Cllrs: P Graham- Woollard (Chair)
E.H. Lewis (Vice Chair)
T Cook
C Roach
H Maclehose
Clerk: Joanna Howell and County Cllr C Cave
Other: Three members of the public
Apologies: Cllr W Bellin and PCSO Stone
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
None at this point
3. Chairman’s Opening Report incl Banking, Meeting dates, Ombudsman & dispensation and Council priorities
The Chair explained that since being appointed as Chair, he had reviewed the work of the Community Council over the last few years and met with the Vice Chair and Clerk to discuss matters. He has developed a list of issues that this Council faces and believes that priorities need to be decided. He then asked the Council to take a few minutes to review the list of issues (Appendix A to these minutes).
A number of matters from the list were to be discussed in the agenda, however the following were discussed at this point:
Declarations of Interest and right to vote – The Chair explained that it was his responsibility to decide if a Councillor had an interest or not and then decide if a Councillor should be able to speak/vote. He reminded Councillors that if they think they have an interest in any matter it must be declared.
Dates of Meetings -There was a discussion on the dates of meetings.
AP Clerk to confirm dates
Liaison with the Church – It was agreed that Cllr Lewis would act as a liaison point between the Council and the Church
Precept /Budget/Accounts – The Chair asked the Clerk to have the budget prepared for the December meeting to allow more time before the precept needs to be decided in the January meeting. AP Clerk to add to December agenda
Email dialogue- The Chair asked that all observations that Councillors wish to make go through the Clerk and then she will determine with the Chair how to communicate. He did not believe a debate between meetings via email was helpful.
Presentation to Geoff Bates – The Council agreed that it was entirely appropriate to present Mr Bates with a small gift to recognise his long-standing contribution to this Council. It was agreed to decide at the next meeting what to present and the Council were reminded that no Council funds could be used.
Site Visit – It was agreed at that there were a number of highways issues around the village which would benefit from a site visit with a highways officer – these include the restricted view from the A48, the state of the gully ways, dislodged kerbs, growth over the Churchyard wall etc.
AP Clerk to write to VoG requesting a site visit
Relations with the Community Association- The Chair confirmed he had arranged to meet with the Community Association Chair to discuss how the two organisations could work best together.
Remembrance Sunday -There was a discussion on the Council’s involvement in this and it was agreed that Cllr Lewis would speak to the vicar about this and coordinate the process along with the Chair in getting the involvement of the other Community Associations.
Dog Waste – There had been a number of complaints from residents regarding this, it was agreed that a piece should go in the village newsletter.
There were three members of the public present. The owners of a house near the new estate wished to discuss the damage to their drive that had occurred due to the lorries heading to the development. The Chair asked them to summarise their situation in writing and he would pass it on to the Redrow Wales Director. They also complained about the noise pollution from the road sweeper. The Chair confirmed that a Redrow director would be at the July meeting but would take the issues up with him beforehand.
Finally, the residents wished to report that the trees on the playing fields adjacent to their house had been dropping branches in the recent high winds.
AP Clerk to report to the VoG Council
The third member of the public raised two points in relation to the inspector’s report on the LDP. CC Cave indicated that the VoG had a full Council meeting on 28/06 just to discuss the LDP, so she may be able to report further on matters effecting Colwinston after that.
He also presented an update of the village plan showing all the houses.
AP Clerk to put a copy on noticeboard and CC website.
The Council thanked him for all his hard work producing the plan.
PCSO Angela Stone had sent her apologies but had confirmed to the Clerk that there were no crimes to report.
6. County Councillors Reports
Cllr Cave stated that she had really enjoyed her first month and believes that issues are starting to move forward.
Cllr Cave really believed that it was important for Community Council’s to share information and wished to suggest that the four Community Council Chairs of the Llandow/Ewenny ward meet semi-formally once a quarter to discuss issues in common. This was agreed as a good idea.
Cllr Lewis believed the Council needed more concrete information on what was happening with the school buildings. Cllr Cook agreed to update Cllr Cave post meeting on the latest governors meeting and then will look into the matter.
7. Discussion and decision on next steps regarding the Western Power Substation, the attenuation basin at the Redrow development and the use of s106 monies
The Chair confirmed that the Council would be free to ask any questions to the Redrow director attending the July meeting.
Attenuation Basin – The Council agreed that they support Redrow in their demand for the VoG Council to accept the ROSPA report requirements including a quarterly maintenance programme carried out properly.
Entrance to Development – The VoG have given a verbally authority for the newly designed entrance to go ahead, however Redrow are waiting for this in writing.
Substation – Redrow have previously confirmed that they are prepared, within reason, to contribute to remedial action in regards to the substation.
CC Cave believed that it was important on these issues for all three parties to have a site visit.
AP Chair to get in touch with Alun Cairns MP regarding the above three issues.
S106 Monies – At this point Cllr Roach declared an interest regarding the s106 discussions and a planning application she had submitted. The Chair ruled that there was no conflict between her application and the s106 monies involved here and therefore she would be allowed to speak and vote on any s106 monies in relation to the Redrow development.
AP Clerk to update register of interests.
Redrow have reached the level of occupancy to trigger the s106 monies and have asked the VoG Council for the invoices for the s106 monies. The Council agreed it was essential that as the elected representatives of the Community they be involved in discussions on how the s106 monies were spent.
AP Clerk to write to VoG s106 monies, to ensure Council were involved in discussions
AP Clerk to forward on s106 agreement for the development
8. Discussion on Mobile Phone Reception
There was a discussion on how boosters could be provided by Mobile Service Providers, information to be put in the newsletter.
It was proposed by the Chair that it would be useful to write to Ofcom for guidance on how it might be possible to get an upgrade of the signal for the area. This was seconded by Cllr Lewis and agreed by all. Cllr Cook agreed to investigate this matter with Ofcom.
9. Discussion on sponsorship of Colwinston News and Views
It was agreed to defer this matter to the July agenda, once the Chair had been able to discuss the matter with those responsible for the newsletter.
AP Clerk to agenda in July meeting
10. Decision regarding feedback on continued temp closure footpath 13
After a short discussion, it was agreed that although this Council were concerned that the VoG had not followed proper procedure on this matter, the Council were happy for the closure to continue for now.
AP Clerk to write to VoG
11. Planning Matters
There were no new planning applications to discuss however the following decisions had been made by the VoG Council and these were noted by this Council.
2017/00252/FUL The Granary, Llangan- Demolition of existing outbuilding and its replacement with a similar outbuilding to be used as an office/occasional guest bedroom and associated works - APPROVED
It was also noted that a planning consultation notice had gone up in the village but the Clerk had not received a consultation letter regarding it.
AP Clerk to enquire with the VoG and pass on details of the planning application
The minutes of the ordinary meeting and the AGM, which took place on the 8th May 2017, had been previously circulated by the Clerk. It was proposed by Councillor Roach that the minutes of the AGM be accepted, this was seconded by Councillor Lewis and agreed by all. It was proposed by Councillor Cook that the minutes of the May Ordinary meeting be accepted, this was seconded by Councillor Maclehose and agreed by all. The Minutes were then signed as a true and accurate record by the Chairman and the Clerk. These will be placed on the website in due course. A hard copy will be available if requested.
Point 3 - New Waste Bins – AP Clerk to chase up new litter bins
Point 12- Clearance of the Well Area – The Council asked the Clerk to write to CCV to compliment them on the work they completed. The Chair confirmed that the detritus had been removed to a certified site.
There was a discussion on how best this area could be kept clear going forward and the Chair wished to discuss with the Clerk any insurance implications.
AP Clerk to discuss with Chair and insurers
There was a report of a tree branch down near the well on the road to Ty Draw.
AP Clerk to report to VoG Council
The Clerks report was reviewed and the following matters discussed: -
Update on definitive map modification order for the path running from Coffin Style to the Baptismal Pool in Colwinston. Mr G Teague (VoG PROW) has indicated that this case is next in queue for determination.
AP Clerk to chase up before July meeting
The following correspondence had been received: -
12/06/17- Email from VoG re new temp closure order for footpath 13
12/06/17- Email from GVS re Vale Voluntary Action meeting invite
09/06/17- Email from VoG re Consultation on active travel
07/06/17- Email from VoG re s106 monies
06/06/17- Email from VOG re publication of LDP Report
03/06/17- Email from Cllr Lewis re stones in gutter of Ty Draw Road
01/06/17-Email from OVW re date of July area meeting
27/05/17-Email from External Auditors confirming receipt of audit pack
26/05/17-Email from OVW re New funding pots from Welsh Gov Grants
26/05/17- Email from VoG re Hustings
25/05/17- Email from VoG re Mayor’s Civic Service
25/05/17- Email from OVW re bulletin May 2017
24/05/17-Email from VoG re Champions League
23/05/17- Email from Cllr Graham-Woollard regarding meeting with Redrow Site & Area Directors
22/05/17- Email from VoG re request for updated Council information
20/05/17- Email from VoG re link to May Cabinet meeting agenda
20/05/17- Email from Cllr Cook re report back from School Governing Body Meeting
16/05/17- Email from G Teague re definitive map modification order
16/05/17- Email from VoG re Japanese Knotweed Treatment
12/05/17- Email from OVW re model local resolution
12/05/17- Email from J Duxbury re copy of village map
09/05/17- Email from OVW re Code of Practice on Workforce Matters (Two Tier Code) – Annual Monitoring Form
09/05/17- Email from OVW Notification of July meeting
Funds as of 12/06/2017 £12,590 (cashbook) incl £3,200 lottery grant for Village Book.
Payments to be authorised
G Smith – Replacement Bollards - £240 Chq no. 100467
G Smith – Rubbish Clearance - £25 Chq no 100468
Receipts – None
Cllr Lewis proposed that all payments be authorised, this was seconded by Cllr Roach and agreed by all. The Cheques were signed by two signatories.
Bank Mandates – As there had been a number of issues with HSBC, it was proposed by Cllr Cook that the Council move to Lloyds bank, this was seconded by Cllr Lewis and agreed by all.
AP Clerk to arrange account swap and new mandate
a. Cllr Cook – Discussion of previously circulated School Governing Body Meeting report -Cllr Cook referred to his previously circulated report and explained that the Governing body were very much in favour of a new school building. This would be based on a 210-pupil model (the smallest viable model) and would be built in a new site within the village and the old site closed down. There is no information at the moment where the new site would be.