Dear Applicant
Portfolio Managers (x 2)
Thank you for your interest in the above post. I have pleasure in enclosing the following details:
- Summary of Conditions of Service
- Job Description
- Person Specification
- Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
- Circle Anglia – what we do for you
- Guidance on Appeal Procedures
Please complete your application online via our website:
The closing date for applications is 5:00pm on15th July 2010. Applicants who are short listed will be invited to an assessment day.
If you have provided us with an email address you will be notified of the progress of your application via email / the Circle Anglia Careers website.If you have not provided an email address we will only contact you if you have been shortlisted for assessment.
If you have any queries please contact me using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
I look forward to receiving your completed application.
Yours sincerely
Kirsty Strowlger
Recruitment Officer
Direct Dial: 01603 703502
Summary of Conditions of Service
Post:Portfolio Managers(x 2)
Contract Term:Permanent
Location:Corsica Street, London, N5 1JG
Salary:£27,459 - £30,465 per annum
Hours: 35 hours per week
Circle Anglia operates flexible working policies which you may be able to benefit from subject to the requirements of the policies
Holidays:29 days running from 1 January to 31 December pro rata. After three years service the holiday entitlement rises to 30 days, after five years service to 31 days, after seven years service to 32 and after nine years service to 33 days pro rata.
Sickness:During probationary period there are 10 days paid sick leave pro rata. During first year of service, following satisfactory completion of probationary period, 20 days paid sick leave pro rata.
Thereafter: up to 13 weeks at full pay followed by 13 weeks at 75% of pay
This is subject to procedures being followed.
Probationary period:Six months
Notice period:One month upon satisfactory completion of probationary period.
/ Circle Anglia LimitedJob Description
Portfolio Manager
Responsible to:Portfolio Team Manager
Key Purpose:Key Account-abilities / To deliver a comprehensive, customer focussed management service to a portfolio of properties that may include properties let on Assured Shorthold Tenancies (AST) at Intermediate Rent (IR) or Market Rent (MR) as well as Leasehold and Shared Ownership Properties. Always to ensure the health and safety of residents, visitors and/or public.
- Customer Service
- Undertake a regular schedule of property inspections to ensure they are well maintained and managed, presenting a safe and secure environment for residents and visitors. Periodically to undertake formal risk assessment visits.
- Work collaboratively with the Sales and Marketing Team and Development Department to ensure high quality seamless service delivery to all customers moving in to new homes.
- To assist in developing and implementing C&L’s resident involvement strategy promoting and supporting resident consultation and participation.
- Performance Management
- To secure, safeguard and maximise all revenue stream to CSCA and Circle Anglia (CA) including ensuring all rent reviews are implemented in a timely way and all rent and service charge arrears enquiries are dealt with promptly. To promptly make claims on any rent guarantees or bonds where available.
- Minimise the time properties are vacant by ensuring the efficient letting and re-letting at all times in accordance with any nominations agreements or management agreements in force and to appropriately vet tenants where permitted. Where relevant forming excellent working relationships with key people and agencies making nominations.
- Attend pre-void and void inspections in addition to viewings and signs ups and where dealt with by other team members, always to help ensure that procedures are complied with for their safety on site.
- To ensure that all activities are within budgetary constraints, including estate service charges, and regularly monitor expenditure drawing any over spend to the attention of the Portfolio Team Manager.
- Where appropriate ensure that landlords repairing obligations under the terms of their lease/contract with CA is complied with at all times.
- To produce reports and statistical information including KPI’s ensuring that accurate and relevant information is produced and any issues of concern are drawn to the attention of the Portfolio Team Manager immediately.
- To ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly and effectively in line with policy and procedures, and that identified improvement action points are acted upon.
- Working in Partnership
- To take an active role, acting as client where CA’s partner RSL’s are providing estate services, day to day repairs, gas servicing and cyclical or major work programmes and other matters, as required and applicable for the management of all estates including those with mixed tenure to ensure always the properties and estates are well managed, maintained and provide a safe and secure environment for residents and visitors and the value of CA investment is protected.
- To promote a professional and positive image of C&L and CA and its activities, at all times with external partners and all other third parties. To attend and represent CSCA at all relevant multi-agency forums and other meetings and develop effective relations with all partner agencies.
- General
- To undertake all duties in line with CA’s values, policies and procedures and regulations ensuing that the work undertaken actively promotes equality of opportunity and non-discrimination.
- To carry out all duties in a safe and proper manner in accordance with health and safety legislation and CA’s health and safety policy.
- To carry out any duties commensurate with the level of the post.
- The post holder will be required to work some evenings and weekends as the role demands.
/ Circle Anglia Ltd
Person Specification
Portfolio Manager
Professional Knowledge and Experience / Essential
Knowledge of the property and housing market, as it relates to properties held on long leases and/or Assured Shorthold Tenancies.
Understanding of Landlord and Tenant law and the legal processes for managing properties held AST’s and/or Long Leases.
Understanding of building technology as it relates to day to day repairs, defects in new properties and cyclical maintenance and works.
Good IT skills, knowledge of Microsoft office suite and housing database (Orchard).
To hold a valid UK driving licence and be able to drive for work purposes.
Good knowledge of the management of properties let on AST’s.
Good knowledge of the management of properties held on long leases.
Experience of managing a varied portfolio of Leasehold and Assured Shorthold properties
Thinking style
Analysis and problem solving / Ability to analyse information in a logical and objective way, establishing trends and patterns. Quickly identifies the key issues in complex situations. Takes a realistic approach to work related problems by identifying possible causes and practical solutions. Obtains and evaluates relevant data and information. Makes sound judgements of decision when required.Structure / Plans and monitors own work. Identifies priorities, targets and objectives. Shows concern for minimising errors and maintain high standards of work. Able to work within existing systems. Willing to persevere to meet deadlines.
Relationships with people
Self-portrayal / Presents arguments in a persuasive manner. Negotiates effectively showing a willingness to find a common ground. Develops and maintains relationships with others inside Circle Anglia and with customers and clients outside the organisation. Is co-operative within the team to achieve objectives.Customer orientation / Demonstrates a consistent commitment to meeting customer service guarantees. Work to understand customer needs and seeks feedback on service quality and places high value on customer satisfaction
Communication / Able to communicate effectively at all levels including professional staff and tenants, on behalf of and representing the organisation. Appropriately tailors written communication and presentations to suit the needs of the situation and the audience. Written communication and presentations is clear, concise and comprehensive. Verbal communication is clear, concise and sensitive.
Behaviours and emotions
Resilience / Ability to maintain effective work performance while under pressure. Ability to cope in demanding and stressful situations and with difficult people, showing self-control. Copes well with change.Initiative / Is proactive in taking responsibility for everyday problems and more major initiatives. Acts for the benefit of Circle Anglia through being resourceful, and taking the initiative. Does not wait for direction, and is willing to take own decisions without looking for approval from others.
Results orientation / Is self-motivated and perseveres to overcome obstacles. Sets high professional standards for self. Is motivated by achieving high quality results. Sets clear targets and goals in all areas of work and puts in place systems for monitoring progress against these. Identifies the reasons for shortfalls and ensures these are corrected.
Equal Opportunities at Circle Anglia
Circle Anglia has a long history of being committed to equality of opportunity, both in the way in which it delivers its services to its customers and in the recruitment and employment of staff and has a full policy which reflects this. It regularly monitors both these areas to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our customers and staff and to enable us to take action where it appears that the needs are not being met. The following is an extract from the full policy which is available upon request.
Circle Anglia’s policy statement
Circle Anglia values diversity. In delivering quality homes and quality services to diverse communities we will treat all people fairly.
We aim to:
- give the right service and same opportunities to everyone;
- recruit, train and develop all our staff so they are competent to achieve our objectives;
- apply our commitment to equal opportunities when we decide who serves on our board and committees.
All forms of harassment against or by a tenant, employee, contractor or consultant will be dealt with promptly, firmly and sensitively.
Summary of equal opportunities in employment
Circle Anglia will:
- seek to comply with the Race Relations, Sex and Disability Discrimination Codes of Practice in Employment;
- within the framework of law and wherever practical aim to achieve and maintain a diverse workforce which reflects the population of the local communities in which Circle Anglia provides services;
- ensure that our employment policies and management practices enable the retention of a diverse staff group:
- recruit, develop and promote staff on the basis of a fair, objective and rigorous assessment of competence and potential;
- expect staff to treat all customers and each other fairly and with respect;
- provide diversity awareness training tailored to the needs of new staff, managers and ‘front line’ service providers;
- monitor recruitment, promotion, training, study opportunities, and the staff profile by ethnic group, sex and disability to evaluate the diversity achieved;
- inform all our staff that they are required to follow the equal opportunities policy at all times.
Circle Anglia – what we do for you
When you’re applying for a new job, you naturally think about what you can offer to the organisation. Well we think you should also think about what the organisation can offer you. We know it’s a competitive market out there and as a dynamic and progressive organisation we need to attract the best people to help us achieve our goals and aims.
We’ve therefore come up with a package of benefits and flexible working options which we think you’ll be hard pushed to find elsewhere. See for yourself:
Basic benefits
- 29 days paid leave (for new starters)
- Excellent paid sick leave
- Very generous stakeholder pension scheme
- Long service awards – up to £2,500
- Bonus scheme for excellent performance (linked to annual performance review)
- Paid time off for medical appointments
- Interest free loans for season ticket and study leave
- Eye tests paid for and contribution towards glasses or lenses
- Professional membership fees paid (job related)
- Pay for being a First Aider or Fire Marshall
- Discount on HSA rates
- Mobile phones provided where appropriate
- Free counselling and legal advice scheme for you and your family
- Flexible working
Work-life balance and flexible working:
- Significant options for flexible working including working at home, compressed hours, flexi-time, part-time working, job share, annual hours, term time working, altered hours etc
- Sabbaticals – up to a year off after 5 years service
- Maternity leave – up to a year off including 13 weeks full pay and 13 weeks half pay
- Paternity leave – 10 days fully paid
- Paid adoption leave – with up to a year off
- Carers leave
- Compassionate leave
- Paid time off for certain public service activities
Developing, promoting and appraising you:
- Lots of internal promotion and sideways move opportunities
- Secondment opportunities
- Your own individual training programme
- Extremely comprehensive internal training programme
- Opportunities to go on external courses and conferences
- Paid sponsorship for professional qualifications with time off
- Team and organisation away-days and conferences
- Structured one to one and supervision sessions
- Annual performance appraisal
Guidance on Appeal Procedures
Circle Anglia Ltd operates an equal opportunities policy which aims to ensure that all job applicants and employees are treated fairly and equally regardless of sex, race, sexual orientation, disability, age or creed.
If, however, you feel that you have been unfairly treated because of your sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, age or creed, you must let us know.
Please put your complaint in writing to:
Head of Human Resources
Circle Anglia Ltd.
Anglia House
6 Central Avenue
St. AndrewsBusinessPark
Thorpe St. Andrew
Please state clearly why you feel you have been discriminated against. Your complaint will be investigated and you will be informed of the results of the investigation.
Where there has been discrimination we will take action to ensure that a similar incident does not occur in the future. This would include barring a staff member from participation in interview panel, disciplinary action/or revising our current procedures and practices.
By drawing your complaint to our attention we will be able to monitor whether job applicants are happy with the way in which we conduct ourselves.