Lower Itton, Spreyton, Devon EX17 5BB
01837 89095,
WEDNESDAY 25th NOVEMBER2015 7.30pm
Cllr Jacobs (Chair, outgoing), Cllr Pearce(Vice-Chair, incoming), Cllr Northcott, Cllr Kane.
Simon Hodgson, Jim Woodward, Alice Turner, Gail Flockhart(Chair, incoming), Penny Griffiths
Dist Cllr Boundy, Ros Davies, Pauline Warner
Chairman read out resignation letters from Cllr Marjorie Bowers and Cllr Darren Howes.
The signing of the minutes of the PCM held on 28th October 2015 following resolution to amendment to item 14.10.15 c) iii Best Village and 14.10.15 c) iv RHS Britain in Bloom, to readno discussion took place. Cllr Pearce Proposed acceptance, Cllr Jacobs seconded, all in favour, motion carried.
Cllr Jacobs stated he intended to resign as Chair and therefore proposed a change in the agenda order to permit
Co-option to be the next item. Cllr Pearce seconded, all in favour, motion carried.
5.11.15CO-OPTION FOR 3 CASUAL VACANCIESfollowing ordinary elections:
Simon Hodgson, Alice Turner and Gail Flockhart made members of Winkleigh Parish Council, all in favour, motion carried.
Cllr Jacobs thanked Jim Woodward for his application and advised him he would be eligible to apply for one of the future vacancies.
Cllr Jacobs stated TDC Elections office have been made aware of four Cllr Resignations and have issued notices of the four vacancies to be put up on 26th November, thereby, 10 or more parishioners will have 14 election days to request an election or if no one comes forward TDC will confirm if we can co-opt four more Cllrs. If TDC do get a request foran election and it is contested, it will have to be held sometime Jan/Early Feb with the predicted cost of £2000 to Winkleigh Parish Council
a)Cllr Jacobs resigned as Chairman and called for election of new Chair.
b)Cllr Turner nominated herself as Chair, Cllr Hodgson seconded, Cllr Flockhart nominated herself as Chair, Cllr Jacobs seconded, Cllr Flockhart elected as Chairman, 5 in favour, 2 abstentions, motion carried, Cllr Jacobs stood down and Cllr Flockhart to continue meeting as Chair.
8.11.15ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN following resignation of Cllr Mondy:
Cllr Turner nominated herself as Vice-Chair, Cllr Hodgson seconded, Cllr Flockhart nominated Cllr Pearce as Vice-Chair, Cllr Jacobs seconded, Cllr Pearce elected as Vice-Chairman 5 in favour, 2 abstentions, motion carried.
Consideration of WPC Standing Orders to be amended to request name and address to be given by any person wishing to speak under any public period, to be carried forward to next pcm –Action item -Clerk
a)Returned from TDC
1/0572/2015/AGMB Change of use Agricultural Building to No 1 dwelling under class Q (a), Land forming part of Week House Farm, Hollocombe. GRANTED
b)New Applications
- 1/1108/2015/AGMB Change of use Agricultural Building to No 1 dwelling under class Q (a & b), Collacott Barton, Winkleigh
Cllr Turner proposed refusal on the grounds of unsuitable building materials and unsympathetic to the landscape. Cllr Flockhart seconded, 1 abstention, 1 against, 5 in favour, motion carried.
- 1/1092/2015/FUL Demolition of existing store building and construction of new bottling room building, Building at Winkleigh Cider Company, Hatherleigh Road, Winkleigh
Cllr Hodgson proposed approval, Cllr Jacobs seconded, all in favour, motion carried.
- 1/1047/2015/OUT Change of use of land for siting of 5 fishermen’s holiday dens to be used in conjunction with adjoining lakes, Venn Lakes, Winkleigh
WPC previouslyresisted development of this inappropriate commercial enterprise in the countryside, Cllr Hodgson proposed refusal, Cllr Turner seconded, 2 against, 2 abstentions, 3 in favour, motion carried.
Cllr Flockhart proposed caveat motion that WPC believe siting of 5 Fishermen’s Dens may set a precedent for further larger scale developments in an inappropriate area. Cllr Northcott seconded, all in favour, motion carried.
- 1/1171/2015/FUL Retention of raised decking, resubmission of 1/0355/2015/FUL, Elmside, Exeter Road, Winkleigh
Cllr Jacobs proposed approval, Cllr Pearce seconded, 2 abstentions, 5 in favour, motion carried.
12.11.15P3 OWNERSHIP OF FOOTPATHSPresentation by Ros Davies – Public Rights of WayOfficer postponed due to sickness.
13.11.15VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT – Penny Griffiths
To display the map and photo montages of the Westcott’s, Elms Meadow and Kings Meadow estates to enable Councillors to fully observe and question the findings and process, in particular in consideration of the 21 principles of the VDS, does anything in current document need strengthening, or toning down, anything missing, any recent developments in the area good or bad and why, how would PC like to be kept informed of process. VDS to be circulated to all Cllrs to provide comment and feedback at the next pcm in January – Action Item, All Cllrs.
a)TAP Fund 2015-16 Application deadline 29thFebruary 2016 – Cllr Jacobs
Council to consider Project with Sampford Courtenay and Broadwoodkellyto produce updated footpath maps of the local areas, linking the Parishes. Cllr Jacobs reported that he will be attending a joint meeting with Broadwoodkelly and Sampford Courtenay Parish Councils after Christmas on how best to proceed with the application. – Action item,Cllr Jacobs.
b)Receipts & Payments - Clerk
- Schedule of all receipts and payments since 28th October 2015, see Appendix A, Cllr Flockhart proposed approval, Cllr Jacobs seconded, all in favour, motion carried.
- Bank Signatories – 3 co-opted Cllrs to be added as bank signatories – Action item, Clerk
a)WPCA001/15 Traffic Issues –Cllr Pearce
Update on report received from DCC Traffic Management Team in relation to signage and traffic issues associated with Townsend Hill
- Relocation of directional signs as prepared by DCC in order to assist in relieving congestion in the village. There will be no cost to the Council. No proposal agreed by WPC, to be carried forward to next pcm, all in favour.Action item - Clerk
- Consider DCC plan to install speed humps along Townsend Hill to reduce both excessive speed and traffic volume caused by the “short cut” effect. Public Consultation will be needed to assess the benefits (or otherwise) of the scheme which is estimated to cost £30,000. No proposal agreed by WPC, to be carried forward to next pcm, all in favour. Action item - Clerk
b)WPCA012/15 Cemetery West Hedge Maintenance Tender – Cllr Jacobs
Report from Clerk on progress of tender – Clerk reported that the west hedge maintenance had not yet been put out to tender. Cllr Jacobs read out a letter from Roger Hill offering to carry out the hedge maintenance quoting £350 which is permitted to be accepted under Standing Orders for work under £500 without the need to put out to tender. Issue to be raised again at January PCM after Cllr Hodgson has assessed presence of specimen trees,hedge and works required and present to the Council. Action Item – Cllr Hodgson
c)Tesco Bag Charge Grants - Cllr Kane
Council to consider any project that could be subject to a grant –the grant could be used to improve Shute Lane and other areas throughout Winkleigh and is open to all Community and Charity groups. Cllr Kane reported that any projects need to be between £8000 and £12000 and carried out within 6 months of putting funding forward, therefore the first phase of Shute Lane will not be ready and WPC will be unable to meet the Tesco criteria therefore Council to revisit in the future for any other suitable projects.
a)Winkleigh Fair Christmas lights covered by Council insurance– Cllr Jacobs
Request to confirm adequate cover with current insurers. Clerk confirmed with Insurance Company that event is covered provided risk assessment carried out. Cllrs Hodgson and Turner will supervise event.
b)Training Courses– Clerk
Consideration of attendance of new Chair, Vice-Chair and any co-opted Cllrs onto forthcoming DALC courses including audit in March 2016. To be deferred to January PCM to take into account any additional Cllrs. Action item - Clerk
c)Register of Interests – Clerk
Concern raised that Winkleigh Parish Council Register of Interests of elected and co-opted Cllrs is incomplete, Cllrs are reminded it is a requirement of office to complete the form and forward to Legal department at TDC to update register as it is a public document. Clerk confirmed that only a copy of the register is retained by WPC after TDC have updated it and forwarded it.
d)Council Meeting locations – Clerk
Council resolution to hold parish meetings in Community Centre only in 2016 (Minutes ref 17.9.15 page 1084) to be revisited in March 2016 in light of public period II 28/10/2015 – because motion was made and passed by a majority of those voting at a Council meeting that was quorate therefore the decision is legal and binding and where there is no failure of process the matter is closed and cannot be brought back to Council in its present form for a period of 6 months. Council to revisit in March 2016. Action item - Clerk
a)New members to volunteer to join committee & Groups– Chair
FINANCE group – RFO Melanie Borrett, Cllr Jacobs, Cllr Northcott
VILLAGE HALL Committee – Cllr Northcott
CEMETERY GROUNDS Group – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Hodgson
BUNGALOW Group – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner
ASSET MAINTENACE Group – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Northcott
PLAYING FIELDS Committee – Cllr Jacobs
EMERGENCY PLAN – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Kane
CHULMLEIGH PPG – Anna Balcombe
TAAG – Cllr Flockhart
TIDY Group – Cllr Jacobs, Cllr Kane
PLAN REVIEW Group – Cllr Flockhart, Cllr Kane
DEFIBRILLATOR – TBC (Mr Andrew Ware willing to resume, Clerk to check insurance and memorandum of understanding) Action Item - Clerk
b)Bungalow Group
- Letter of apology to tenants resulting from recent issue of notice, approved
- Bungalow survey arrangement – awaiting response from TDC Legal office and external auditors with regards to mediator to oversee –Clerk.
No response received from TDC, external auditors declined to advise, therefore Council to proceed with obtaining a Full Structural survey, Bungalow Group to arrange. Action Item – Cllr Pearce & Cllr Turner
c)Finance Group –Clerk
2016-17 Budget & Precept report for Council consideration prior to submission to TDC in January 2016. Provisional budget and precept request of £16975.00 approved pending final adjustments in January 2016. Cllr Pearce proposed approval, Cllr Jacobs seconded, 1 abstention, 6 in favour, motion carried.
d)Asset Group
- Report on asset repairs and proposal to proceed with quote of £50 for the repair of a seat in the square and rubbish bin base in Exeter Road – Cllr Pearce
Cllr Flockhart Proposed approval, Cllr Hodgson seconded, all in favour, motion carried. Action Item – Cllr Pearce
- Update on purchase of dog bins, refuse bin at folly cottage & filling of grit bins by DCC –Clerk
2 x dog bins ordered and paid for awaiting DCC Site recce, still awaiting refuse bin quotation, Cllr Pearce reported the grit bins appeared to have been filled.
e)Tidy Group
- Urban Highway Grass Cutting, New DCC scheme and possible funding cut off December -Cllr Jacobs
Proposal of joining the Scheme and receiving grant of £530 from DCC towards grass cutting tender and adding £1000 to budget and precept to allow up to 4 cuts per year and training of successful applicant.
WPC opted not to join the scheme and put out tenders for grass cutting in addition to that already carried out by TDC, Cllr Jacobs proposedthat he will assess the areas members of the public will be happy to maintain for themselves and to get quotes for areas that are left to be maintained. Cllr Turner seconded, all in favour, motion carried.
- Update on Shute Lane access Winkleigh’s involvement with paths partnership with DCC- Cllr Jacobs
Following site visits and consultations with Public Rights of Way officers at DCC, WPC to place a laminated notice either end of Shute Lane advising the owner to contact WPC within 6 weeks, after which WPC will commence work on Shute Lane to make it walkable. Cllr Jacobs proposed approval, Cllr Flockhart seconded, all in favour, motion carried.
- CPRE “Best Village”– Cllr Jacobs
Possibility of Winkleigh participating from 2016 onwards.Will require funds to be accrued in the budget to facilitate village Groups, WPC made no resolution due to high work demands and to reconsider in future
- RHS “Britain in Bloom”– Cllr Jacobs
Possibility of Winkleigh participating from 2016 onwards. Will require funds to be accrued in the budget to facilitate village Groups, WPC made no resolution due to high work demands and to reconsider in future
f)Emergency Plan Group
- Report on Devon Community Resilience Forum attended by Cllr Pearce
Cllr Pearce reported he attended and was able to gather useful information to incorporate into WPC Emergency Plan
- EP incorporating Evacuee Guidance temporary shelter consideration – update on compiled report commenced by Ex-Cllr Howes - Cllr Pearce
Cllr Pearce reported the plan is in progress and will be presented to the Council for approval in due course.
g)Establishment of a Grants Group – Cllr Pearce
Consideration be given to the establishment of a Grants Group whose function would be to assess the applications for Council funding and advise Council on the appropriate distribution of funds. Group would need to meet and prepare roles and responsibilities of the group, Council policy, grant application form and criteria agreement for approval of grants, grant administration, and funding options to be approved by the full Council prior to advertising grant applications May 2016. To be revisited in February 2016 – Action item - Clerk
a)Westcotts Drive Junction – Clerk
Taken from Public Period I 28/10/2015 – Could the signage on Westcotts Drive give way to Townsend Hill instead of currently other way around? To be referred to DCC Highways department Action item - Clerk
b)Winkleigh Youth Club – letter of thanks for grant payment – Cllr Jacobs
c)CAB – letter of thanks for grant payment - Clerk
d)Winkleigh Methodist Church Youth Club – letter of thanks for grant payment – Clerk
e)Winkleigh Sports Recreation Memorial Grounds – letter of thanks for grant payment – Clerk
f)ODCTG - letter of thanks for grant payment – Clerk
19.11.15PUBLIC PERIOD IIonly for matters arising from this Parish meeting
Will WPC be contacting 2015 grant recipients for report on how money has been spent? Action item - Clerk
Cllr Flockhart - WPC to write to ex Cllrs Mondy, Bowers, Howes and Leahy to thank them individually for their contribution to Winkleigh Parish Council Action item - Clerk
a)Crime Report– Clerk
1 reported burglary in the period since last pcm
b)Solar Panels for Community Use – Clerk
Offer from DCC circulated to parishioners on email me group and parish website
22.11.15DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Chair
27th January 2016, 7.30pm Winkleigh Community Centre
22:55pmMeeting Closed
Financial statement : / Winkleigh Parish CouncilMeeting date : / 25th November 2015
Total all balances :
Balances at date : / 5th October 2015
Current / Reserve
20647.19 / 19556.67
Payments since last meeting date : / 23rd September 2015
Direct Debit/Standing Order / Payment reference / Details / TOTAL COST
Standing Order / PM075/15 / A Ware - Cemetery Maintenance / 185.00
Direct Debit / PM076/15 / EDF Electricity to square / 20.00
Items for payment
Cheque No / Payment reference / Details / TOTAL COST
1681 / PM072/15 / DALC Chairmanship course W. Mondy / 30.00
1682 / PM073/15 / DALC Budget & Precept Course x2 / 60.00
1683 / PM074/15 / Viking stationary / 37.18
1684 / PM077/15 / Viking stationary / 43.16
1685 / PM078/15 / Community Centre Hire October 2015 / 11.50
1686 / PM079/15 / SLCC suscription / 118.00
1687 / PM080/15 / M Borrett salary November / 970.69
1688 / PM081/15 / M Borrett salary December / 961.55
Receipts since last meeting date :
Receipt number / Receipt reference / Details / TOTAL AMOUNT
84 / RC059/15 / Interment fee Thorne / £55.00
RC052-58/15 / Rent 7 x £99.60 / £679.20