Questions by Taylor Kulp with a few from Drake University
1.It has been called “the navel of the world” and “eyes speaking from heaven”, although it is better known by the name given to it by Jakob Roggeveen. The Rongorongo script found here is unique, and has not yet been decoded by linguists. This island once had palm trees, but it became deforested more than 500 years ago. For ten points, identify this south Pacific island famous for its Moai, giant stone heads that sit on the cliffs.
Answer:Easter Island (also accept Rapa Nui)
2.They consist of urasil, adenine, guanine, and cytosine bound in a tight, single strand, and a characteristic hydroxyl group allows hydrolysis, making them slightly unstable. In cells, they can assist in gene regulation, and certain types are involved in cancer growth. Most varieties are associated with the formation of proteins. For ten points, identify these nucleic acids, not to be confused with the larger, and more complex, DNA.
Answer:RNA or Ribonucleic Acid
3.The American Legion proposed many of its components, but the basic structure of the bill was a result of the National Resources Planning Board’s efforts to prevent another depression. Fears of its costs were partially allayed when its 52-20 clause proved far less expensive than feared. It is often credited with helping the suburbanization of the U.S as well as the rapid growth of the university system in the late 1940’s and early 50’s. Since expanded by the efforts of Rep. Sonny Montgomery, FTP, name this bill which provided low interest home loans and education to veterans.
Answer:The GI Bill, or Servicemen’s Readjustment Act
4.He was born in Valdez, Alaska where he had a troubled childhood, due largely to the death of his mother when he was two years old, and the estrangement from his father that resulted in him running away at the age of fifteen. Although his twin became a terrorist, he was able to lead a distinguished military career, despite a court marshal due to his involvement in violating the Treaty of Algeron. He turned down several commands before accepting the captaincy of the Titan in 2379. For ten points, name the first officer on board the Enterprise D and E in Star Trek, The Next Generation.
Answer:William Thomas Riker
5.Originally titled “All is True”, it was one of the most popular plays of its time, but it has rarely been staged since the Victorian era. It featured a cannon, the use of which resulted in the burning down of the Globe Theatre. The final scene announces the success that the children of the title character will have, one of whom was Elizabeth I, the reigning queen of England at the time of the play’s writing. FTP identify this Shakespearean play featuring Cardinal Wolsey and the first two of the title character’s six wives.
Answer:Henry VIII
6.Applying it allows scientists to measure the magnetic field strength of stellar bodies, and it can also be used in studying electron transitions within an atom. When initially discovered, there was concern when an even number of sublevels resulted from an odd number of electrons, though this was latter accounted for with an understanding of spin. FTP name this effect, the splitting of spectral lines in a magnetic field, named for a winner of the 1902 Nobel for Physics.
7.Sigmund Freud said it reflects the artists erotic desire for his mother. Napoleon had it removed from the Louvre to be hung in his bedroom, but it was latter returned to Louvre. It has been parodied and replicated by Duchamp, Warhol, and Dali. It was stolen in 1911, and lost for two years before being found and returned to the Louvre. It is believed to be a portrait of the wife of the Italian merchant Francesco del Giocando, and its use of sfumato helps create a gentle and sensuous feel to the work. For ten points, name this Leonardo da Vinci painting.
Answer:The Mona Lisa
8.The Venezuelan Parliament is stormed, the Great Mahele is signed in Hawaii, serfdom is abolished in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Wisconsin is admitted into the Union, Ferdinand I of Austria abdicates, the Seneca Falls conference begins, the Communist Manifesto is published, the Mexican-American war ends with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Louis Philippe abdicates and the Second Republic is formed. FTP, all of these events took place in what presidential election year that saw the victory of Zachary Taylor?
9.During his early teaching at McKee Vocational School, this author had a sandwich thrown at him, which he responded to by picking it up and eating it. His autobiographical works often center on maintaining a sense of joy in desperate situations, the latest of these being Teacher Man, which describes his experiences teaching high school English. He is more famous, however, for memoirs detailing his childhood in the slums of Limerick. For ten points, identify this Irish American author of ‘Tis and Angela’s Ashes.
Answer:Frank McCourt
10.While he was helping Hera cross the Anauros he lost a sandal, and shortly thereafter was sent on a quest by Pelias. He fathered twins by Hypsipyle, and later became the object of Medea’s affection, but he would later betray her, marrying Creusa. He is remembered for sewing dragon teeth in a field to raise up an army, but presumably more so for captaining the Argo. For ten points, name this man who retrieved the Golden Fleece.
11.A brilliant mathematician, he often clashed with scientists of the day, disliking the Royal Society, of which he was a member, and later writing “Reflections on the Decline of Science in England”. He researched the cause of broken glass in factories, and invented the cow catcher, but it is for his obsession with a mechanical means for calculation that he is best remembered. For ten points, name the inventor of the Analytical Engine, the first programmable computer.
Answer:Charles Babbage
12.(DU) The archetype of the incorruptible young orphan, he is forced into the service of the British Navy during the Napoleonic wars, where he is popular with everyone except the master-at-arms. When Claggart falsely reports that he is leading a mutiny plot, he stutters, and accidently kills Claggart in front of the captain. After his court-martial conviction, he is sentenced to be hung, and is the image of innocence and beauty. FTP, name this “beautiful sailor”, created by Herman Melville, whose dying words were “God bless Captain Vere.”
Answer:Billy Budd, Foretopman
13.Measures had to be passed by six of the eight representatives, and it could require dues and order the return of lost slaves. Largely the result of the Pequot War, the delegates first met in Hartford, and eventually agreed to the necessity of a defensive alliance to protect boundaries against the Indians and the Dutch. It briefly revived during King Phillips War, but it largely collapsed in 1650 when Massachusetts refused to join in the Anglo-Dutch Conflict. For ten points, name this alliance of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Haven, and Plymouth.
Answer:New England Confederation or The United Colonies of New England(accept equivalents, DO NOT accept Dominion of New England.)
14.It is essential in many plant enzymes, such as xanthine oxidase, and Francis Crick cited its role as an essential trace element as evidence for the panspermia hypothesis. It is often confused with lead, leading to its name. Tungsten shortages in World War I led to its use in high-temperature steels, while chemically it can be used to remove sulfur in petroleum refining -- not surprising since it is often found with sulfur in nature. For ten points, name this element, sitting under chromium on the periodic table, with atomic number 42.
15.(DU) When it was released, it was one of the lowest grossing live action movies in Walt Disney Studioshistory.Though nominated for five awards atthe 1993 Razzie Awards,its only Razzie wasWorst Original Song for "High Times, Hard Times." That lukewarm reception notwithstanding, this movie still contained nuggets of wisdom such as: the Delancey Brothers smell, Joseph Pulitzer created the world, and if a two-headed baby is born in New York it must be from Brooklyn. FTP name this 1992 Disney movie starring Bill Pullman as the "New York Sun" reporter Bryan Denton and a young Christian Bale as strike leader Jack Kelly.
Answer:Newsies (Also accept Newsboys)
16.It centers on three generations of the family of Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, his wife Amina, and their five children. Although the father is abusive by Western standards, he reflects Arabic culture, showing protectiveness and devotion simultaneously with rigidity and harshness. The work deals largely with the social changes occurring between World War I and the overthrow of King Farouk. FTP name this collection of three novels by Naguib Mahfouz, set in the titular Egyptian town.
Answer:The Cairo Trilogy [or al-Thulathiyya]
17.Act I and Act II are connected with a piece of music, and so often there is no intermission. The libretto was written by Adelheid Wette, and the music, composed over three years, was so memorable that it became the first full length opera to be played over the radio. Set in a poor household, with a Mother, Father, two children, and the evil gingerbread witch, for ten points, name this Engelbert Humperdinck opera based on the classic German folk tale.
Answer:Hansel und Gretel
18.The term was first used by Oliver Heaviside while developing a mathematical understanding of AC circuits. Properly matching this quantity in all components of a signal generator is important to avoid signal degradation. It is the opposite of admittance, and while it can be treated like resistance, its non real component, reactance, can complicate calculations. For ten points, identify this quantity, the opposition to a sinusoidal current, symbolized by the letter Z.
19.(DU) The 33rd Conference of a society named for this man will be held in Koblenz, Germany in August 2006. Between 1754 and 1762, he wrote The History of England , the work which brought him the most renown during his lifetime. In fact, a good number of his works were written anonymously, such as his essays “Of Suicide” and “Of the Immortality of the Soul”. Also said to be able to out-consume Schopenhauer and Hegel, this is, FTP; what Scottish Empiricist who authored A Treatise of Human Nature and An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding?
Answer:David Hume
20.It finally disintegrated in 1999, due to the death of its founder, surrender of its leader, and constant attrition in conflicts against UN peacekeepers. Originally intended to bring about harmony separate from the west, they gained power after the unpopular, American backed rise of Lon Nol. In 1975, the seized control, evacuating all cities, banning family relationships and beginning death marches that killed almost a third of Cambodia’s population. For ten points, name this communist organization, founded by Pol Pot.
Answer:Khmer Rouge
21.Ian was a Prime Minister of Rhodesia, John Walter was governor of Massachusetts, James Edward founded the Linnean Society of London, Edward was the captain of the Titanic, Zacharias was a chaser for Hufflepuff, Will is an actor, John was a colonist, Joseph founded the Church of the Latter Day Saints, and Adam wrote “Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”. For ten points, give the common surname, which refers to a person who shapes metal, and sounds like “myth” with an “S” at the beginning.
22.It harshly criticized Lloyd George and Clemenceau, and was consulted both during the Bretton woods conference and in formulating the Marshall plan. It called for forgiving war reparations, and infusing a large amount of cash into continental Europe. It was written directly in response to the Treaty of Versailles, predicting the disaster to the world economy of ignoring the plight of Germany. For ten points, name this influential work by John Maynard Keynes.
Answer:The Economic Consequences of the Peace
23.Sent by his father to study law at Padua, this man instead turned to poetry, writing the epic “Renaldo” at the age of 18, resulting in a transfer to Bologna to study literature. Very sensitive to criticism, he went mad after the scholarly rejection of his masterpiece, stabbing a servant, and being sent to prison, from which he escaped to live with his sister before being forgiven by the Duke Alfonso II. FTP name this writer of Aminta, Torrismondo, and Jerusalem Delivered.
Answer:Torquato Tasso
Questions by Taylor Kulp with a few from Drake University
1.THE NEWLY DEAD GAME: Identify these famous personages who died in 2005 for ten points each.
(10)This co-creator (along his wife Jan) of the namesake bears, died November 26th of cancer.
Answer:Stan Berenstain
(10)This ABC reporter died August 7th of lung cancer.
Answer:Peter Jennings
(10) This actor who had most famously portrayed Scotty in the Star Trek, died July 20th of pneumonia.
Answer:James Doohan
2.Given a brief summary, identify the American classic for ten points each.
(10)Uncas good, Magua bad, Chingachgook dead.
Answer:The Last of the Mohicans
(10)Lawyer/detective story with racism problems in Dawson’s Landing.
Answer:Pudd’n’head Wilson
(10)People put together a commune, but they’re selfish and it fails, Hawthorne classic.
Answer:The Blithedale Romance
3.Let’s see if you stored your information about data structures correctly. Retrieve the following for 10 points each.
(10)The proper expansion of the acronym F-I-F-O as it applies to queues
Answer:First In First Out
(10)These data structures rely on every node to the left of a given node having a lesser value, and every node to the right of that node having a larger value. It is useful in finding a specific node quickly, but it cannot be used on collections without a linear order.
Answer:Binary Search Trees
(10)This data structure remains unchanged as operations are performed on it, creating new records of the changes while retaining the original data.
4.Name the artists responsible for these art hoax… er… modern art masterpieces, 10 points each.
(10)His “Fountain”is signed R. Mutt. Basically aurinal, it epitomizes the elegance of his “ready-mades.”
Answer:Marcel Duchamp
(10)The National Gallery of Australia bought his work Blue Polesfor 2 million dollars. It featured paint thrown at a canvass, with the eight colorful title rods put on top.
Answer:Jackson Pollock
(10) Sometimes called a neo-Dadaist, his Painted Bronzefeatures two beer cans. Ale, actually. Ballantine, if that helps.
Answer:Jasper Johns
5.Identify these early American women for ten points each.
(10)This wife of one president, and mother of another, is credited with advice that helped shape the U.S government.
(10)This Shoshone guide was instrumental in the Lewis and Clark expedition.
(10)A lay preacher, this woman was charged with antinomianism and banished by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1638, which led her to found Portsmouth in what soon became the colony of Rhode Island.
Answer:Anne Hutchinson
6.Identify these authors from their most recent major work FTPE, or from better-known titles for 5:
(10) Love, whichlike her first work,The Bluest Eye,employs non linear storytelling
(5) Song of Solomon and Beloved
Answer:Toni Morrison [accept Chloe Anthony Wofford from major showoffs]
(10) Shalimar the Clown,
(5) Midnight’s Children and The Satanic Verses
Answer:Salman Rushdie
(10) The Penelopiad, a feminist retelling of the Iliad
(5) Cat’s Eye and The Handmaid’s Tale
Answer:Margaret Atwood
7.Answer the following relating to aqueous solutions for 10 points each.
(10pts)This law states that the amount of gas that can dissolve in a liquid, in moles, is proportional to the partial pressure of the solute above the solution.
Answer:Henry’s Law
(10pts)This unit of concentration is used in acid-base reactions, and measures the moles of H+ or OH- the given solution is equivalent to.
(10pts)Equilibrium values are only affected by components that are either aqueous or in what other state?
Answer:Gaseous (accept equivalents)
8.Identify these cold warriors for 10 points each.
(10) This British Prime Minister, nicknamed Attila the Hen, stood a firm line against communism.
Answer:Margaret Thatcher
(10) This Soviet leader was responsible for the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia, and although he ruled through a period of détente with the United States, his 1979 invasion of Afghanistan quickly re-soured East/West relations.