Regular Board Meeting – June 23, 2010 7:00 P.M.
Middle School Room 106
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The Board held a work session beginning at 6:30 p.m. The Board members interviewed the three candidates for the vacant Board Position. The candidates were: Darrel Ellis, Beverly Humiston, and Wesley Rivera. (Move to next Work Session: Required Policies J, starting with JHB.) They also discussed rescheduling the Policy Retreat to 8 a.m. in the Central Office, on Friday, July 9, 2010.
The regular meeting of the Board of Education - Mancos School District RE-6 was called to order by Board President Chris Kloster at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Kloster led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chris Kloster / President / PresentRandy Boyer / Vice President / Present
Tim Hunter / Treasurer / Present
Tom Whalen / Director / Present
Also in attendance: / Brian Hanson / Superintendent
Susan Doudy / Business Manager
Jeanette Allen / K-12 Principal
Theresa Titone / Administrative Assistant
Visitors in the audience: / Darrel Ellis / Board Candidate
Beverly Humiston / Board Candidate
Wesley Rivera / Board Candidate
Karen Blaine / School Nurse
Jeanne Archambeault / Editor, Mancos Times
MOTION by Mr. Hunter to approve the agenda with a correction to remove Item 9F.
Mr. Whalen seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Mr. Hunter to approve the minutes of the May 25, 2010, Regular Meeting.
Mr. Whalen seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
Appoint New Board Member
MOTION by Mr. Boyer to appoint Wesley Rivera as a Board Member to fulfill the term left empty by Missy Miller’s resignation. The term will last until November, 2011.
Mr. Whalen seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
Ms. Rivera was sworn in by Mr. Kloster. She will begin to participate at the Board Retreat on July 9.
MOTION by Mr. Whalen to appoint Mr. Hunter as the Secretary/Treasurer of the Mancos School District Re-6 Board of Education.
Mr. Boyer seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
There were no presentations or recognitions by the District or Board.
Karen Blaine reported on her participation in Rural Philanthropy Days on behalf of grants for the School District. She explained the concept of “School-Based Health Clinic.” She was successful in attaining permission to submit for a $5,000 planning grant. This type of grant is very rare to receive. She also asked for grants for obesity and hunger among our students. The person she contacted suggested she look into “Blessings in a Backpack” and “The Kids Pasta Project,” which are currently running at other schools in Colorado. Mr. Anshutz offered her double the money if she worked on granting those types of projects. She asked if anyone knows someone who can help her write the grants. Mr. Hanson said he has an appointment with Teresa Malone the first week in July to discuss how she might help us with grants.
Mr. Boyer asked if there was a policy regarding grants. While he commended Mrs. Blaine for what she has done, he said you do not want to overload your infrastructure with requesting grants. He said all grants should be approved by the Board. Mrs. Allen complimented Mrs. Blaine for all of the work she has done so far.
Superintendent’s Report
Mr. Hanson responded to a question from Mr. Kloster to about sending the school administrators to NISL. Mr. Boyer says this is an investment in leadership. He says this program will bring nine districts together to help them deal with the challenges they face. Mr. Hanson said that today principals are expected to be an educational leader. This program will help our staff meet our expectations. Mr. Hanson and Mr. Hunter both explained their participation at Rural Philanthropy Days. Mr. Hanson only made casual contacts; Mr. Hunter attended the elected official forum.
Mr. Hanson informed the Board of accepting a bid from Mr. Hunter’s company to install a roof on the cafeteria storage area.
K-12 Administrators’ Report
Mrs. Allen reported that after tonight, everyone will be hired for the positions that were open for next year.
Curriculum/Instruction Review
She reported the results of the ACTs for last year’s juniors. The average was 19.22, which is a little lover than last years.
Business Manager’s Report (verbal)
Mrs. Doudy reported that she is trying to close up this year and reviewed some of the expenditures that are in the Expense Report.
Accountability Committee Report
No Accountability meeting was held. There will not be any meetings over the summer.
BOCS Report (verbal)
Mr. Kloster and Mr. Hanson attended a Webinar held by the San Juan BOCES. Mr. Boyer stated the BOCES is hoping to conduct more of those in the future.
VO-Tech Report
Removed in Motion for Agenda Approval
Approve Bills
MOTION by Mr. Hunter to approve the Bills as presented.
Mr. Whalen seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0
Financial Reports
The Board did not have any questions regarding the Financial Reports.
Board Review Process of Handbooks
Mr. Hanson began the discussion regarding the process of the Board approving handbooks each year. The matter regarding credits for graduation sparked many comments regarding whether or not the Board wants to commit to reviewing and approving the Handbooks. He reported on the schools in the area where the Board does approve the handbooks; most Boards approve the handbooks with the exception of Montezuma-Cortez. Mr. Kloster does not think the Board needs to approve the handbooks, and the matter will be discussed further at the Board Retreat on July 9.
MOTION by Mr. Hunter to approve the following Action Items for Consent: A, B, D through J, L and M.
Mr. Whalen seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
A. Second Reading Required Policies G-I
GBA Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity
GBAA Sexual Discrimination and Harassment
GBEB Staff Conduct (and Responsibilities)
GBEBA Staff Dress Code
GBEC Drug-Free Workplace (Drug and Alcohol Use by Staff Members)
GBEC-EEmployee Acknowledgment Form Drug-Free Workplace Policy Statement—Exhibit
GBEE* Staff Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications
GBEE*-E Staff Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications
(Annual Acceptable Use Agreement)—Exhibit
GBGB Staff Personal Security and Safety
GCE/GCFProfessional Staff Recruiting/Hiring
GCE/GCF-R Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring—Regulation
GCOA Evaluation of Instructional Staff
GCOA-REvaluation of Instructional Staff—Regulation
GCOC Evaluation of Administrative Staff
GCOC-REvaluation of Administrative Staff—Regulation
GDE/GDFSupport Staff Recruiting/Hiring
GDE/GDF-R Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring—Regulation
IHA Basic Instructional Program
IHAM Health Education
IHAM-R Health Education (Exemption Procedure)—Regulation
IHAMB Family Life/Sex Education
IHAMB-R Family Life/Sex Education (Exemption Procedure)—Regulation
IHAMC-R HIV/AIDS Education (Exemption Procedure)—Regulation
ILBB State Program Assessments
IMDB Flag Displays
Approved by Consent Motion.
B. First Reading Required Policies JB- JH
JB Equal Educational Opportunities
JBA Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
JBA-E Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex — Exhibit
JBB* Sexual Harassment
JF Admission and Denial of Admission
JF-R Admission and Denial of Admission
(Procedures for Students in Out-of-Home Placements) – Regulation
JF-E Admission and Denial of Admission — Exhibit
JF-E-2 Delegation of Custodial Power by Parent or Guardian—Exhibit
JFABD Homeless Students
JFABD-R Homeless Students — Regulation
JFBB Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment
JFBB-R Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment — Regulation
JFC Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts
JFC-R Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts — Regulation
JH Student Absences and Excuses
Approved by Consent Motion.
C. Act on Recommendation of Coaching Contracts for Winter/Spring Sports
MOTION by Mr. Hunter to approve the recommendation to approve the Coaching Contracts for Winter/Spring Sports.
Mr. Whalen seconds.
Mr. Hunter brought up the fact that when Gary Hill retired from the district it was stated that Mr. Hill would only coach for one year. Mr. Hanson called the Board’s attention to his recommendation on the 3rd coach for Basketball and waiting until we know if we need that coach. Mr. Kloster would like to see an assessment of the school’s Athletic activities. He is concerned by the lack of interest in participating in sports. Mr. Hanson said some assessments had been conducted last year, and that they would continue this year.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
D. Act on Recommendation to approve
1. K-12 Counselor Job Description
2. High School Registrar Job Description
Approved by Consent Motion.
E. Act on Recommendation to approve MOU with Four Corners Recycling Initiative
Approved by Consent Motion.
F. Act on Recommendation to approve Accreditation Contract
Approved by Consent Motion.
G. Act on Recommendation to approve Consolidated Grant Application
Approved by Consent Motion.
H. Act on Amendment to Superintendent’s Contract
Approved by Consent Motion.
I. Act on Recommendation to approve hiring of Caroline Glover as High School Secretary
Approved by Consent Motion.
J. Act on Recommendation to approve hiring of Carrie Harper as Elementary Teacher
Approved by Consent Motion.
K. Act on Recommendation to approve hiring of David Matthew Patton as K-12 Counselor
MOTION by Mr. Whalen to approve the recommendation
Mr. Hunter seconds.
Mr. Boyer is concerned about Mr. Patton’s lack of certification as a School Counselor. Mr. Hanson stated that Mr. Patton has sent for a Service from CDE. CDE will make the decision on whether or not to grant that license. Mr. Boyer sees a problem in how Mr. Patton was trained. Mr. Whalen asked if other candidates were considered and Mrs. Allen responded, yes several others were considered but for one reason or another were not offered the position. Mr. Kloster asked if Mr. Patton is willing to do what it takes to get the certification.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
L. Act on Recommendation to approve hiring of Heidi Casper as Secondary ELL/Spanish Teacher
Approved by Consent Motion.
M. Act on Recommendation to Approve Student Insurance
Approved by Consent Motion.
N. Act to Approve Final FY11 Budget
MOTION by Mr. Whalen to approve the resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Mancos School District RE-6 in Montezuma County that the amounts shown in the following schedule be appropriated to each fund as specified in the “Adopted Budget” for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011.
General Fund $4,827,571.63
Preschool Fund $ 42,193.70
Capital Reserve Special Fund $ 627,076.00
Bond Redemption Fund $ 381,304.94
Food Service Fund $ 193,429.42
Pupil Activity Fund $ 149,458.00
Mr. Boyer seconds.
Mrs. Doudy explained the Budget and all changes that had been made. The budget shows deficit spending of $193, 690. 49. Most of that comes from the new Middle School heater. It would have only been $19,546.29, without that expense.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
MOTION by Mr. Boyer to approve the resolution:
WHEREAS, C.R.S. 22-44-105 states that a budget, duly adopted pursuant to this article, shall not provide for expenditures, interfund transfers, or reserves, in excess of available revenues and beginning fund balance.
WHEREAS, the Board of Education may authorize the use of a portion of the beginning fund balance in the budget, stating the amount to be used, the purpose for which the expenditure is needed, and the district’s plan to ensure that the use of the beginning fund balance will not lead to an ongoing deficit.
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined the beginning fund balance is sufficient to allow for the one-time expenditure and the action will not lead to an ongoing deficit.
In accordance with C.R.S. 22-44-105, the Board of Education authorizes the use of a portion of the FY20010-11 Beginning Fund Balance for the following funds: General Fund, in the amount of $193,690.49 for the purpose of replacing the heater in the Middle School ($174,144.20) and giving a step raise to employees; Bond Fund, in the amount of $39,000.00 for the purpose of drawing down reserves to prepare for the final payment in December, 2011.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the use of this portion of the beginning fund balances for the purpose set forth above may lead to an ongoing deficit and may need to be corrected in future years.
Mr. Whalen seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
O. Approve Capital Reserve Purchase Resolution
MOTION by Mr. Hunter to approve the Capital Reserve Purchase Resolution:
In order to begin the middle school heater project at the Mancos School District RE-6, the Board of Education hereby authorizes a Capital Reserve expenditure of $39,545.71 to McKinstry Essention, Inc.
Invoice 42436 $ 9,285.58
Invoice 42536 $15,656.77
Invoice 42589 $ 3,942.51
Invoice 42661 $10,660.85
Mr. Whalen seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
P. Approve Capital Reserve Purchase Resolution:
MOTION by Mr. Whalen to approve the Capital Reserve Purchase Resolution:
In order to install culverts and provide extra gravel at the bus barn for the Mancos School District RE-6, the Board of Education hereby authorizes a Capital Reserve expenditure of $2,100.00 to Walter Everett of Mancos, CO.
Mr. Hunter Seconds.
AYE: Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Kloster, and Mr. Whalen. NO: None. Motion carried 4-0.
P. Approve Resolution for spending Beginning Fund Balance FY10 Bond Fund