Danville Little League
2013 Safety Manual
Managers and Coaches
Play It Safe
League ID Number
Danville Little League
P.O. BOX 1174
Danville, California 94526
Danville Little League is a chartered member of Little League Baseball, headquartered in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. We are in the Western Region, headquartered in San Bernardino, California and part of the local District 57. Our boundaries are predetermined by District 57 and do not follow school boundaries. Danville Little League supports the following:
T-Ball Division for league age 5
Rookie Ball Division for league age 6
Farm Division for league age 7
A for league ages 8 & 9
AA for league ages 9, 10 & 11
AAA for league ages 10 & 11
Majors Division for league ages 11 & 12
Intermediate Division for league ages 12 & 13
Juniors Division for league ages 13 & 14
Seniors Division for league ages 15 & 16
Big League for league ages 16, 17 & 18.
The mission of Danville Little League is to provide quality baseball experiences to Danville youth in a safe environment that balances integrity, respect, competition, fun and fair play.
This Safety Manual has been established in accordance with Little League Baseball guidelines and consistent with ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program), which was introduced to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball. All Danville Little League managers and coaches shall have the responsibility to read and understand this Safety Manual. The manager of each team shall be responsible for the safety of the team’s players and shall act as the team’s safety officer. If the manager leaves the field he/she shall designate a registered coach or parent as his substitute, who shall, while in such capacity also be the substitute team safety officer under this Safety Manual.
No Board Member, Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator shall:
- Physically attack, trip, push, shove, strike, or threaten to strike anyone.
- Impose personal verbal or physical abuse upon any official for any real or imaginary belief of a wrong decision or judgment.
- Be guilty of an objectionable demonstration of dissent at an official’s decision by throwing of gloves, helmets, hats, bats, balls, or any other forceful unsportsmanlike action.
- Challenge the umpire’s authority.
- Use unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of a game against the body of an opposing player.
- Speak or act in a disrespectful, demeaning or unsportsmanlike manner towards any player, official, coach, manager or spectator.
- Use any profane, obscene or vulgar language or gesture(s) in any manner, at any time.
- Appear on the field of play, stands or near the stands, while in an intoxicated state or what reasonably appears to be in such a state.
- Gamble or bet upon any play or outcome of any game.
- Smoke or use tobacco products, or what could be confused with tobacco products by a youth, when in team uniform or while at the ballpark, parking lot or with the players in a League event or capacity.
- Publicly discuss in a derogatory, demeaning or abusive manner any play, decision or personal opinion on any player, official, coach, manager or spectator.
- Willfully, or repeatedly, violate any safety rules including pitch count rules.
- Tamper with or manipulate any League rosters, schedules, draft positions or selections, official scorebooks, rankings, financial records, policies or procedures, or the minutes of any official League meeting.
Any umpire shall have the authority and discretion during a game to penalize the offender for any violation of this Code of Conduct, according to the severity of the infraction, up to and including expulsion from the game.
The Conduct Committee of the Board of Directors will review all infractions of this Code of Conduct. Depending on the Committee’s evaluation of the seriousness of the offense, or its frequency, the Board in its sole and absolute discretion may assess additional disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the League.
Danville Little League Phone Numbers
Main Number: (925) 277-5340 (voice mail)______
Danville Police – Emergency...... …………...... 911
Danville Police - Non-emergency.....…925-838-6691______
Board of Directors
President………………………. Brent Hughes……..…...... 984-8701 Executive VP…….....………….Arnie Corral ..……………..…899-0168Player Agent …………………...Andy Swierstra………………314-9795
Secretary ………………………Tom Burrill..……………….. ..580-0192
Treasurer...... ……………..Brent Bowman……...... 415-235-1318
League Information Officer……Bill Archer………………408-393-2393
League Coordinator....………..Cyndee Ragan….... ………..323-3571
T-Ball/Rookie Ball Director……Kevin Salmon..…………510-913-5583
Farm Director………………….. Brian Balingit…………………820-8358
A Director……………………… Darren Nicholson……………4064599
AA Director…………………….. Jim Putnam…………………..683-3380
AAA Director……………………Tom Burrill….. ……………….580-0192
Majors Director………………….Troy Page .…………………..765-2669
Junior/Senior Director………….Steve Pugh………….. ……..301-7911
Training Chair…………………..Warren Anderson……………773-6485 Scorekeeping…………………..Bob Romero……...... …837-6884
Safety Director…………………. Mike Ragan ……………. …984-4101
Fields Management…………….Scott Diekman……………. 250-0969
Umpire Director…………………Chris Shadowens….….…….381-2811
Equipment……………………….Brent Hughes……………….984-8701
Uniforms…………………………Brent Hughes….……. …….. 984-8701
Sports Alliance Rep…………… Scott Diekman……………... 250-0969
Post Season…………………… Andy Swierstra……………...831-2404
Directory…………………………Cyndee Ragan………………323-3571
Sponsor Director………. ………David Mladinich………..……997-5230 Snack Shack…………………….Trish Facteau………….…....683-7822
Opening Day…………………….Cyndee Ragan………………323-3571
Registration……………………. Bill Archer…………….....408-393-2393
Challenger……………………….Frank Elliott………..………. 736-5373
Tryouts………………………… Andy Swierstra………………314-9795
Conduct Committee ……………TBD……………..……………
Legal Director …………………..Mark Dawson……………… 743-9007
/ Coaches, are your “expectations” reasonable and consistent?
- to be on time for all practices and games.
- to always do their best whether in the field or on the bench.
- to be cooperative at all times and share team duties.
- to respect not only others, but themselves as well.
- to be positive with teammates at all times.
- to try not to become upset at their own mistakes or those of others.
- to support one another.
- to understand that winning is only important if you can accept losing, as both are important parts of any sport.
- to be on time for all practices and games.
- to be as fair as possible in giving playing time to all players.
- to do your best to teach the fundamentals of the game.
- to be positive and respect each child as an individual.
- to set reasonable expectations for each child and for the
- to teach the players the value of winning and losing.
- to be open to ideas, suggestions or help.
- to never holler at any member of your team, the opposing team or the umpires. Any confrontation will be handled in a respectful, quiet and individual manner.
- to come out and enjoy the game. Cheer to make all players feel important.
- to allow you to coach and run the team.
- to try not to question your leadership. All players will make mistakes and so will you.
- to not holler at the coaches, the players or the umpires. We are all responsible for setting examples for our children. We must be the role models in society today. If we eliminate negative comments, the children will have an opportunity to play without any unnecessary pressures and will learn the value of sportsmanship.
- to not question the coaching strategies or leadership in front of the players or fans, but to discuss any concerns with you in private.
Dedicated to Injury Prevention
- Managers are responsible for team safety, or the coaches in Manager’s absence. Safety responsibility may be delegated to coaches or qualified parents.
- Managers shall keep originals of medical release forms with them at all times.
- Cell phones should be carried by managers/coaches to each practice and game.
- Managers, coaches and umpires should have training in first-aid. First-aid kits are located in the equipment bin at each field and in the “Snack Shack” concession stand.
- No games or practices should be held when weather or field conditions are not good, particularly when lighting is inadequate.
- Play area should be inspected before each use by home team Manager for holes and other safety issues.
- Equipment condition should be inspected regularly as well as for proper fit. Remove any unsafe equipment.
- All team equipment should be stored within the team dugout, or behind screens, and not within the area defined by the umpires as “in play”.
- Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the field of play should be that of a player assigned for this purpose or the team’s manager and coaches.
- Procedure should be established for retrieving foul balls batted out of playing area.
- During practice and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.
- During warm-up drills players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches.
- All pre-game warm-ups should be performed within the confines of the playing field and not within areas that are frequented by, and thus endanger spectators (i.e., playing catch, pepper, swinging bats, etc.)
- Only players, managers, coaches, and umpires are permitted on the playing field or in the dugout during games and practice sessions.
- Farm and A divisions will use RIF Level 5 balls, TBall division will use RIF Level 1 balls.
- Batters, runners and catchers must wear protective helmets which meet NOSCAE specs and standards during practices and games.
- Catchers must wear catcher’s helmet, mask, throat guard, long model chest protector, shin guards and protective cup with athletic supporter at all times (males) for all practices and games. NO EXCEPTIONS. Managers should ensure that all male players are wearing protective cups and supporters for practices and games.
- Catchers must wear catcher’s helmet and mask with a throat guard in warming up pitchers. This applies between innings and in the bull-pen during a game and also during practices. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Except when runner is returning to a base, head first slides are not permitted. (Except in Juniors Division)
- All bases will be “break-away” type. TBall or Farm divisions may use throw-down bases.
- Player must not wear watches, rings, pins, jewelry or metallic items during games and practices. Medical alerts are permissible if taped in place.
- Parents of players who wear glasses should be encouraged to provide safety goggles.
- Managers and coaches may not warm up pitchers at home plate, in the bull pen or elsewhere at any time.
- Catchers must be used for all batting practice sessions.
- Bat boys/girls are not allowed in dugouts.
- On-deck batters are not permitted (Except in Juniors Division). The traditional batting donut is not allowed.
- Speed Limit 5 mphin roadways and parking lots while attending any Danville Little League function. Watch for children around parked cars.
- No alcohol,smoking or tobacco products are allowedat any Danville Little League game or practice.
- No playing in parking lots at any time.
- No playing on and around lawn equipment.
- Use Cross walks when crossing road ways. Always be alert for traffic.
- No throwing ballsagainst dugouts or against backstop.
- No throwing bats.
- No “horseplay” should be permitted on the playing field.
- No climbing fences.
- No unleashed petsare permitted at Danville Little League games or practices.
- Only a player on the fieldand at bat may swing a bat (Age 5 – 12). Juniors (Age 13) on the field at bat or on deck may swing a bat.
- No swinging batsor throwing baseballsat any time within the walkways/common areas of a Danville Little League complex.
- Players and spectators should be alert at all times for foul balls anderrant throws.
- During gamesplayers must remain in the dugout area in an orderly fashion at all times.
- After each game, each team must clean up trash in dugout and around stands.
- All gates to the field must remain closedat all times. After players have entered or left the playing field, gates should be closed and secured.
- No children under the age of 16are to be permitted in the Snack Shack.
- Managers and coaches will never leave an unattended child at practice or a game. Managers will make their policy for unattended children known to parents at the team meeting.
- No medication will be given at the facility unless administered directly by the player’s parent, guardian or physician. This includes aspirin and Tylenol.
See a need to add to the safety code? Contact:
Communicable Disease Procedures
1.Bleeding must be stopped, the open wound covered, and the uniform changed if there is blood on it before the athlete may continue.2.Routinely use gloves to prevent mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated (provided in first-aid kit).
3.Immediately wash hands and other skin surface if
contaminated with blood.
4.Clean all blood contaminated surfaces and equipment.
5.Managers, coaches, and volunteers with open wounds should refrain from all direct contact until the condition is resolved.
6.Follow accepted guidelines in the immediate control of
bleeding and disposal when handling bloody dressings, mouth
guards and other articles containing body fluids.
Emergency Do’s and Don’ts
Do ...Reassure and aid children who are injured, frightened or lost.
Provide, or assist in obtaining, medical attention for those who require it.
Know your limitations.
Assist those who require medical attention - and when administering aid, remember to ...
LOOKfor signs of injury (Blood, Black-and-blue
Deformity of joint etc.).
LISTEN to the injured describe what happened and what hurts if conscious. Before questioning, you may have to calm and soothe an excited child.
FEEL gently and carefully the injured area for signs of swelling, or grating of broken bone.
Have your players’ Medical Clearance Forms with you at all games and practices.
Make arrangements to have a cellular phone available when your game or practice is at a facility that does not have any public phones.
Don’t ...
Administer any medications
Provide any food or beverages (other than water)
Hesitate in giving aid when needed
Be afraid to ask for help if you’re not sure of the proper procedures (i.e., CPR, etc.)
Transport injured individuals except in extreme
Leave an unattended child at a practice or game
Hesitate to report any present or potential safety hazard to the Safety Director immediately. /
Accident Reporting Procedures
What to report - An incident that causes any player to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the Director of Safety.
When to report - All such incidents described above must
be reported to the Director of Safety within 24 hours of the
How to make the report – The reporting incidents can be sent via the Injury Report form which is in your team manager binder. A copy is included in this Safety Manual on the next page. Within 24 hours of receiving the Injury Report form, the Safety Director will contact the injured party or the party’s parents and
verify the information received;
obtain any other information deemed necessary;
check on the status of the injured party; and
in the event that the injured party required other medical treatment ( Emergency Room visit, doctor’s visit, etc.) will advise the parent or guardian of the League’s insurance coverage
and the provision for submitting any claims. If the extent of the injuries are more than minor in nature, the Safety Director shall periodically call the injured party to:
Check on the status of any injuries, and
Check if any other assistance is necessary in areas such as submission of insurance forms, etc., until such time as the incident is considered “closed” (i.e., no further claims are expected and/or the individual is participating in the League again).
Player Injured:______Time of Injury:______
Name and phone number of person filling out this form: ______
Date of Injury:______Age:______Sex:M F
Player Injured Address:______
Player Injured Phone #:______Field:______
Exact location injured on the playing field: ______
Incident occurred during:Game ( )Practice ( )Other ( )
What was the injured player doing when the incident occurred?
Who else was involved?
What specific parts of the body were injured?
Immediate Action Taken
(Please Check)
No treatment of injury:( )
First aid administered:( )Type of first aid: ______
Taken to a physician:( )Persons name escorting injured player:______
Taken to hospital:( )Hospital name:______
Wasa parent / relative / guardian notified:YesNo
If “YES”: Name and relationship to injured player: ______
Follow Up
Please explain any follow up action taken by the coach.
(Example: Coach calls injured player at home)
Comments or suggestions on how this injury could be avoided in the future:
Complete and mail within 24 hours of the incident to:
League Safety Director
POBOX 1174, Danville, CA94526
(This form is used by DDL for statistics and safety purposes. This is not an insurance form.)
Little League accident insurancecovers only those activities approved or sanctioned by Little League Baseball, Incorporated. Danville Little League participants shall not participate as a Little League team in games with other teams of other programs or in tournaments except those authorized by Little League Baseball, Incorporated.