June 2006 doc: 802.11-06/0863r1
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2006-06-20
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / MS SJ-10-5
170 W. Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA95134-1706 / +1-408-527-0815 /
Dan Lubar / RelayServices / 4450 Arapahoe Ave, #100, Boulder, CO 80303, USA / 1-877-569-5069 /
1.Minutes from June 14 2006 TGy Conference Call – Duration 1hr
Proposed Agenda was..
- Role Call
- IEEE patent policy statement
- Vote on May Interim Meeting Minutes approval
- Discussion of Emission mask and channelization
- Discussion of 802.11-06/668r1 slide 7, emissions masks, channel plans, and whether a Channel Switch announcement that uses Regulatory Class for the 3650 MHz band is required
- Time permitting, discuss signaling of enablement to mobile/portable stations
- Other discussion and action items – next meeting 28 June teleconference
- Adjourn at or before 14:00
Teleconference Called to order 1303 ET
Chair Peter Ecclesine ask for and appoints recording secretary for teleconf
Chair reads Patent Policy Statement and reminds attendees of adherence and asks for
Chair requests approval of minutes doc 06/0740r0 from Jacksonville, ‘Is there any objection to accepting the minutes of the Jacksonville meeting?’ hearing none, minutes approved unanimously.
Emissions mask, channel width & numbering discussion
Brief discussion of Jan Kruy's input to TGy reflector
Discussion of bare bones i & j emissions mask for the 11y specific channel widths
Suggestion of having Filters only at channel edges
Discussion of section 68-69 in FCC 05-56, section 90.1323 page 45
Channel edge specification similar to UNII band 2 (at band edge ERP should not
be greater than FCC specified limits)
Channel numbering and widths: Page 1138 of Annex J of Draft 6.0 of Rev-ma is one example of a channel numbering scheme and their center frequencies. Specifically clauses, &
Channel numbering from 130 to 140 and their frequencies discussed. Channels numbering specifications differ slightly for each channel width specification (Note: See 802.11-06/0855r1 for Annex J summary info)
In Annex J of draft 6 in Rev-ma, page 1136 Table J.1 Regulatory Class 4 in is US 5.47 to 5.725. Its channel 100 is 5.5GHz center frequency. Also see table J.1, page 1138 3rd column
Regulatory Class 5 uses ISM channel rules (see Annex J summary 06/0855r0)
Discussion of beacon query "country information element" from Rev-ma draft 6
Country info element beacon frame can differentiate country channel class Pg 112 & 113 section (3 octets of regulatory triplet, regulatory class, coverage class)
Brief discussion of smaller or dynamic channel width specifications. Suggestion that concept of a channel is changing. Reference to building a new PHY not realistic. Chair suggests informative annex for discussion of this concept and other info.
Discussion of next teleconf duration – add 30 minutes so more discussion can take place
Chair moves adjournment of telecom at 1503 ET
Is there objection to adjourning – hearing none, Adjourned.
Supporting Document References:
Minutes from May IEEE 802 Interim sessions (Doc 802.11-06/0740r0)
Doc 802.11-06/0668r1
Doc 802.11-06/0855r1
FCC 05-56 ( )
IEEE 802.11 Drafts (in Members Area)
TGy reference docs:
1.3Action items
- Set aside 90 minutes for next Teleconference to allow for more time in discussion of emission’s mask, channelization, and switching, et al.
- Because of TGn’s July 12th Teleconf, confirm re-scheduling last Teleconf before Plenary for July 11th instead of July 12th.
1.4Next Conference Call Info..
- Time: June 28 (Wed) at 1PM EST, 10 AM PST
- Agenda: Further discussions of channel width, numbering, switching & emissions masks et al.
If you attended but do not see you name below. Please email to be added.
June 14th / June 28th / July 11thPeter Ecclesine / X
Jim Petranovich / X
Steve Shellhammer / X
Dan Lubar / X
Eldad Perahia / X
Jim Raab / X
Rich Kennedy / X
Sastry Ambatipudi / X
Scott Blue / X
Dick Roy / X
Submission page 1 Dan Lubar, RelayServices