

Applied Vocabulary

1 Credit Hour

Division of Humanities

Instructor: Susan Regan

Applied Vocabulary


Course Number: CM086

Time & Day: Various hours

Location: Room 210

Instructor: Susan Regan

Office: Room 209

Phone: 785-243-1435 ext. 230



Materials: Vocabulary Basics by Judith Nadell, Beth Johnson, & Paul Langan.

Marlton, N. J.: Townsend Press.

Groundwork For a Better Vocabulary by R. Kent Smith, Beth Johnson, & Carole Mohr.

2nd edition. Townsend Press.

Building Vocabulary Skills by Donald J. Goodman, Sherrie L. Nist, & Carole Mohr.

2nd edition. Townsend Press.

Office Hours: 8:00 – 5:00 Daily

Course Description:

Placed in the appropriate level text, the students will improve vocabulary skills through contextually based activities. Pronunciation, parts of speech, and contextual usage will be emphasized in the course. Students will identify synonyms, antonyms, analogies, and derivatives as words become a part of their reading, writing, and speaking vocabularies.

Prerequisite: None

SEQUENCING: CM096 may be taken after this class.

Method of Evaluation/Grading:

Total points for all assignments and tests will affect the total possible points for the class. The workbook must be completed before the chapter test will be given. Also included in the score are unit post tests and an end of course achievement test.

Average of Book Exercises 20%

Average of Chapter Tests 40%

Average of Posttests 30%

Final Test 10%

The student will be awarded a letter grade.

A = 90 - 100%

B = 80 - 89%

C = 70 - 79%

D = 60 - 69%

F = 59%

Teaching Methods:

The chapters will be checked by the instructor and supplemental activities may be included to enhance the learning experience. The student is responsible for identifying challenging words so a greater understanding of the definitions can be facilitated by the instructor. Flash cards are recommended for learning definitions.

assignment policy:

The student will come to class prepared to discuss words and take tests. Each chapter must be completed and the student must be prepared to discuss the words. Incomplete assignments slow the progress of the course.

Course Policies

Academic Integrity

It is imperative that each student does his/her own work. The following policy will apply to all students in class.

Infractions of academic integrity (honesty) shall include:

·  Using another student’s work without giving the student credit for the work. In other words, taking someone else’s file and placing your name on it and claiming it is yours, using another student’s quiz, or help on a quiz/exam.

·  Giving another student your file(s) knowing that he/she intends to turn it in as his/her own creation, giving another student your quiz, or help on a quiz/exam.

It is not an infraction of the policy to help another student understand how to do an assignment if he/she does the work himself/herself with your assistance.


“Cheating means getting unauthorized help on an assignment, quiz or examination.”

  1. You must not receive from any other students or give to any other students any information, answers, or help during an exam.
  2. You must not use unauthorized sources for answers during an exam. You must not take notes or books to the exam when such aids are forbidden, and you must not refer to any book or notes while you are taking the exam unless the instructor indicates it is an “open book” exam.
  3. You must not obtain exam questions illegally before an exam or tamper with an exam after it has been corrected.

Materials taken from “Academic Dishonesty in Our Classrooms.” Instructional Exchange, 1990, 2 (2), 1-4 (Newsletter available from the Office of University Assessment and Intellectual Skills Program, Western Michigan University)


“Plagiarism” means submitting work as your own that is someone else’s. For example, copying material from a book, the Internet, or another source without acknowledging that the words or ideas are someone else’s and not your own is plagiarism. If you copy an author’s words exactly, treat the passage as a direct quotation and supply the appropriate citation. If you use someone else’s ideas, even if you paraphrase the wording, appropriate credit should be given. You have committed plagiarism if you purchase a term paper or submit a paper as your own that you did not write.

Penalties for Infractions:

Students who cheat on tests will receive an F for the course.

Attendance Policy:

Students must attend each class session. Absences must be reported to the instructor through messages delivered by the college information desk, voice mails or e-mails. Excessive absence will result in a lower grade as the student will not have focused on the terms. Regular attendance results in greater success for the student.


Students are expected to conduct their behavior in appropriate manner.

Examination Policy:

The class must be completed before finals week. If coursework is not completed, assignments must be turned in before the final exam is given. The final will be given before finals week at the completion of all coursework.

Instructor Assistance:

Instructor is available during office hours.

Tutor Assistance:

Tutors are available in the Learning Skills Center. Contact the Learning Skills Center for more information.

Incomplete Policy:

Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without sound reason and documented as described in the Student Handbook. The incomplete must be made up with the instructor assigning the incomplete and must be completed the semester immediately following the semester in which the class was taken. Refer to the Student Handbook for a complete explanation.


Cloud County Community College has an Academic Due Process Policy to address any student academic complaints. For any unresolved complaints, the policy can be obtained from the Academic Affairs Office.

COURSE GOALS (Student Learning Outcomes):

By the end of the course, the student will demonstrate and practice

1. inference of definitions through context

2. identification of derivations in different contexts

3. knowledge of prefixes and suffixes

4. identification of roots in commonly used words

5. increased understanding of general vocabulary terms


In an essay, the student will demonstrate the use of vocabulary words included in a chapter.

Accommodation for Disability:

If you need academic adjustments for any type of disability, see your instructor during office hours or make an appointment. Students also may contact the Director of Advisement and Retention Services, located in the Advisement Center.

Inclement Weather Policy:

In case of extremely severe weather, the college may close. The following radio and TV stations will be notified:

KNCK 1390 AM Concordia KCLY 100.9 FM Clay Center

KREP 92.1 FM Belleville KHCD 89.5 FM Hutchinson

KVSV 1190 AM Beloit KSAL 1150 AM Salina

WIBW (TV) Chan. 13 Topeka KWCH (TV) Chan. 12 Wichita

KOLN (TV) Chan. 10 Lincoln, NE

Notification will also be placed on the internet at www.cancellations.com. A text message will also be sent out on the Emergency Text Messaging System for the students who have signed up for it.

Students should call the switchboard at 800-729-5101 or 785-243-1435 if they are unable to attend class due to hazardous conditions. Night class and off campus class cancellations are left to the discretion of the instructor.


When alarms are sounded or crisis conditions arise, you will be instructed to move to a designated safe area or to remain in the classroom until the crisis has passed. If you are informed to leave the room, take as many of your personal belongings as time permits. Cell phones and other electronic devices are only to be used once you arrive in the safe area outside the building. Students requiring special assistance will be the responsibility of the instructor or staff person.

Systems of alert for tornado or bomb threat: PA system, phone, or staff interruption of class. In case of fire, the alarm will sound.

If directed to leave the building, evacuate to the soccer field unless an alternate safe location has been designated.