Minutes for LSI Business Meeting 2002
National Communication Association
Language and Social Interaction Division
Business Meeting Minutes (Draft, pending approval)
Meeting of November 23, 2002
- The meeting was called to order by Richard Buttny, Chair (Syracuse University).
- Minutes for the LSI Business Meeting in 2001 were approved.
- Report from the Chair. Richard reported on issues discussed during Legislative Council Meetings, including:
- LSI membership is slightly down, from 415 to 373. NCA has about 6,500 members and 4,000 attending the convention.
- NCA members will receive a hardcopy membership directory.
- New system on a trail basis for the on-line submission of programs.
- NCA has a new publishing agreement with Routledge. Members will receive a hard copy and back issues will be available on line. Library subscriptions will receive the NCA journals on line.
- No increase in member dues, but increase for library subscriptions.
- Members to receive in the mail six NCA constitutional amendments to be voted on.
- Report from the Vice-Chair, Bud Morris:
- Bud reported that 60 papers were received and 45 (75%) of these were accepted. Six of seven panel proposals (85%) were accepted.
- The Top Student Paper Award was presented to Izumi Funayama (University of Texas at Austin).
- Dissertation Award Presentation. Vice Chair Elect, Chuck Braithwaite presented the LSI Dissertation Award for 2002 to ______.
VI.Madeline Maxwell, Immediate Past Chair, presented the Outstanding Scholarly Award to Robert Hopper & Curtis LeBaron for “How Gender Creeps into Talk.”
VII.Chair Buttny proposed procedures for selecting the Outstanding Scholarship Award, specifically:
a. The award alternates between a recent book/article/chapter and “an old chestnut” book/article/chapter written by an LSI member. Recent is within the past 5 years.
b. The Immediate Past Chair convenes a committee of three members.
c. The members put forward nominations or solicit nominations from the membership.
d. The members deliberate and select a winner.
e. The award to be presented at the LSI Business Meeting
- Election of Officers: Madeline Maxwell, Immediate Past Chair
Vice-Chair Elect: Jurgen Streeck
Information Officer: Curtis LeBaron
IX.Report from the Vice-Chair Elect, Chuck Braithwaite
Chuck reported on the NCA 2003 Program Planning meeting, noting the number of panel slots projected, submission deadline and detailing the new requirement of online submissions.
X.Members’ Announcements
Several members announced publication possibilities and position vacancies of interest to the LSI membership
XI.Meeting adjourned.