)

  1. St. Hubert is one of 16 schools in the NWCC. Volleyball, Basketball, Track & Girls Softball games are played between these schools.
  2. Admissions are set by the NWCC for all volleyball and basketball games.

Conference Finals Volleyball & Basketball Games for 7th & 8th Grade Teams:

  1. Single elimination playoffs will be held for 7th and 8th grade teams for Volleyball & Basketball teams.
  2. Conference finals for Volleyball & Basketball are played at St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights. Conference schools rotate providing volunteers for setup & cleanup the gym at St. Viator. The volunteers may also be used to help run the door, clock & book.

Dividing Teams:

  1. For Basketball and Volleyball if we have enough players register to play at each grade level, we will divide the players into 2 or 3 teams. This is all based on actual registration numbers and they will vary year to year.
  2. If we need to create more than 1 team per grade level, we will hold evaluations and create teams.
  3. If we only have enough players registered for 1 team, no evaluations will be held.
  4. For more than 1 team at the 4th & 5th grade levels basketball teams are divided equally.
  5. For more than1 team at the 6th, 7th & 8th grade levels basketball teams are divided into gold & silver teams.
  6. For more than 1 team at the 7th & 8th grade levels girls’ volleyball teams are divided into gold & silver teams.
  7. Normally we have 2 boys’ basketball teams for each grade level 5th to 8th grade.
  8. Normally we have 1 girl’s basketball team for each grade level 5th to 8th grade.
  9. Normally we have 1 boy’s & 1 girls’ volleyball teams. On occasion we will have 2 girls’ volleyball teams for 1 grade level. For boys’ and girls’ volleyball teams (other than noted above) if we have more than 1 team per grade level we will divide the teams evenly. We also may need to combine 2 grade levels of boy’s volleyball players to create 1 team or 2 teams.

Games & Practice schedules:

  1. Games are scheduled with other NWCC schools and could be played any day of the week.
  2. See 5th grade Conference Basketball games below for more info about their NWCC game schedules.
  3. Practices can be held on any day of the week.
  4. Once the games are scheduled the AD will meet with the coaches to schedule practices (which are subject to gym & coach’s availability).
  5. When possible, the complete game and practice schedule will be posted on the Athletic web site before each sports season starts. The first month of practices are normally posted separately
  6. The coach may add or delete practices throughout a sports season.
  7. Games can be added, canceled or (most likely)re-scheduled throughout a sports season.
  8. Any changes are posted on the web site schedules, then communicated to the coaches ASAP and should be relayed to the parents ASAP.

Practices inside the Gym:

  1. All practices require 2 adults in the gym at all times.
  2. During the basketball season we can have around 10 - 13basketball teams (and 1 cheer squad)sharing one gym with a parish & school so the gym times availability to Athletics will go fast. The prime time for volleyball & basketball practices in our gym during the weekdays is 5:30pm to 9:30pm. During the weekdays the 7th & 8th graders can only take 7:30pm to 9:30pm time slots and the 5th & 6th graders can only take 5:30pm to 7:30pm time slots. During the weekdays any grade level can use the gym from 2pm to 5:30pm if the coaches are available. There is a hierarchy for picking available gym practice time slots 8th grade to 5th grade.
  3. Teams are encouraged to take 2 practices a week but that is subject to gym & coaches availability.
  4. Note: 75% of the time our gym is not booked by coaches on Saturday mornings between 8am – 10am.
  5. The Athletic web site scheduler does NOT allow us to double book our gym. So when teams are doublebooked in our gym for practices the schedule might list your team on St. Hubert court 2 (or Court 3 is used when 2 5th grade boys’ teams are practicing together and another team has the other half of the gym). Please be aware that court 2 (or court 3) does not exist and everyone is in our one and only gym.

Practices after School – Players to and from Aftercare

  1. If a coach schedules a practice right after school, the coach will need to have the parents send a note to their child’s teacher saying their child will go to the gym right after school. The office gets many notes each day. FULL Names must be included in the note. One note can cover all practice days for any given week.
  2. Once a practice is completed, if a player needs to return to the St. Hubert after care program one of the coaches must escort the player back to the aftercare room. They can’t go through the school. They need to walk across the parking lot from the Parish office doors to the aftercare entrance doors.
  3. If a player is to be released from aftercare to a coach, the coach(s) names must be on the list for that player in order to be released. They can’t go through the school and must walk across the parking lot from the aftercare doors to the Parish office doors.

Tournaments we join:

  1. The AD will review the tournament schedules for volleyball and basketball and will picktournaments to enter our teams into them. These are subject to conference games or other school events. Some teams might not be able to get into any tournaments due to conflicts.
  2. When we enter tournaments, the dates will be posted on the team’s web site schedule with a bogus time frame. The web site schedule requires a time entered. Here are some examples: 6:00am – 6:15am / 6:15am – 6:30am / 6:30am – 6:45am. The tournaments are entered on your web site schedules as a “save the date”. A note will also be added for each date that says “Coach will send out bracket with game times”. We won’t know your game times until we get the brackets about a week before your tournament. The AD will forward the brackets to the coaches once they are received. Then the coach will need to forward the brackets to the parents.
  3. Coaches need to write their last name on all team trophies won for our display case. Once the kids are in 8th grade those trophies (from 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade) can be handed out to the athletes from the coaches at the awards night in May.
  4. Tournaments are normally a 2 - 3 game guarantee. Please review the bracket and confirm with the coaches for game times.


  1. Sometimes the AD is not aware of school scheduled activities that might be conflicts with teams playing in games. Please contact the AD with any conflicts you may find.
  2. At any time throughout the season games dates & times might be changed due to conflicts that might come up. The Athletic Director will re-schedule the game for a new date and time that the team is free. An email will be sent out to the coaches so the parents can be updated.

School Absents:

  1. An athlete who was absent from school due to illness is not allowed to attend practice or play in a game on that given day. Only exception is for a funeral. Absence from school on a Friday should not affect Saturday and Sunday participation if the athlete has recovered sufficiently to play.

Athletic probation:

  1. Assistant Principal will notify parents & AD with names of kids that are on athletic probation. Probation is 2 weeks. For those 2 weeks the athletes can still practice & play in games. The AD will notify the Head coach. After 2 weeks the athlete will be cleared or suspended.


  1. Parents must provide transportation to all practices, home and away games. We do get snow in this area and most games home or away will be played when it snows. There are exceptions, but be prepared to allow extra time to get to games home or away when it snows.


  1. Google links for directions to all conference and non-conference schools can be found on our web site. This includes directions to all of the schools for Cross Country meets, Track meets and Softball fields.

School Closings

  1. If school is closed for a snow day, the games that night could still be played as scheduled. Please keep in contact with your coaches for updates.


  1. All uniforms are signed out to each athlete and need to be retuned at the end of each sports season.
  2. Uniforms are to be washed in a laundry garment bag and NEVER placed in the dryer.Normal wear is to be expected, but all lost or damaged uniforms will result in a replacement fee of $30 for the Jersey, $15 for the shorts, $20 for softball pantsand $25 for the shooting shirts.
  3. If uniforms are not returned at the end of the season, a replacement fee of $60 will be due to St. Hubert Athletics.
  4. T-shirts that are given out for any sport do NOT need to be returned but the athletes shouldkeep them so they can be re-used each season they play. If the athlete grows out of the t-shirt they need to see the AD for a replacement.
  5. Softball Visors and socks do NOT need to be returned at the end of the season, but athletes should keep them so they can be re-used each season they play.

Basketball or Volleyball Tournaments we host:

  1. All St. Hubert teams are automatically entered into tournaments we host.
  2. For all volleyball & basketball Tournaments we host the head & assistant coach(s) will need to coordinate their parents to cover the door/concessions, clock & book for all games played. A volunteer web site sign inlink will be sent to the coaches from the AD or tournament Commissioner a few weeks before your tournament starts.
  3. When we host games and families will be returning for a second game the same day the volunteer working the door should stamp everyone’s hand so they can return and not pay the admission fee twice in the same day.
  4. All St. Hubert tournaments are a minimum of 3 games.

Team Trophies Won:

  1. One of the Athletes should bring it to school and drop it off at the school office so it can be placed in the athletic trophy case.
  2. All of the trophies the teams win from their 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade school years will be given to the coaches to hand out to the Athletes at the Athletic awards ceremony in May of their 8th grade school year.

5th Grade Conference Basketball Games

  1. The NWCC normally schedules 10 conference games for the season.
  2. One of the NWCC conference school(s) will host a group of 5th grade games for the day (on Saturday’s or Sunday’s) with each of our team(s) playing in one of those games. This is done because of the referee’s for 5th grade conference games use 1 adult patched referee & 1 high school kid (which is a different pay scale than 6th, 7th & 8th grade games).
  3. Due to this type of scheduling the 5th grade teams will play most of their games away at other NWCC schools; however, we will also host some of the 5th grade games at St. Hubert based on gym availability.
  4. All 5th grade boys’ basketball conference games are scheduled to be played on Saturday’s and the 5th grade girls are on Sunday’s. But this is subject to conference gym availability and some boy’s games could end up on Sunday’s and some girl’s games could end up on Saturday’s.
  5. For all 5th grade boys & girls’ basketball games we HOST our team(s) will play in our gym for that day. We will need to get parents to cover the door, clock & book for these game(s). We will also need to have parents cover the door, clock & book for all of the other NWCC games played that day in our gym the days we host.

6th/7th/8thNWCC Conference Games

  1. The NWCC (Northwest Catholic Conference) holds scheduling meetings that each school in our conference has their AD attend.
  2. Each schools AD will schedule conference games between all of the schools. The NWCC follows an even & odd year schedule for all home and away games.
  3. The NWCC does create conference schedules so all teams at the same grade/level play the same number of games.

5th6th/7th/8thNon-Conference Games

  1. The AD may schedule some non-conference home and away games for volleyball and basketball teams.
  2. Non-conference school’s admission fees will vary.

Hosting games:

  1. A guideline sheet on how to open & close the gym is posted on the back of the storage room door.
  2. For all games in our gym we need the coaches and their parents to help setup the gym for the first game of the night and close it down for the last game of the night.
  3. The concessions/door admissions cash box is stored in the AD room inside the safe. The coach for the first game of the night need to get it out of the safe. The coach for the last game of the night will need to return the concessions/door admissions box back to the safe.
  4. There is extra 10’s 5’s and singles in the top shelf in the safe in case the cash box for the door runs out.
  5. We charge admissions to all home games for conference, non-conference & tournaments. Coaches & player’s admission fees are waived. Admission price sheets are in the safe and vary depending on the event. Some parents have St. Hubert lifetime passes that may be used to wave their families admission fees.
  6. The benches should be setup with 10 chairs on each side. 2 chairs at the door and 2 chairs at the score table.
  7. When we host volleyball or basketball games the head & assistant coach(s) will need to coordinate their parents to cover the door/concessions, clock & book for all games played. The volunteer working the door must be parent or at least someone who is 21 years old. Kids can work the clock or book if properly trained. The volunteer working the door for the first game for the night will need to arrive 30 – 40 minutes before the game starts to collect the admissions at the door. If needed the coach(s) should keep the fans in the hallway until the parent working the door is ready to collect.
  8. We have a prayer (our father) & pledge of allegiance CD in the CD player on the stage that should be played before every home game. It is about 1-minute run time.
  9. No kids are allowed on the stage without an adult at any time.

Final 8th grade home games:

  1. Coaches/team moms are welcome to organize getting carnation flowers for the 8th grade players to give to their parents at their final home game for volleyball and basketball. Carnations can be bought for the opposing (girls) teams too. The parents can line up on the court before the game starts and the players can be announced with the PA system. Athletics will pay for the carnations. This is not mandatory and is a team choice to organize.

Athletic Participation Awards:

  1. The awards night is a casual dress event held in the MPR on a week night around the middle of May.
  2. The event starts at 6pm and runs about 35 minutes to announce all of the 4th to 8th grade athletes.
  3. We line up all of the Athletes alphabetically by grade starting with the 8th graders and finishing up with the 4th graders.
  4. All Athletes will be announced over the PA. They will be given an award plaque with their name on it and will list all of the sports the athletes participated in for that school year.
  5. The athlete’snames will also be listed in an awards booklet.
  6. After all of the athletes are announced by grade, they will be lined up for a group picture.
  7. Then the athletes and parents can go to the club room for a drink & snack.
  8. By 8pm everything is cleaned up.


  1. Our big fundraiser for St. Hubert Athletics is our Spaghetti sports dinner normally held on a Saturday night in January each year after the 4:30pm mass.
  2. This dinner is open to all St. Hubert families & friends and is NOT limited to athlete families only.
  3. We have a catered dinner with a cash bar. There are many great raffle prizes and a DJ.


  1. We can practice in the school gym or out on Chino field behind the school. Home games will be played at Sloan Park in Hoffman Estates. We reserve and pay H.E. Park District for the use of Sloan Park for all of our home games. HEPD will set the field up for the home games.
  2. Softball games are normally played during the week with game times around 4:15pm or 5:30pm.
  3. Practices will be scheduled based on the gym/field and coach’s availability.
  4. Normally 6- 8 games are scheduled to be played but can be subject to the number of schools that have softball team’s year to year.
