February 8, 2012
Present:Al CollingsJohanna Barry, Executive Secretary
Tom LongGary Simeone, Computer Tech & Zoning
Roy RobertsBarry Gillogly, Local Access
Jack Tivnan
Diane Vayda
The meeting was called to order by Chair Al Collings at 6:32 p.m.
Minutes: Jack Tivnan made a motion to approve the minutes of November 9, 2011. Diane Vayda second. Vote 4 to approve as presented and 1 abstain (Tom Long). Jack Tivnan made a motion to approve the minutes of January 25, 2012. Roy Roberts second. Vote 4 to approve as presented 1 abstain (Tom Long).
Review Department Budget Requests:
#47 Local Access: Barry Gillogly was present to answer questions. Al Collings asked if he was charging for advertisements. Barry Gillogly said he did talk to people but then the recession hit and after that he did not feel that he should charge. He said his intent is to eventually do this when the economy turns around. Al Collings asked about Charter monies and can you get more. Barry Gillogly said that he gets $5,000.00 from Charter every year until the contract ends in 2013. He can ask for more money from them but they will tack it onto the subscribers’ bills. Asked about $684.27 in the Local Access Donation account and Barry said he did not know what that was. Johanna Barry said she thought it was from videos sold. Barry Gillogly said the Selectmen objected to videoing the Annual Town Meeting but he will video the informational meeting held prior to the Town Meeting. Al Collings asked what other events do you do and his reply was the Asparagus Festival and White Christmas. Concerts on the common would be nice but he needs more volunteers. He has been to the school looking. Diane Vayda asked if he asked for volunteers on TV and the answer was yes. Al Collings asked do you have a sense of your audience and the answer was that he has no way to measure this. Al Collings asked if you were no longer available, who would carry on and the answer was that there is no one. Tom Long said that there is an image problem. 15 years ago broadcasting was better; now the picture is not good and voice is not good and he feels the public needs to be informed. Barry Gillogly said that both cameras have died and the Selectmen have asked him to replace those at $800+each. There is no Channel 12 and the picture on Channel 11 is good. Barry Gillogly said the modular is also quite old. Once the cameras are installed, he will go through the modulator. If we improve Channel 13, what meetings would you want televised and the answer was Selectmen, Advisory and Zoning Board of Appeals. Tom Long said why not all meetings if we have the equipment.
February 8, 2012
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#17 Computer Tech: Gary Simeone was present. Gary said the server is on its last legs and what do we do to appropriate money for this. Al Collings said probably put it on as an Article either at the Annual Town Meeting or the fall meeting. Tom Long said Gary Simeone should look into renting. Gary Simeone said that the Librarian had sent in a request for two new computers. Al Collings said he told her to do that. The librarian said she had someone come in and tell her what she needs and Gary said he has no issue with what she is buying. The Tax Collector will get a new computer (hers is old), possibly the assessors, Keith Arsenault and the Fire Department.
#13 Zoning: Gary Simeon was present. He said there was no real change in his budget. Al Collings asked what do you see in activity. He said the number of permits is about the same (120) and there is not much in the way of new houses (2). Fees coming in range from $13,000 to $14,000.
#11 Conservation: Christine Long was present. She stated that the Commission had voted to level fund their budget. To date, they have used $420 for education out of $700 budgeted last year. Al Collings asked about the Conservation Improvement funds and he was referred to Accountant Marie Arsenault for an explanation of where they come from.
Stormwater Authority: Johanna Barry was present. She said the budget was level funded for expenses and 3% increase in salaries. There are no articles for money at this time. Johanna Barry spoke to Dave Callahan of Palmer Paving and he will sign the Notice of Intent and call Erica Uriarte, ESS Group. This 319 Grant improves the retention capabilities of the two ponds, one at the beach and the other on Dave Callahan’s property. There will be a lot of in kind work.
Al Collings will meet with Johanna Barry and Marie Arsenault on Monday, February 13, 2012 at 1 p.m. and invited members to attend to look at the budget. Secretary will post a meeting.
Jack Tivnan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Diane Vayda second. Meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine M. Long